Chapter 329 Big move
"Ultimate move? What kind of big move?" Zu Long heard the words, and his interest suddenly increased a lot.It's interesting to trade with the Huns.In fact, what did the Huns want?It's food!But what exactly do they want food for?Isn't it for the sake of not starving to death in winter?
If there is a way to get enough food without fighting, those Huns will obviously not be idle and start a war.After all, swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and you might die anytime.If one's wife and children have nothing to eat, it is no problem for the men of the Huns to go to the battlefield.But...they have something to eat, who wants to go out to fight at the risk of sudden death?
Perhaps, the royal family of the Huns could use the so-called hunger as an excuse to push these people to the battlefield. However, Daqin gave them food, which is equivalent to drawing wages from the bottom of the pot. Apart from the diehard loyalists of the royal family, who else would support such a war?
The most wonderful thing is that Daqin's food will not be given in vain.In exchange for grain, horses and sheepskins.For the Huns, these things are of course their own family property and belongings, and let them exchange them, especially horses, which are the foundation of their livelihood.The royal family of the Huns may not be willing.But, you are going to starve to death, and now you are given a place where you can have a bite to eat, who would not do it?

Accepting the deal, the Xiongnu will decline, but the strength of the Xiongnu tribe is a matter of the tribe and the royal family.As a commoner, if you don't change, you will starve to death!After you die, don’t your horses, cattle and sheep all belong to others?This is a Yang conspiracy that everyone can see through, but the top leaders of the Huns have to agree!
Of course, this method may not have been proposed by Daqin officials before.It's just that at that time, the people of Daqin couldn't eat enough, and Daqin's own treasury was empty. Where could there be any surplus food that could be traded for the Huns?

But now, with Qin Mu, it's different!In Daqin now, there are two kinds of crops with a yield of [-] jin per mu, one is sweet potato and the other is potato.If these two things can really be promoted on a large scale, then the grain output will definitely be enough for the people of Qin to consume, and there must be surplus!
In fact, it is simple and easy to know.In the previous Great Qin, the yield per mu of land was several hundred catties, but now, this number has directly increased by more than ten times!Now Daqin's land can support at least ten times the population!And how many Huns are there?It is not certain whether there will be 100 million or not.It's so easy to keep them full!

Qin Mu was very calm, Zulong's agitation, in his opinion, was unnecessary!Isn't it just a frontier nomad... what is it?Daqin has a territory of tens of thousands of miles and a population of tens of millions. If even a Hun can't handle it, it should be a surprise.

In fact, how many enemies have you defeated over the years, from Qin to Daqin?Not to mention the powerful six kingdoms of the Central Plains, where did the Rong and Qiang people who were frequently harassing the west of Qin State go?Could it be that he moved away on his own initiative?Even if the Great Qin did not deal with the Huns in the original history, in fact, it was more because the world was initially determined and there was no way to spare.

In fact, not too many years later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty drove the Huns to Central Asia... When facing the orthodoxy of the Central Plains, the various forces in these surrounding areas were actually a little weak...

"Father, don't be so excited, you're just a Hun..." Qin Mu curled his lips, and his tone was slightly disgusted: "Before the transaction officially starts, there is one thing that needs to be clarified with the Huns: it's okay to give food, but From now on, the grassland is the territory of my Great Qin! The Huns are also the people of my Great Qin!"

Zu Long was taken aback. Even he didn't expect Qin Mu's appetite to be so big, and he directly thought about annexing the Huns!Zulong does not disagree with this idea. After all, the current Great Qin has only just unified the Central Plains, and there is still a big gap between the limit of "the king's land under the whole world, and the king's subjects on the shore of the land".But... can it work?

"It's not impossible..." Zu Long pondered for a moment, and said, "It's just that the Huns' cavalry are aggressive now, so they may not agree with your idea!"

"Of course they won't agree!" Qin Mu smiled contemptuously: "I just want those Huns to disagree! Dad, the royal family of the Huns will naturally not agree to our conditions! Even those ordinary Huns None of them will agree! However, as long as they disagree, our army will move out immediately! It’s still the same sentence, if they disagree, they can choose to die!”

"Huh?" Zu Long was a little confused: "Mu'er, you have been talking for so long because you want to reduce casualties? But... how do you feel that you are forcing the Huns to fight? If that is the case, Why are we still doing business with them?"

Qin Mu shook his head: "Father, if I have a choice, I don't want to fight! But, instead of bleeding continuously, it's better to complete the battle! The transaction must be carried out! But, as you said, those Huns The royal family must be unhappy!"

"Besides, they can't feel the strength of Great Qin! San Mi En fights against Mi En, and after a long time, they will definitely provoke on the border! Therefore, before the transaction, the Huns must feel the strength of Great Qin! Must , Give them a lesson they will never forget!"

"In this way, when the transaction is really opened, even if those Huns have other thoughts, they will weigh it! Always remember what the Great Qin means!"

After hearing this, Zu Long couldn't help but gulped down the wine in his glass, and said loudly: "Okay! If these Huns open a deal directly, they might think that Da Qin is afraid! At that time, they will be even more arrogant! If they are defeated, They will know that the transaction is actually a charity from Daqin!"

"That's the reason!" Qin Mu also nodded in agreement with Zu Long's words: "Actually, in the final analysis, we will definitely unify the Huns in the future. If we don't fight a war, how can we be truly unified? If we want real peace, we must Use force as a backing!"

"Well said!" Zu Long stood up and said, "This world is dominated by the Great Qin! I didn't move the Huns before, but I just thought it was not worth it! If it is really possible to deal with them, then how can I see them as far as I can see?" Could it be the territory of Great Qin?"

"Mu'er, I support you in this battle! It should be fought! Moreover, it must be fought!"

(End of this chapter)

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