Chapter 327 The Solution of the Huns
"Father, wouldn't it be a pity for such a man to die for nothing?" Qin Mu poured Zulong a glass of wine, and then asked, "Why don't you think of a way to completely solve the troubles in the Northwest?"

Zu Long smiled wryly, and took the wine glass handed over by Qin Mu: "Do you think we haven't thought of such a way?"

He sighed: "Actually, ever since Daqin was conferred the feudal lordship and established the country in Qin, he never gave up on pacifying the border troubles! At the beginning, the border troubles of Daqin were mainly Rong! When Daqin just founded the country, in fact, there was only one area with a radius of [-] li. Use the horse farm as land!"

"At that time, the emperor of Zhou, the land conferred on Duke Qin of the first generation was actually under the control of the Rong people! To put it bluntly, he just didn't grant the land, and wanted Duke Qin to fight it out! It can be regarded as expanding the territory of the Zhou Dynasty for him! From the beginning of the first Qin Duke, the Yurong people have fought in all dynasties!"

"At the worst time, the two successors died in the war against the Rong people! It was because of the continuous bloodshed of these people that the Rong people were finally defeated, and the entire Qin land was included in the territory. Among them! However, the Rong people were beaten away, and the Qiang people came again! At that time, the Great Qin had already run out of ammunition and food just to deal with the Qiang people, but they still had to be made things difficult by the Jin country in the east!"

"Finally, the Jin Kingdom is gone, and the Qiang people have run away. After the unification of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Huns came again!" Zu Long sighed: "It's not that we don't fight! It's not that we don't want to do it, it's just that they beat one and come again One! As long as people will starve to death in that grassland in winter, those nomads must keep coming!"

Zu Long's expression was a little melancholy: "So these years, although I have been stationed in the Northwest, I have not directly wiped out the Xiongnu! Do you think I don't want to? It's not worth it! It's not impossible to kill the Xiongnu. The sacrifice is greater. Yes! It’s just that after the Huns are wiped out, there will be others!”

"Even though it's like this, many people die at the border every year! But... this is the solution with the least loss, do you understand?"

Qin Mu nodded, he could actually understand Zulong's thoughts.As a high-ranking person, sometimes you think about things, but you can't always be passionate.One thing, how to do the most damage and how to do the best for the people are all things they have to consider.Even when thinking about war, people can only be forcibly reduced to numbers.

Who doesn't know that's a person?But if you think about these things, you can stop fighting?Can you not die?Everything can only be attributed to one thing: no way!That's the only way to do it!
However, although Qin Mu knew it, he didn't intend to agree with it!Even if he wants to agree, the system task does not allow him to agree!
"Father, in fact... the problem of the Xiongnu is not insoluble!" Qin Mu filled Zulong's empty glass with wine in due course: "If I have a solution here, it will only cost more and take longer. Would you like to use it?"

Zu Long was taken aback. Can Qin Mu solve this matter?This is not an ordinary problem. It is a problem that Daqin has never been able to solve for countless generations!And this thing is not a problem that can be solved by some invention!

Why do the Huns invade the border every year?Because they are herdsmen, and the herdsmen have nothing to eat in winter?No matter how powerful Qin Mu is, can he conjure up something for them to eat out of thin air?Ultimately, it's a matter of survival.The Huns also knew that if they entered Qin, they would die if they encountered a large army.But, if you don't come, you have to die!
And the people of Daqin are even more helpless!Born on the border of Daqin, this is not their choice!If it's autumn, it's really unlucky to meet the Huns, and they will die too!However, if you don’t live here and run around, isn’t it also a death?Even if the government doesn't arrest you, what will you eat and drink when you leave the land?
And the government of Daqin can't help it!This is the border of Great Qin!There is land and there is a village!If you move all the people here, wouldn't you give up your own country?What's more, if you move eastward for a thousand miles, the Huns will still look eastward for a thousand miles in order to find food!

However, he was unwilling to discourage Qin Mu's enthusiasm, and said, "If you have a solution, you might as well tell it! If it works, we can try it!"

Zu Long looked at Qin Mu. It seemed that this was Qin Mu's first contact with such a complicated political issue.Both sides are helpless. If there is a choice, no one is willing to fight, but this battle really has to be fought!However, in the final analysis, this kind of thing depends on your innate standpoint. If you were born in Daqin, then it is right to stand in Daqin without thinking!

Qin Mu pondered for a while, and then expressed his thoughts: "Father, my consideration is that since the Huns came here to plunder because they had no food, then... let's find a way to let him have food to eat." , isn’t that all right?”

"What you said is simple! On the grassland, it's freezing and snowy in winter, where can they go to find food?" Zu Long laughed. How could such an idea be proposed by Qin Mu!It's really childish!
Qin Mu shook his head resolutely: "Father, it's too simple to let them have food! For example, if there is no food on the grassland, what if they are not in the grassland?"

Qin Mu's tone was very decisive: "Isn't it enough to just move the Huns to land where there is land and let them learn how to farm?"

"If you let them move, will they move?"

Qin Mu was very calm: "Those who don't move, let them do as they please! Anyway, those who don't move can die..."

Zulong's eyes lit up.Some people have mentioned this idea before, but the Huns are too slippery, and it is difficult to find them when Daqin sent a large army.Now that there are hot air balloons, maybe it’s okay!He was about to agree, but he heard Qin Mu speak.

"However, it's so stupid to do this! Not to mention where the land of the Huns came from, if they really changed it to farming, where did the horses and sheepskins needed by Daqin come from? Besides, the grasslands will be empty after this. , there will still be other hidden dangers!"

Zu Long looked at Qin Mu with a look of rejoicing. He was about to agree, but Qin Mu came to such a place. The key point is that what he said was very reasonable!Then why did you say this method just now!
"Then what else can be done?"

Qin Mu has a plan in his mind: "There is another way, that is to drive the Huns out of the grasslands! Let them flee to the west! There will naturally be other farming countries in the west, and the Huns will not come back to the east to plunder if they go far away! "

Zulong's eyes lit up again!
(End of this chapter)

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