Chapter 321 Ancestral Dragon Inspection
Three days have passed since Li Si and Wang Jian's night visit.During these three days, Qin Mu was not idle at all.To make hot air balloons and airships, a prerequisite is that he must have an airtight material.In a hot air balloon, the hot air inside cannot drift away, or even cool down easily.And the airship can only float up directly by relying on special gas.

If you put it directly on the coarse cloth... then there is nothing to say, even if you are lucky and really fly, but as the air leaks out a little bit... in the end there is no other possibility except to fall.Qin Mu would naturally not let him appear for such a thing.Fortunately, such a thing is not difficult to say.

Qin Mu used a lot of methods that he had seen in his previous life, using asphalt, lard, and gum, and finally made a kind of airtight fabric.Moreover, this kind of fabric is very tough, even if Dianwei and Zhuqian pulled it together, it couldn't be pulled.At this point, even Qin Mu himself was a little surprised.

However, the better the fabric, the happier Qin Mu will be.At a high altitude, although the air pressure will become lower, the wind will be stronger due to the lack of friction on the ground.Therefore, hot air balloons and airships have to withstand a lot of wind. If one is not careful, the fabric is torn, and you can only wait for death.Therefore, with such a fabric, Qin Mu also used the sheepskin sent by Lao Li for all the key parts.

In this way, although the weight has increased a bit, the safety of the hot air balloon has been greatly increased, and Qin Mu is still very satisfied overall.Although the height of the hot air balloon may drop a few meters, its flying height is far more than [-] meters, not only beyond the range of bows and arrows, but even beyond the range of siege crossbows.

In any case, the cavalry of the Huns has no way to attack the hot air balloon.Of course, Qin Mu planned to use these things to guard against some immortals.However, the ability of the immortal is still unclear, so Qin Mu simply didn't think much about it.If you can still be attacked at a height of more than 100 meters, then it doesn't make much sense whether you sit in a hot air balloon or not.

Earlier, Zulong sent someone a message saying that he would come over this morning.Qin Mu took a quick look, and found that the hot air balloon is almost ready, so I can let my father experience it today.Flying... I'm afraid no one has completed this experience since the emergence of human beings, right?
The airship will have to wait.Qin Mu chose the time-consuming and labor-intensive rigid airship for safety, so the production cycle was longer.Of course, Qin Mu still knew how to choose between manpower and time in exchange for the survival rate of Daqin soldiers.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and the three generals had come in with Zu Long and others.Qin Mu first took them around the workshop... After all, hot air balloons are easy to use, but cannons are the main force to kill the Huns.The manufacture of cannons is related to the outcome of this war.

With the assembly line, the production speed of the cannon has increased by more than one step.After obtaining the drawings of the assembly line, Qin Mu and Li Hei specially observed the operation process of the workers on a section of the assembly line, and specially deployed different personnel according to the speed and efficiency of each link.

For example, now, each assembly line is connected to three blast furnaces, which can directly cast the cannon body. The blacksmith next to the blast furnace doesn't care about anything, just pours molten iron into the mold.There's a guy in the back who does the job of quenching the fire and then removing the mould.Next, there will be special people to measure various data of the gun body, and if there is a problem, the mold will be replaced immediately...

All in all, after one assembly line, the total number of people is almost 50 to [-] people.

Zu Long looked at it, both novel and strange.The novelty is because I have never seen such a workshop.The Royal Workshop is almost the ceiling of the Daqin handicraft industry, but it is still a craftsman who is responsible for a product. From the beginning to the final molding and delivery, all are in charge of one person.It is also easy to calculate when examining work and recording credit.

However, with Qin Mu doing this, so many people can only handle three cannons at the same time, and everyone is responsible for different links, so... the craftsmen don't know how to do their own work, so there will be no problems?
If a person follows the whole process, they have a clear mind on which links are prone to problems, and they can try to avoid them before the previous process.But now, if you cast it, just cast it, and if you quench it, just quench it. As for whether you will have any problems grinding the barrel later, what do I care about?After this, what should I do if there is a problem?

Qin Mu smiled and explained to him.In fact, the assembly line will not slow down the efficiency, but will greatly improve the efficiency.The original blacksmith's operation method is equivalent to miscellaneous but not perfect. He knows all the links, but he is not very proficient in all the links.In the current assembly line, blacksmiths are only responsible for one link, so they naturally have to study it in depth.

Although his own level has not been greatly improved, he has almost been tempered in the link he is responsible for, and he has done it quickly and well.Efficiency will naturally go up.As for problems in some links, naturally there will be a quality inspector every other section.This quality inspector does nothing but find problems.

In order to prevent some quality inspectors from not being serious, Qin Mu specially stipulated that the quality inspectors should be held by blacksmiths on the assembly line, and they would change positions every once in a while.When A was working as a blacksmith, he was picked on by B.Then when B works as a quality inspector, he will be very serious and want to find faults and take revenge.After going back and forth, this place also began to involve.

When they were blacksmiths, everyone tried their best to improve their skills to avoid being picked on.When working as a quality inspector, everyone checks carefully, lest there is no problem.

Finally, about the problems on the production line.Qin Mu assigned a foreman to every two assembly lines.Most of the foremen are older and prestigious Mohist disciples who are familiar with all aspects of cannon production and are responsible for solving those frequent problems.Of course, the candidate for the foreman was also someone who had been carefully researched by Jin Yiwei to ensure that there were no problems.

"So, originally these 50 people produced more than 20 cannons every day." Qin Mu said happily: "Now, the quantity they can produce every day has fully doubled to more than 60!"

"Combined with other manpower, it only takes half a month to produce all [-] cannons!"

For Qin Mu's progress, Zu Long cannot be said to be very satisfied, but can only be said to be overjoyed!
That's... two thousand cannons!It is difficult to make, but in the end, can it be done so quickly?

(End of this chapter)

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