Chapter 337 One Month
Zu Long really hoped that he could go out with Qin Mu to fight this battle.Not to mention anything else, this may be the world's first war with hot weapons!When the cannon was tested for the first time, Zulong also watched it in person. Even when he thinks about it now, he still feels that the power is a bit beyond his expectations!

Obviously I have seen it, but every time I see that scene, I still feel that this is not what should happen in this world at all.So...he was already looking forward to it, if he could see the scene of two thousand cannons firing in unison, then he would really have no regrets in his life.I am afraid that even if there are real immortals, they have never seen such a spectacular scene!
Li Si and Wang Jian also frowned deeply.What Zu Long said just now actually makes sense.This is not the first time Zulong has walked out of Xianyang, even the east tour has been done several times.During the Eastern Tour, there were actually no problems, but... this is going to the battlefield, which is completely different from the Eastern Tour!

During the east tour, Zu Long did leave Xianyang, but the administrative center of the entire Great Qin also left with the team of the east tour.In other words, it doesn't matter if Zulong is gone, the real decision can still be made at any time, nothing more than letting the East Tour team replace the original court discussion system.

It's actually pretty harmless.In the era of Great Qin, there were no telephones or telegrams, and it took a month or two for a government order to be delivered, which is actually quite common.As long as the Zulong is still there and giving orders, there will be no problems.

It's just... If Zulong really went out with the army this time, he would definitely not be as fanciful as the Eastern Xun, and he would even have to conceal his identity.In this way, there will definitely not be any officials following, at most they will bring some guards.In this way, it is impossible to make decisions like during the east tour.Once a major event occurs, who can replace him?

Moreover, this is not going to the east of Great Qin, but an extremely dangerous battlefield.Even if Daqin had cannons, the Hun cavalry turned fiercely and turned like the wind.If one is not careful and the news leaks... Li Si and Wang Jian don't even dare to think about how things will develop.

They also wanted to refuse, but... Zulong even said that he was only going out for a while, and at worst he would come back according to the stipulated time... Under such circumstances, if they still want to continue to refuse, it is not a bit too disrespectful for Zulong himself Willingness take seriously?
He's the emperor... I'm really anxious about him, and I want to have a good meal for myself, isn't it just like playing?Therefore, the problem that Li Si and Wang Jian are facing now is whether to agree directly, or to be rejected by Zu Long after a round... The two ghost-like people naturally chose to kneel directly... Anyway, kneeling early and kneeling late expensive……

However, the two of them naturally wouldn't give up directly. After agreeing with Zu Long's idea, they all turned to Qin Mu.Qin Mu just felt baffled!First of all, what's the matter with you old man?I just helped you fight for the position of chief general. It's fine if you don't appreciate Dade. Why do I feel that you still want to revenge your kindness?
And Lao Li, this matter obviously has nothing to do with you, why are you jumping up and down all the time?Didn't Dad just say that he wanted to go to the battlefield to see it?As for such a big reaction?Qin people's style has always been aggressive, from the princes and nobles to the common people, who would be afraid of going to the battlefield?

Although the father is a member of the royal family, but the royal family of Daqin, who have been on the battlefield, don't you know that the father is alone?The kings of Qin in the past dynasties, in order to attack foreign countries, did not many go to battle in person?Why did you come to Dad's place, and it was more grand than those previous kings?This father is not Qin Shihuang, he will not transfer after Da Qin leaves?
"No... why are you two looking at me..." Qin Mu shrank his neck back: "My father was on the battlefield, what's the matter? What are you afraid of? The sky is falling, and there is a tall man watching! Emperor Shihuang It’s still there, don’t make it look like there’s no one there!”

He really can't figure it out, isn't he just going out?As for?Didn't daddy shoot at him every day these days, and in the end, nothing happened?Even if you go to the battlefield, it is impossible for anything to happen.Daqin wants to send at least tens of 10 people to the battlefield!
Now, Lao Li and Lao Wang were staring at him directly, which made him feel a little nervous.

"Don't talk so much... Young Master, since you want to speak for Brother Zhao, you have to be responsible!" Wang Jian stared at Qin Mu, as if he wanted to read something from his face.The result is of course nothing.

"That's right, that's right!" Lao Li also yelled, "Young master, you are responsible for Brother Zhao's safety! Of course, in addition to these, you have to find a way, at most half a month, you must bring Brother Zhao back!"

"I..." Qin Mu was speechless: "Lao Li, you really have no common sense at all! How many Huns are there? The population is one million, and the cavalry is 20! I won't say they are individuals, even if It's 20 pigs, throw them on the grassland, and it's impossible to catch them all in half a month!"

"You want me to let daddy come back within fifteen days? Is this possible? Isn't it difficult for someone to force you?"

In the end, this time, Lao Li was not cowardly at all!Actually, did Li Si have to let Zulong come back so soon because he didn't understand military affairs?Not at all!What he was afraid of was that Zulong was not in Xianyang, and what he was afraid of was that Zulong would encounter danger on the grassland.As for whether the war on the grassland is over or not, it has nothing to do with Zulong's return to Xianyang!

Even if the war comes to the most critical moment, he will not hesitate to choose Zulong to come back!

"Ahem..." Wang Jian coughed twice, elbowed Li Si, and said in a low voice, "Lao Li, this is indeed a bit too much. It's been almost half a month since this battlefield, Brother Zhao can't Just take a look at the grassland, and I'll be back right away... Time... I think it should be extended a little bit, I think it's probably about the same for a month..."

Li Si's eyes widened on the spot: "One month? It's easy for you to say, except for the problem, who will be responsible?"

Qin Mu heard that they were arguing and had a headache, so he interrupted the quarrel and said impatiently: "Okay, stop arguing! One month is one month! When there is a problem, I will take care of it, right?"

Li Si wanted to say something, but Wang Jian directly stopped him and secretly pointed at Zulong.

Li Si glanced over and shut his mouth in an instant.

The final result is that Zulong can leave for a month, and Qin Mu is in charge!
(End of this chapter)

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