Chapter 325 They Can Still Die

It took Zulong a long time to finally control his expression, so that he didn't look so demented.What he wants most now is to be able to regain control of his eyelids, so that his already very dry eyes can have a short respite.Just now, his eyes were a little sore from the wind, but he was still unable to move under the huge shock.

The world that Qin Mu mentioned has somewhat exceeded his imagination, and it can even be said that it has somewhat broken his original world view.But now think about it carefully, in such a world, there is no war, no hunger, a few people farming can feed the entire population, and other people can do whatever they want... There are no nobles in the world, only different people. Profession……

Although he had never thought about such a thing, but after Qin Mu finished speaking, he couldn't help feeling that this was the world he expected!Daqin is located in the middle of the pass, and there are natural terrains as barriers in all directions. Even if the six countries are united, they can only look at Hangu Pass and sigh.Even if Daqin switched to meet the enemy, the six countries would not dare to advance an inch, and could only return in vain.

In the turbulent Warring States Period, why did the people of Daqin insist on joining such a melee?How many mothers have lost their sons, wives their husbands, children their fathers, and for what?Of course, Zu Long did not deny that he has the ambition to dominate the world!Some of these Great Qin people died for his ambition!

However, it cannot be ignored, the desire in the heart of the people of Daqin.Only when the world is unified can the world be peaceful!If it is just a corner, the only end is to wait until the six eastern countries are unified, and then turn the spearhead!And only when Great Qin rules the world, can the people of Great Qin be the one that will not be bullied!Just as it is now, the people of Great Qin are suffering, but they are still better than the people of the Six Kingdoms!

Of course, in this world, the people are suffering.It is also impossible, and the productivity cannot be achieved!

But in all fairness, doesn't Zulong want to make life easier for the common people?No, it's just impossible!After having Qin Mu, he did see that hope!Especially after Qin Mu planted sweet potatoes and potatoes, Zu Long understood that in time, the people of Da Qin might never go hungry again!

Will he stop this thing?Not only will it not, but it also gave Qin Mu a lot of support, and even has been planning to promote it to the whole country after enough seeds are planted!
Even the most taboo thing for the rulers is to broaden the wisdom of the people, and Zulong implemented it without the slightest hesitation.I didn't know about the implementation of the imperial examination, and even listened to Qin Mu's opinion, and asked the local governments to borrow books for free for poor students!Is it because he doesn't know that the less knowledge the people have, the easier it is to rule?Of course he knew, but he disdained it!
How can the mind of an emperor through the ages be comparable to those vulgar emperors?
"Mu'er...your hometown, there are really so many...mysterious things?" Zu Long hoarse, looked at Qin Mu in disbelief.

Qin Mu nodded: "That's right...Of course, that place is too far away... In my life, it may be difficult to go back! However, I believe that the cohesion of Daqin is so strong, and we want to create another one. It's difficult!"

Qin Mu is also full of ambitions: "Although it is very difficult, our requirements are not that high! At least, with potatoes and sweet potatoes, it is not too difficult for the people of Daqin to have enough to eat! With these Things, isn’t there a lot of farmers who can be liberated? In the future, we can connect railway tracks between counties and counties across the country, and use steam locomotives to communicate with each other!”

"The people in the south have more silkworms, and the people in the north have more food. The two sides exchange, the north has clothes to wear, and the south has food. Isn't it good?"

Zu Long nodded, even he yearned for the world Qin Mu described!Even if it is impossible for Daqin to fully reach the level of that world, at least it can ensure that the people are fed and clothed, which is already very good!Even, if one or two out of ten of the things Qin Mu just described were moved to Daqin... wouldn't it just take off in place?

However, Zu Long immediately remembered another thing: "That...Mu'er, aren't you from Hanzhong County? I have been to Hanzhong County, why haven't I seen the things you mentioned..."

Qin Mu's expression froze, "Oops, what he said was smooth, but he forgot about it!"In this life, he was indeed from Hanzhong County, and what he said was actually the situation in the previous life.It's just...he really forgot that it's true that Dad is from the royal family, and it's unlikely that he would travel far under normal circumstances.

But Hanzhong County and Neishi County, where Xianyang is located, are next to each other!So it must be normal for him to have been to Hanzhong County!What's more, my mother is in Hanzhong County, if my father hasn't been there, how could he be there?

"Eh..." Qin Mu thought for a long time, and then responded, "I was indeed born in Hanzhong County, but my mother sent me out when I was young. So, I didn't grow up in Hanzhong County."

"So that's the case!" Zu Long nodded, and at the same time, a sense of guilt welled up in his heart. If he hadn't left and never returned, how could Qin Mu have suffered such a crime?And I actually asked him about those things in the past again and again, didn't this deliberately arouse his sadness?

Zu Long coughed and decided to change the subject: "What you just said is really far away! Even if I think about it, I don't know which direction to think about! However, I understand the one in front of me! I can fly Is it so tall, is it going to be used as a scout?"

Qin Mu looked at Zulong with admiration.Dad is really an expert in marching and fighting. He has already figured out the application direction of this hot air balloon without explaining himself.

Of course, even he didn't guess that the reason why Qin Mu wanted to make a hot air balloon was actually to escape from those immortals when they made trouble...

However, Qin Mu himself certainly wouldn't say these things!So as not to destroy his image in Zulong's heart!After all, I just talked about it just now, and told Zu Long a lot of things that are useless for immortals...

"That's right, this hot air balloon, this time to destroy the Huns, this hot air balloon can just be used as a scout!" Qin Mu looked down, a little excited. After the hot air balloon was built, he was also coming up for the first time: "This The height is already beyond the range of the cavalry's bow and arrow, they can only watch our scouts fly over their heads, but there is nothing they can do!"

"Of course, they can still die!"

(End of this chapter)

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