Chapter 328
If what Qin Mu said is true, this is actually a solution!Why did the Huns often plunder the people of Daqin?It's actually very simple to say it: it's because of the closeness!If the Huns were really driven far away, they wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to plunder Daqin, right?
Certainly not!People eat horse chews, how much is consumed along the way?One or two people is enough, an army of tens of thousands of people is not easy!Therefore, as long as there is a farming civilization like Daqin in the west, the Huns will definitely not come back!
However, with the lessons learned just now, Zu Long did not covet to express his opinion this time.Sure enough, Qin Mu spoke again.

"Unfortunately, this method is so stupid! It's still the same question. Where did the horses and sheepskins come from when the Huns are gone? What's more, the Huns are not stupid. Without an army behind them, they will keep running westward? How much should the army have spent on this journey? The gain outweighs the loss!"

Zulong almost rolled his eyes!Fortunately, I have a heart, otherwise I almost fell into the pit again.But... can you stop panting when you speak?Okay, can you just say it directly?

In fact, Qin Mu had already noticed Zulong's little expression, and he was laughing wildly in his heart!This old man of mine is usually a little moody and angry, and if he wants to make a joke with him, he doesn't know how to make it!Now maybe I drank two more glasses, or maybe I really cared too much about the Xiongnu's problem, and finally broke the merits.

Of course, Qin Mu must seize the opportunity and spoof him once!
"Of course, there are other ways. For example, after driving away the Huns, move the peasants from Daqin to learn how to raise horses and sheep! But, in this way, can the peasants learn not to talk about it first? There will be a long period of vacancy, and the government will have to send people and food to feed these farmers, which is not good!"

"So, we can try another way of thinking! Just kill these Huns! Shock the other nomads on the grassland, such as the Qiang and Rong people, so that they dare not have any ideas! At that time, let them accept Gong, it can also be solved!"

Zu Long was shocked at this moment, looking straight at Qin Mu, this so murderous?Why didn't you see it before?That's right, the previous him didn't show any mercy when he killed Zhao Gao... However, this is still a way...

Qin Mu waited for a while before opening his mouth again: "But, it doesn't work! You can't kill them all! Those Huns, even if they are killed, they will disperse and integrate into the Qiang tribe! , the memory caused by blood will fade. After four or five years, the Qiang people will forget the past tragedy and become the new Huns!"

"Um..." Zu Long was a little speechless. Qin Mu proposed several proposals one after another, each of which sounded reasonable, but they were all rejected by him in the end.In fact, these methods are completely feasible in Zulong's view.Even if it is the last one, although the validity period of killing chickens and monkeys is not long, it is better than fighting every year after all!
Moreover, these methods are all discussed by them before.It's not impossible, it's just that it couldn't be done before.Once the Huns dispersed, the Qin army would not be able to find them!But now with hot air balloons, this is no longer an impossible task!

Of course, what Qin Mu said is that the lack of horses and sheepskins is indeed a problem, so it is not appropriate to migrate or drive away the Huns. Nation, pay tribute regularly!

Qin Mu didn't know either, Zu Long had already leaned towards the bloodiest plan in his own words... After all, the Huns were of a different race, and Zu Long didn't know whether they were human or not.And this solution seems to be the one with the least consumption...

However, the reason why Qin Mu said such unreliable methods was to make Zulong adopt the last method he said.

This is also a routine used by people in previous lives.Whenever the boss asks for a plan, the subordinates usually give three options.One seems to be unreliable, for example, it costs 500 million to sell a stool; the other seems to be of no benefit, such as selling a stool for 50 yuan, but the quality is poor, and the last one is that I hope that the boss will choose Yes, the cost is not that big, and the quality of the stool is not bad.

Qin Mu is playing with this now. According to common sense, Zulong should not be satisfied, and then he is proposing that well-regulated plan.Unexpectedly, Zulong is already very satisfied now...

However, due to the experience just now, Zu Long was very cautious and did not express his position.What if Qin Mu turns his head and criticizes him harshly after he said something now, what should he do?
Sure enough, Qin Mu took a sip of tea and started his speech again: "Or, we can change the method! The price for both parties is not that big, but it can achieve the best effect!"

"What if we choose not to fight? Don't the Huns just want food? We just give it! Why do they fight when they have food?"

Zu Long's face turned dark all of a sudden: "Mu'er, my Daqin has a vast territory and is China's orthodox! How can I expect those barbarians outside the Great Wall to pay tribute! Give them back food? There are still hungry people in our Daqin! "

Qin Mu smiled, this was Zulong's biggest reaction in such a long time.In fact, how could such an emperor through the ages accept such conditions?The reason he said that was just to make fun of it.

"Don't worry, Dad, listen to me first!" Qin Mu chuckled, "Of course we don't give food for free! Let them exchange it with other things! For example, what we need most, horses, and sheepskin!"

"Think about it, what is the advantage of the Huns? Isn't it the cavalry? The more horses we give, the less their cavalry advantage will be. In the long run, even if we don't use the cannons, the Huns will no longer be ours. opponent!"

Zu Long nodded when he heard the words.In this way, it is a strategy to build the plank road in the dark and hide the old warehouse.On the surface, food was given to the Huns.But those grains are consumables, and they will be gone after they eat them.What Daqin got, however, were horses, and the people of Qin were good at raising horses. With these horses from the grassland, the strength and scale of the cavalry would definitely rise to a higher level!
The result is that the Qin State is getting stronger and stronger, while the Huns are getting weaker and weaker!
"Wonderful!" Zulong admired sincerely, "Why did no one think of it before?"

Qin Mu smiled mysteriously: "I still have a big move!"

(End of this chapter)

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