Chapter 320 Li Si must give

"Forget it, Lao Wang, don't be so busy getting excited. This hot air balloon actually has a very weak load capacity." Qin Mu pointed to the picture he drew: "This hanging basket is a place for people to ride, and it can actually be planted. Four or five people, at most, can only hold another hundred or so catties, if there are more, it will not be able to hold it."

Qin Mu guessed that Wang Jian might have thought of using this hot air balloon to do something, but he didn't know that Wang Jian actually thought of attacking the city... This really doesn't mean that no matter how powerful the hot air balloon is, the load is limited, and the damage to the city wall is still limited. of.At most, it can form a huge psychological pressure on the city wall guards.

Especially...if it is produced on a large scale, that scene, it is estimated that the defense line on the other side will collapse soon.

Wang Jian calmed down, looked at the hot air balloon, and frowned: "Even if the load is limited, this kind of weapon that can fly into the sky is still a bit too powerful. If our scouts ride in such a hot air balloon, the enemy's formation will , can see everything at a glance, so when we start a war, wouldn’t it really be what Sun Tzu said, 'Know yourself and the enemy and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles'?"

Li Si thought about it from another angle: "Son, isn't this thing the same as a carriage? If a carriage is small, it can only accommodate two people. But if the carriage is increased, more people can be seated." People. If you add a few more horses, you can pull the cart even faster. This hot air balloon, why not make it bigger?"

Qin Mu shook his head: "The principle of a hot air balloon determines that it has an optimal size. If it is made too large, the internal air will be heated too slowly, and the speed and height of ascent will be affected. If it is not worried about insufficient lift, In fact, the smaller the hot air balloon is, the more flexible it is!"

"As for the task of carrying people..." Qin Mu lifted the white paper on the table, and Li Si and Wang Jian saw that there was a blueprint below: "For the task of carrying people, you can use an airship, which is much more cost-effective than a hot air balloon! An airship, when there are many, can carry hundreds of people!"

"Hundreds of people?" Li Si and Wang Jian were really shocked. A hot air balloon is amazing enough, but Qin Mu has something even more amazing here?They looked at the drawing of the airship carefully, and found that... this drawing was countless times more complicated than the hot air balloon drawing just now, and the dense lines on it made them dizzy just looking at it...

However, if what Qin Mu said is true, according to the strategic value of this airship... far exceeds that of a hot air balloon!This thing is the kind of thing that can really change the outcome of a war!If it is combined with a hot air balloon, it can be said to be almost invincible!

Hot air balloons are fast and can be used for reconnaissance.During the battle between the two sides, the hot air balloon went up to find the opponent's handsome account, and then the airship flew directly into the sky, took hundreds of Yuehuying soldiers, and directly beheaded the opposing general... How fun should such a battle be?Every time the armies fight, the frontal battlefield is not doing well, but the prize in the rear is gone...

Wang Jian was the general who led the army, and he was also a master of the art of war at that time, so he thought of this possibility immediately.

He looked at Qin Mu, feeling a little excited, and some guesses surfaced: "Young are building the airship to...kill the Huns...quickly?"

Why have the Huns been able to harass Daqin?The combat effectiveness of the cavalry is one aspect, and more importantly, every time the Great Qin army gathers, these cavalry will run away like rabbits and plunder in another place.Including the real Xiongnu, why did the Great Qin attack many times, but it was difficult to eliminate hidden dangers?
It is because the Huns are nomads and cannot find their base camp!Even if they are lucky sometimes and find their king's tent, it's just a few tents!The Huns who smelled the danger ran away, Daqin had nothing to do!The two legs of a soldier cannot run a horse after all.

Besides, there are not many chances of finding Wang Zhang.Those 20 cavalry are the city wall between the Daqin army and the king's tent!
If you have a hot air balloon, you can directly pass the 20 cavalry and hit Huanglong directly!Even... If the Huns want to run away, they can't run away!Can you still run past the flying man?The airship directly sends people up. One airship can carry hundreds of people, and ten airships can carry 3000 people.

If [-] elite soldiers can be thrown directly into the king's account of the Huns... Even if the Huns can escape, they will definitely be seriously injured!Even in the future, if you see an airship, you will be afraid, and if you see Da Qin, you will run away!The scourge of the Huns is expected to be completely resolved!

Qin Mu nodded.This is his system task, and he must complete it.In particular, the system did not give detailed indicators, so Qin Mu could only do his best within the range given by the system...absolutely.Not to mention genocide, but to wipe out their army, isn't it too much?

These Huns, who were originally aliens, were all killed, and there were no innocent people.In winter, isn't every morsel of grain they eat grown by the hard work of the people of Daqin?When they looted, why did they ever think about whether the people of Daqin were innocent?
Wang Jian received an affirmative answer, and couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart. He clenched his fist and looked at Li Si: "Old Li, I don't care what method you use! You must give enough sheepskin! With these, we finally have the opportunity to completely wipe out the Xiongnu." The possibility! In the future, there will be no more wars on the border of Great Qin!"

Li Si's body stood upright.In fact, when he knew that what Qin Mu was going to do was a flying tool, he had already decided that he must ensure the use of Qin Mu's sheepskin.

Not to mention stopping the Royal Workshop, even if it is trading with the Huns, it will not hesitate!Even if it is a temporary enemy, as long as the soldiers of Daqin can fly, the food will still have to be brought back sooner or later?

"You don't need to say it!" Li Si bowed solemnly to Qin Mu: "Young master, you are able to make this airship and hot air balloon, which is really a blessing to the people of Daqin! With these, this expedition to the Huns will cause at least Reduce by [-]%!"

"Fifty percent?" Wang Jian said loudly, "You underestimated them! Let's put it this way, that boy Meng Yi has the demeanor of my youth, and the casualties will be reduced by at least seventy percent!"

Qin Mu couldn't help covering his face, this thing hasn't been made yet!I don't know what they are excited about?
"Don't be so busy getting excited, it's not easy to sit with two things! Wait for me to make it, and you will be happy! Lao Li, let me talk about it first. I will try the things you gave me. Do it, if you fail, there will be no return!"

(End of this chapter)

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