Chapter 336
But Zu Long didn't seem to see the old Wang's wink, he pondered for a moment, and said: "That's fine. How about it, Mu'er, you follow the old Wang to go out to fight, and discuss with Mu'er more about what happens on the road. Although things like cannons can be finalized, we haven't used them very much after all, and this time when you go out on an expedition, it's time to accumulate experience."

Wang Jian's face turned pale!Zu Long spoke calmly, but the meaning behind the words made him want to cry!What does it mean to "discuss with Mu'er when things go wrong"?Doesn't this mean that, as the chief general, you have to listen to Qin Mu?What is "accumulated experience"?Good guy, the Lord will go out to accumulate experience, what do you mean?Isn't it just that you don't want to be the master and let Qin Mu have the final say on everything?
Then what kind of leader is he?It's just a name!
On the other side, Qin Mu almost laughed out loud.As expected of the old man, he guessed what he was thinking, but not only did he not object, he even insured himself... With the words of the old man, Lao Wang will not be able to suppress himself by relying on the authority of the general in the future ...Even, the old man said "accumulate experience"...haha...Old Wang, Lao Wang, you are the meat on my chopping board...

On the other side, Lao Li gave Lao Wang a sympathetic look.What happened just now has nothing to do with him.As a civil servant, it is certainly impossible for him to go to war.In order to reassure Zulong before, he didn't have any relationship with generals.Therefore, matters in the war were left to their generals to fight for power, and Li Si could only watch TV dramas.

In the end... this old king is too miserable... He obviously became the chief general, but he also has an invisible general on his head. What is especially funny is that this invisible general is six years old... However, very Soon he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because Zu Long then said something that froze all the people present: "I don't know how to use this cannon... It's so, I will also go out with the army to see how to use this cannon!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mu didn't feel much, but both Wang Jian and Li Si felt a sense of coolness poured in directly from the Tianling Gai, penetrated all the way to the soles of their feet, and beat back and forth in their bodies.What does Zulong mean by this, is he wants to be conquered personally? is this possible?

After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, it is not easy to sit back and relax.In fact, many things were forcibly suppressed because of Zulong's presence.For example, the rebellion of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.In fact, after such a long time, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have long been prepared, and the reason why they didn't launch it was because they were afraid of the first emperor.

If the Great Qin Shi Huangdi went out and was not in Xianyang to rule the world, would those people easily let go of such an opportunity?
Moreover, this world is not just a problem of the remnants of the six kingdoms.This is the first time that the world has been unified into one country. This country has a vast territory, spanning thousands of miles from east to west, from north to south, and how many conflicts need to be resolved between counties and counties?
The matter of this country can actually be answered from an example: Ever since Emperor Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, he had established a rule for himself that the number of memorials he reviewed every day must exceed [-] catties before he could rest.Even so, there are still many unresolved issues in this country.

With Zulong pressing on it, there are so many things, if Zulong leaves Xianyang, these things may be more than doubled!

Furthermore, if he really left, who would supervise the country?Generally speaking, it should be the crown prince, that is, the eldest son Fusu, but Fusu is still in the Northwest Army, the princes of Xianyang, who can take on this important role?

Li Si took the lead to reflect: " wrong! You can't leave Xianyang, otherwise...this...Your Majesty can't leave you! If you leave, who will handle so many government affairs?"

Qin Mu felt a little strange, wasn't Shi Huangdi famously diligent in governing?Isn't it necessary to review memorials every day for more than [-] catties?Why... it seems that you are very dependent on Dad?Even... let the old man handle government affairs for him?It seems that the things in the history books really cannot be believed completely... The ancients said that it is better to have no books than to have no books, which is not bad!
Wang Jian is similar, but what he said was not about government affairs: "Brother Zhao, you can't leave! If you leave, those forces in this world who are about to move... will definitely take action! Once this matter breaks out, think The price to end is also a bit high! It’s just a Hun, wouldn’t it be settled after a few shots?”

Before Zulong said anything, Qin Mu said: "Old Wang, what you said is wrong! It is true that we have cannons, but the Huns are not just for nothing! You will suffer a lot if you underestimate the enemy like this Yes! It is right to despise the enemy strategically, but tactically, one must pay attention to the enemy!"

Wang Jian was taken aback, what he said... had some truth, but is this the time to be reasonable?Don't you know how much trouble this world will cause if your father really leaves Xianyang?
"Besides, isn't there still Emperor Shihuang in this Xianyang? Why do you mean that my father will collapse the day he goes out?" Qin Mu complained: "Don't worry, the world can be unified, and Emperor Shihuang owes a lot to it." Wei, he is the key! As long as he is there, nothing major will happen!"

Wang Jian and Li Si were speechless at the same time.You are really right, this Xianyang, as long as there is Emperor Shihuang, there will be no accidents... But, once your father leaves, Emperor Shihuang will not be here!At that time, there will really be a big mess!What you say is normal now is actually because you don't know the identity of your father...

Li Si and Wang Jian looked at each other: "No matter what, we can't agree. This is too risky! Not to mention whether there will be chaos in the country, even on the battlefield, it is too dangerous!"

Zulong was a little helpless. In fact, he just thought that he concealed his identity and followed Qin Mu to recover the coal mine. This feeling is quite cool!In the past, when he went out by himself, he would go on a parade with great fanfare, and what he saw and heard was actually arranged, but last time, he really saw a lot of low-level original ecological things!

"You two are really too cautious! What could happen?" Zu Long said displeased: "Didn't the First Emperor also go on tour many times? Could something have happened?"

He was vaguely reminding Li Si and Wang Jian that he had also left Xianyang before, and there would be no problem.It's just that the two of them ate the weight and became determined, with a firm attitude.

Zu Long was helpless: "It's a big deal, let's set a time, and when the time comes, I will definitely come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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