Da Qin: At the age of six, I beat Qin Shihuang at the beginning

Chapter 335 The Special Skill of Persuading the First Emperor

Chapter 335 The Special Skill of Persuading the First Emperor

Qin Mu glanced at Old Wang, he was beaming with joy now, apparently he never thought that Qin Mu had spent so much effort just now, to pave the way for him.Even if Qin Mu hacked him just now, the feeling of aggrieved has long since dissipated, and the only feeling in his heart now is... elated!
That's right, elated!He now understands that the young master blacked out those famous generals just now, obviously he didn't really think that they were not good enough, but to find ways to pave the way for his own people.And now, he is actually paving the way for himself, so what else can he say?Thanksgiving is over!What's more, Zulong stayed here so many people, the little boy Shui didn't recommend it, so he recommended himself, why?
This is called the kindness of knowing you!It was the young master who saw that he had endless talents, discovered himself from the mediocre Li Si and Meng Yi, and wanted to help him stand out!In this world, a thousand-mile horse often exists, but a bole cannot always exist!
Wang Jian's heart was surging instantly, it seemed that he was really young, otherwise, how would the young master see his talent?
Seeing Lao Wang's appearance, Qin Mu felt much more at ease.That's right, what I want is someone like Pharaoh!He has no skills and no city government, and when he enters the barracks, the people below will not be convinced. At that time, he can only rely on himself?Once I helped him convince his subordinates, wouldn't he be obedient to himself?
As for Zulong's question, Qin Mu didn't panic at all.After all, if he dared to recommend the mediocre Lao Wang, Qin Mu had already thought of the corresponding rhetoric.If you are not well prepared, how can you speak casually?
"Father, think about it, why do we say that other famous generals are inappropriate?" Qin Mu seemed confident, "Actually, it's not because they are not good, but because they don't know how to use cannons, and they don't know how to use them at all! This kind of weapon is actually beyond the scope of the art of war, as long as one side has enough cannons and can use them correctly, then the war is actually doomed to end at the beginning!"

Zu Long nodded. The cannon is indeed a weapon that has such an effect. There are no laymen in the field who know about this matter.It is also imagined that a weapon can kill enemies on a large scale from several miles away, and it is even more powerful!In this case, the enemy can't fight at all!
Therefore, traditions such as the art of war, imperial command, formation, and combat skills, in such a war, have much less effect.There are only three links left in the war, discovering the enemy, firing, and pursuing.At most, add a protective artillery.In this way, the gap between famous generals and ordinary generals is actually infinitely narrowed.

Of course, this is because of the crushing of weapons and equipment!If both sides have cannons, that's another matter.

"So, what we are looking for is not a famous general at all, but a person who can use cannons! Of course, this is going to be on the battlefield after all, so we can't choose randomly. Craftsmen also know how to use cannons, but craftsmen don't know how to fight Ah!" Qin Mu said calmly, "So, a person who knows how to use cannons and has led soldiers, isn't this Lao Wang?"

"I think Lao Wang has always had the air of a soldier!" Qin Mu looked at Lao Wang and smiled in greeting: "Although he doesn't look like a high-ranking military officer, I think he was at least once a commander, right? "

Wang Jian's face suddenly froze, Qian... Commander... When he led the troops, there were hundreds of commanders under him!Co-authoring, I am at this level in the heart of the young master... What Bole... what Maxima, after all, I paid by mistake...

Qin Mu didn't notice his change at all, and continued: "I understand that it may be stressful for a commander to lead so many people suddenly. However, as long as he can be appointed by Emperor Shi Huang, I don't think the people below will be able to do so." Do you have any doubts? Even if you have opinions, it doesn’t matter. At that time, won’t you have the prestige if you lead the troops to fight two victories?”

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he stared at Zulong closely to see his reaction.It must be inappropriate to suddenly recommend Lao Wang like this.Just like what he said, a commander suddenly became a general with hundreds of thousands of troops, can there be no problems?However, no matter what Zu Long thinks, Qin Mu is ready to push Lao Wang to the position of general at all costs.

In the end, what he never expected was that Zu Long just nodded slightly and said: "You are right, Lao Wang is indeed the best candidate for this matter. Well, Lao Wang has a son, and it's not a big deal. This time, you might as well bring it along with you. At that time, you can also earn some military merits, and at any rate, let your son be promoted!"

Qin Mu was startled.Didn't expect it to be so simple?With just a few words, I not only won the position of coach for Lao Wang, but even made my father a favor, and directly brought Lao Wang's son along?Now, Lao Wang can't thank me even more?Shouldn't it be regarded as a standard for me?

But... such a big thing, can dad do the master?This is not an ordinary matter, this is fighting with hundreds of thousands of troops!However, since the father is so determined, it is probably okay... After all, as long as the father promised to do so many things before, they will be done.Maybe... Dad has special skills in persuading Shi Huang?
"Ahem... Father, I have another idea." Qin Mu coughed a few times and looked at Zulong eagerly.

Zu Long looked down at him and said with a smile, "What's the matter?"

"That... the ones we send to fight must be more familiar with cannons." Qin Mu said with a chuckle, "But in this Great Qin, no one is more familiar with this thing than me, right? I think, since Lao Wang is the chief general , let me go out with him, and if there are any problems, I can also help him with his staff. Especially in the use of cannons."

This time, everyone narrowed their eyes.Good guy, see you again!Having said so much, it turned out that I was waiting here!Co-author, you want to go on your own, but you are worried that you will not be able to convince the public because you are too young, so you recommend Lao Wang!
It's no wonder that famous generals are not allowed to go. The famous generals lead troops naturally have their own ideas, and they won't listen to other people at all!
Pharaoh is suffering right now!Can he still not know what's going on?This young master obviously thinks that he is very good, and he will definitely listen to him when the time comes, so he recommended himself to be the chief general to His Majesty!

With a resentful face on his face, he looked at Zu Long, this guy, this young master can't go!The young master has gone, and he is a puppet general!
(End of this chapter)

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