Da Qin: At the age of six, I beat Qin Shihuang at the beginning

Chapter 326 The Temptation of Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 326 The Temptation of Immortal Cultivation

Zu Long's eyes lit up, and he carefully chewed Qin Mu's words: "They can still die... Well said! My disciples of Da Qin should have such domineering spirit!"

Zulong is very happy!After so long, in fact, he has already decided that Qin Mu is the best candidate to succeed him.Although there are still some problems with his identity, even if he is not enthroned to be the emperor, what about just being an invisible emperor?Zulong believes that he can also do well!
However, Zulong has always been a little worried.Because although Qin Mu is talented enough and can give him enough surprises every time, Zu Long always feels that Qin Mu... lacks a bit of domineering!If you really want to be an emperor, how can you not be domineering?But Qin Mu often always showed his sympathy for the people, benevolence is benevolence, but how could the king only be benevolent?
Isn't the reason why Zulong was disappointed with Fusu because he only talks about benevolence and righteousness?Although Qin Mu didn't talk about it every day, he was always implementing benevolence and righteousness in his actions.Although this behavior is not as annoying as Fusu's in the eyes of Zulong, but after a long time, Zulong can't help but worry a little.

In Zulong's heart, where does the majesty of the king come from?Isn't it killing?The Six Kingdoms are disrespectful to me, kill me!The minister is disrespectful to me, kill him!Confucian scholars are disrespectful to me, kill them!The common people disrespect me, or kill them!When everyone knows that if they disrespect you, the end is death, then no one dares to disrespect!
Of course, the majesty of the king does not only come from killing people, but also includes the ambition, talent, and qualifications of the king.However, those things are accumulated slowly after becoming a king. If you want to establish your own prestige in the early stage, you can't get around the word "kill"!Better than him, the first emperor, before he killed Lai Ai, wasn't he taken seriously?

Remember how arrogant Lao Ai was back then?Obstructing King Qin's personal governance, drinking with others in the palace, boasting that he is the "second father" of King Qin!
At that time, Zu Long was just a young man who was underestimated.But in the end, after the young man killed Lao Ai, no one dared to ignore him!And when this young man forced Lu Buwei to death, he was feared by everyone!

And Qin Mu, at least from the looks of it now, is not that kind of person.However, Qin Mu's words today directly ignited a fire in Zulong's chest, allowing him to completely dispel his previous doubts!It's not that Qin Mu doesn't know how to kill, it's just that he is kind and benevolent to his own people, and he is like a cold winter to his enemies!
Until the hot air balloon descended, Zulong was still in a good mood and couldn't stop laughing!

Qin Mu, on the other hand, was thinking that the hot air balloon had just been made after all, so it was enough to monitor the lift-off ability, and let the hundred soldiers sent by Wang Jian test it in more aspects.

In the study, Qin Mu and Zu Long sat opposite each other.In front of Zu Long was a jug of wine, while Qin Mu sent someone a bowl of tea.

"Mu'er, that hot air balloon just now really amazed me!" Zu Long drank a big sip of wine, and the chill he felt when he ascended to the sky just now was instantly dispelled: "With this thing, why worry about the Huns not being destroyed? "

Qin Mu was a little hesitant. In fact, with cannons, hot air balloons, and airships, defeating the Xiongnu was almost a certainty.But...it is not my pursuit to defeat the Huns... Just by fighting like this, the Huns will at most damage some cavalry. After five or six years, when the next generation of children grow up, they will replenish the army In, a comeback.

But it is clearly written on the system panel that its mission is to "wipe out the Huns".What exactly is eradication?Qin Mu didn't know either, but...at least he had to give these Huns pain once, so that they would never have the chance to show off their power on the border of the Great Qin, right?If it will appear again in the future, what is it to wipe out?
Therefore, Qin Mu is still a little worried about this war.According to past experience, the Daqin army won a big victory, will they pursue it?Yes, but if you want to wipe out the Xiongnu...it's probably not possible.

Come on, the price is too high!After the battle, it is estimated that there will be snow outside the Great Wall, and it is still a bit dangerous to chase the Huns during the snowy season.Second, there is no need!Anyway, without the Huns, this grassland will never be empty, there will still be other people coming, and after a few years, people will still invade the border.

In the end, Qin Mu was most worried. Daqin's army actually had only so many internal and external troubles.The garrisons in various places are responsible for suppressing the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, the army in the south is watching Baiyue, and the army in the northwest is defending against the Xiongnu.If there is no Xiongnu, wouldn't the Northwest Army have no meaning of existence?

Of course, it is impossible to disband in place, but will it disrupt the organization and directly disperse among other armies?In this way, not to mention those officers, even comrades who have fought together for a long time will have resistance!

As a result, Qin Mu was worried that there would be a guy who "raises the bandits and respects himself"!

The commander of the Northwest Army is Meng Tian.There should be no problem with this person's loyalty to the first emperor, but is he willing to let himself lose his value and return to Xianyang to retire?Taking a step back, even if Meng Tian is willing, are his generals also willing?

In this way, in case something goes wrong, the system task of leveling the Huns...wouldn't it be a failure?

And this task is related to the opening of his system branch, Qin Mu will never allow failure!After all, the new branch is likely to be cultivating immortals... Although Qin Mu said that immortals are useless, as an Internet lover, who can refuse the temptation of cultivating immortals...

"Father, tell me, after this fight, will the Xiongnu raid the border again in the future?" Qin Mu took a sip of tea, a little absent-minded.

Zu Long glanced at him in surprise, and said with a smile: "You are so smart, why are you acting stupid now? The trouble of the Huns does not lie with the Huns, but with the grassland. As long as the grassland is still there, the disaster of the Huns will not end. Even if We killed all the Huns, but there are still Qiang people, it is inevitable!"

Qin Mu also nodded: "That's true. But if it's like this every year, after beating again and again, doesn't it mean that we have to fight like this every year? Daqin's children... have a lot of casualties every year?"

"That's true! However, their death is not worthless!" Zu Long drank the wine in his cup and looked to the northwest: "They died for Daqin! They also died for their own family You don't know, most of the Northwest Army are border men!"

"They join the army, not for military pay, but for their own home!"

Qin Mu's eyes flickered. If so, he really didn't want these people to die!
(End of this chapter)

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