Chapter 338 Grenade
In the next few days, Qin Mu was hardly idle.No matter how strange Lao Li and Lao Wang's attitudes are, since I have agreed to them, I will naturally be responsible for my father's safety.And several people finally decided that Dad can only fight on the battlefield for a month at most. After the time is exceeded, no matter whether the war is over or not, Dad must go back home.

Although Qin Mu still felt very incomprehensible, he took it as a kind of persuasion from his subordinates to the lord... After all, the battlefield would be very dangerous.The son of a daughter can't sit still, let alone go to the battlefield.

However, Qin Mu didn't want to disappoint his father either.The reason why she was going was that she felt that Daqin's war against the Huns was of extraordinary significance. If it went well, it could directly help Daqin solve the long-term scourge of the Huns.Therefore, Qin Mu still kept thinking that he should directly say that the war would end within a month, and let his father return to Xianyang with the news of victory.

Of course, the achievement of this goal depends on the right time, place and people, as well as the cooperation of the Huns. If it can be achieved, Qin Mu will definitely strive for it, and if it cannot be achieved, he will not force it.However, apart from this matter, Qin Mu has another thing that must be done: to protect the safety of his father.

Of course, he knew that as long as Dad brought a few teams of shadow guards, his own safety should be fine.Even if someone assassinates, it is impossible to pass the shadow guard.However, what he is worried about is that in the battle of a large army, no matter how strong an individual is, it will not help.No matter how powerful your shadow guard is, how many cavalry can you stop if they charge directly to [-] cavalry?
Therefore, Qin Mu must prepare a series of self-defense equipment for Zulong.Originally, the big weapon Qin Mu prepared for the Qin army was the cannon.The lethality of the cannon is most suitable for this kind of large army to fight.Especially the cavalry of the Huns, the command basically depends on roaring, so the distance between each other will be very close, which is most suitable for artillery bombardment.

However, cannons are not omnipotent.For example, at close range, the cannon is very weak.Trying to aim, too slow!Moreover, the power of the cannon is also a bit strong, and it is easy to accidentally injure one's own people if the distance is too close.Therefore, Qin Mu wants to make something that is more useful at close range, specially for Zulong's self-defense.

He thought for a long time. With the current technology, it should be no problem to make a flintlock.But the problem is that the flintlock gun... is really limited in accuracy, and the speed is a bit slow.In the past, when the army used flintlock guns in combat, it was basically two rows of people facing each other, at a distance of 50 meters, and they lined up to shoot each other.

Because the flintlock is so poorly aimed, almost everyone thinks there is no need to dodge it.Those who were hit were considered unlucky, but more often than not, both sides fired dozens of shots, but no one hit the other in the end.This kind of situation was ridiculed by some people as "queuing up and shooting", but it happened that not many people were shot in one game.

Qin Mu felt that once the flintlock was used, it meant that the enemy had passed the blockade of the cannon fire and rushed to the front. At this time, it was a bit late to use the flintlock.After thinking about it for a long time, he still decided to directly make another kind of close-range artifact: grenade!

The grenade is not very technically difficult.It mainly relies on the scattered metal fragments to cause damage when the gunpowder explodes.Currently manufactured, there is no difficulty.It didn't take long for Li Hei to knock a few thin iron shells, and it was not difficult to stuff some small iron pieces into the gunpowder.Perhaps the only technical difficulty lies in the fuze.

However, this thing did not bother Qin Mu.He didn't plan to mass-produce the grenade himself, so he directly adopted the fuze method of the ring-pull grenade, which only needed some kindling. Qin Mu still had a large amount of white phosphorus in his hand at this time, which happened to be used in this place.

Even, if you really don't want to bother, just make a gunpowder fuze and leave it outside. When you need to use it, you can light it with a torch and throw it out.It's just an emergency thing anyway.The grenade is simple to make, but the killing radius can reach five meters. Throwing a grenade can harvest a cavalry, which is definitely enough for emergency.

Anyway, as long as the grenade can persist for the first period of time, it will be fine.As for the problem after the emergency, it must be left to Lao Wang to deal with it.After all, he was the chief general in the army, so it would be no problem to protect his father.

Of course, after thinking about making the grenade, Qin Mu was still not satisfied.Grenade is indeed easy to use, but it is impossible to carry too many.What if the Huns find out that their father is very high-ranking and want to kill him at any cost?Sooner or later, the corpses will use up all their grenades, so at this time, there is still a need for something that can be used by the old man to escape quickly.

The air heater can be used of course, but to be honest, the speed of lift-off is definitely not fast enough.The cavalry over there are all coming, and the fire is still being lit here. After the fire is lit, we have to wait for the balloon to inflate and then rise. By the time it has to fly up, half an hour has passed...

So, how do you find a gear that can start quickly and escape in time?Considering that Zulong is generally not too far away from the army, this equipment does not require any battery life, it only needs a very short start-up time, plus a certain speed.Qin Mu thought about it for a long time, and even went to Lao Wang to discuss it, only to find was dark under his lamp.

Why do you have to invent everything yourself?Facing the cavalry, the ones who can escape quickly... are the cavalry!As long as Zulong is equipped with a good horse, in an emergency, it is no problem to rush into the protective circle of the army at a short distance... What's more, Zulong also has a big killer like this grenade as a weapon.

Once the cavalry approached, throw a few grenades directly. As long as the opponent is not dizzy, they should not rush too hard.

As long as there is some distance, Zulong is equipped with better horses, and escape will not be a problem!

After making these preparations, Qin Mu was completely relieved. All the affairs of the supervisory garden had already been put on the right track. The army could start when there were enough artillery pieces and pills.

As expected, Lao Wang became the chief general of the expedition as he wished, and he also brought his son Wang Ben with him. The 20-strong army has begun to assemble, and Wang Jian secretly mobilized a [-]-strong army to start training in the use of cannons.

Li Si was busy preparing for the court affairs. Once Zu Long left, he, the prime minister, would become the backbone of Daqin.At that time, on the one hand, government affairs must be dealt with, and on the other hand, no one can discover the fact that Zulong has left!

(End of this chapter)

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