Chapter 334 Old Wang is the most suitable

Qin Mu stared at Wang Jian, who was still laughing after spraying the wine, and said dissatisfiedly, "How do you know? Let me tell you, the temper of this kind of general is very irritable! Even if Wang Jian is old, But after being sick for a long time, that kind of violent temper, where did you just change it? It’s normal for Wang Ben to be beaten!"

" is this normal?" Wang Jian was also helpless: "Wang Ben, he is already in his 30s and almost [-]s, and he still has to lead soldiers outside! His father beats him twice in three days, so his own Where is the dignity? How can you convince the public? Even considering this, his father will not keep beating him!"

"Isn't that right? You don't say it anymore. You don't fight all the time, so that means you still have to fight occasionally!" Qin Mu was keenly aware of the loopholes in Wang Jian's words, and doubted: "Old Wang, why do you just talk about Wang Jian like this?" Excited? Do you know him?"

"Cough cough cough..." Wang Jian almost choked on a sip of wine!He really wanted to say, more than acquaintance, I am so familiar with him!Because, I am him!The real Wang Jian is right in front of you, and you still have to say that he beats his son every day, is that plausible?Besides, you don't have any investigations, so it's fine to blackmail other people, but when it comes to me, you don't even have to blackmail the soldiers. Is it plausible to blackmail me and beat my son?

However, he still didn't lose his mind, knowing that if his identity was exposed, Zulong's identity would also be exposed, so he didn't dare to say anything, but whispered: "How is it possible... Wang Jian, who is that? Wu Chenghou! How can I be so familiar with him? If I were really familiar with him, I would have led troops to fight a long time ago!"

Only then did Qin Mu nod his head.However, Li Si did not intend to let go of this opportunity, and asked with a wretched smile: "Old Wang, tell me, is it true that Wu Chenghou beat his son?"

Wang Jian subconsciously wanted to deny it, but in the end he saw Qin Mu staring at him with burning eyes. If he dared to deny that feeling again, Qin Mu would rush to settle accounts with him.He shivered from the bottom of his heart, and said aggrievedly, "Don't ask me, I don't know!"

Only then did Qin Mu nodded in satisfaction.Immediately, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.The reason why he didn't speak until now is actually because...he himself felt that a six-year-old child leading soldiers to fight a war was really child's play.Even if I can convince my father, but the emperor will definitely not be able to pass the test!
Therefore, while denying the various candidates proposed by his father, he racked his brains thinking, what method should he use to make himself the leader of this operation?However, no matter how you think about it, this matter is not reliable!To be honest, it was already a special case for him to be given a supervisor who had not been formally appointed. If he asked himself to lead the troops, he really wanted to suspect that Emperor Shihuang was actually his father!
However, just now, he suddenly thought of a brilliant idea.The possibility of going into battle by myself is too low, but... Old Wang is different!Old Wang looked like this, obviously he had been on the battlefield before, and judging by his appearance, he was more or less an officer!

Therefore, Lao Wang can actually be the main general this time!Even if his qualifications are slightly inferior, as long as he is a former officer, he is more or less justified than himself!Moreover, Lao Wang does not seem to be a very powerful role. When the time comes, he will apply to join the army and give Lao Wang advice, and he will definitely listen!
So... isn't he the equivalent of an invisible coach?The big deal is that Lao Wang will get the credit for winning the battle. Anyway, I don't care about these things!As long as you can complete the system tasks steadily, you can do anything else!Don't you get the best of both worlds if you finish the task by yourself and Lao Wang will receive the credit?
Especially what is the best?Lao Wang is not one of those famous generals, and he may have a little knowledge of the art of war, so in the end, he will definitely not question his decisions!In this way, a puppet coach who obeyed his words appeared soon?And most of the time, even if he didn't want to hear it, he didn't dare not to listen because of his father's relationship.

Besides, if he is now in front of his face and put him in the position of coach, how can he not be grateful?

"Ahem..." Qin Mu coughed, and focused everyone's attention on himself: "Actually...the reason why I say those famous generals are not good is not necessarily because they really have so many shortcomings, but Yes, none of them are suitable... In fact, there is a suitable candidate here...

Everyone turned their attention to him.He said so much just now, but in fact, everyone has just come out. He must have a candidate in his heart, so he keeps denying others.Otherwise, the candidates proposed by Zu Long are all famous generals in the history of Daqin, and it would be too exaggerated for such a powerful person to fail!
Originally, they thought that Qin Mu was actually interested in Wang Jian and his son, but it was later discovered that Qin Mu had been bragging for a long time, but in the end he still denied the possibility of Wang Jian.In particular, after there was nothing to do, Hei Wang Ben would actually be beaten... This is a bit preposterous...

But... what they were actually more curious about was, who was Qin Mu's candidate?It can't be a recruit, such a big war is not just a small fight, commanding hundreds of thousands of soldiers!
Among these people, there are not only soldiers from noble backgrounds, but also warriors who have experienced many battles. If the previous qualifications are really not enough, just convincing the people under them is already an almost impossible task!

However, in this Great Qin, there are actually not many generals who are almost qualified to command this war... The key point is that Zu Long has already said most of what was said just now, and the rest are actually no more than ten people.Could it be that Qin Mu's candidate was among them?

Qin Mu glanced at the crowd and said in a low voice, "Actually, I think that this matter must belong to Lao Wang!"

In the next moment, there was silence on the wine table.Zu Long was holding a wine glass in his hand, and was about to put it into his mouth, but stopped abruptly.Lao Li was originally winking at Lao Wang, but now he just turned his head to look at Qin Mu with an expression of disbelief.Only Old Wang, although he didn't speak, looked at Qin Mu in great surprise, with a smile on his face.

Afterwards, the three of them seemed to realize something at the same time, and their faces became strange instantly.

Qin Mu didn't know why, but thought he was making some big joke?Did not continue to say.

After a while, Zu Long resisted putting the wine into his mouth and asked in a low voice, "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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