Chapter 339
In the last few days, Qin Mu became idle instead.Now he is very Buddhist, and the reason is very simple. Everything that should be prepared has actually been prepared long ago.Now, he only needs to wait for the supervisor to produce the things he needs step by step, and then store them. Once the quantity meets the requirements, he can directly lead the army to go out.

This day was not too long. After a few days of rest, Qin Mu suddenly received a notification from the Shadow Guard that the army would be leaving tomorrow.This was expected by Qin Mu, after all, after he reformed the production process and introduced the evil assembly line, the Mohist disciples who came to the supervisory garden to apply for jobs had unknowingly become his screws.

They found that after working for such a long time, they didn't know anything about the production of other links. Those who casted could only cast, those who polished could only grind, and those who quenched could only be quenched.At most, they only know the production requirements of each link, because they have to do quality inspection work every once in a while.

As a result, all the Mohist disciples in the cannon assembly line knew what the cannon should look like before it could be used, but few of them could tell how a cannon should be used to meet the standard for use.

This is still the artillery department with the largest number of employees. If it is replaced by others, the situation will be even more serious.For example, the gunpowder department.The people who entered the gunpowder department were all credible people who had been thoroughly investigated by Jin Yiwei.They live and sleep with other people every day, but when it is time to work, they will find an opportunity to sneak into the gunpowder workshop.

After all, there are too many people now. A cannon assembly line needs 50 people, and all production lines have more than 20 people. With so many people, it is impossible for anyone to recognize everyone.Therefore, so few people disappear every day, and no one notices at all.

Of course, Jin Yiwei also contributed a lot.Their investigation was detailed and comprehensive, and those people who were looking for the beatings were indeed all tight-lipped, and no one disclosed anything about the Gunpowder Workshop to the outside world.Not only did they not say that they themselves do not know the whole gunpowder production process, but they also did not say anything about wages... because, this salary may make the students who work hard outside feel unbalanced...

In short, with the hard work of this series of conditions, Qin Mu's Garden Supervision Workshop fulfilled its mission as expected. When the shadow guards arranged by Zulong gathered up all the railroad tracks produced by the remnants of the Six Kingdoms... it really was Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.


The next day, Qin Mu arrived outside the city gate of Xianyang early.The army has been stationed here for a long time, and today is the day of the expedition. The chief general Wang Jian will officially end the seal of the general here and start his feat of expedition against the Huns.

After arriving at the place, Wang Jian's personal soldiers directly took Qin Mu and others in.Because of today's particularity, it is not convenient for them to show up.Wang Jian arranged them in the logistics unit in the camp. This unit was located in the guard of other armies, and a small area was specially designated for them.In this area, the main general Qin Bing is guarding it, and no one else is allowed to approach.

When Qin Mu arrived at the place, he found that his father was already following him.Beside him were a few powerful men, who could be seen as military masters at a glance. Qin Mu sensed that the shadow guards were obviously also lurking around.It seems that there is no need to worry about Zulong's safety for the time being.

"Father, did you come so early?" Qin Mu sat down in front of Zulong: "Old Wang also had a heart in arranging us into this convoy! There is nothing missing in this place, and it is very safe! "

Zu Long was a little dissatisfied: "Throwing us into the logistics convoy, is it still called intentional? This place, at a glance, is full of food and grass, and the soldiers around are closely guarded. It is safer than the palace! Living in such a place What's the point? I can't even see the face of an enemy!"

Qin Mu is also speechless, this old man is really playful!This place is so safe, I still feel bad: "Father, I think it's pretty good! Fighting a war is not a child's play, it will really kill people! If you step into the front line, there must be many dangers! I think the old man It would be good if Wang and the others agree with you to come out, so you don’t need to ask so much..."

Zu Long thought for a while, but remained silent: "Okay, anyway, everything has been arranged, I can't just fight with him here. However, when the army starts, I must find Old Wang and let me go Take a look at the first line, otherwise this trip is not for nothing? I... must see with my own eyes how those Huns died at the hands of my Daqin soldiers!"

Qin Mu smiled helplessly, his father, this temper is too violent!This time I went out, I didn't pretend to be anything other than watching the war in my mind!I was told about the safety issue, and I probably never considered it!
Thinking about his father's behavior at the moment, Qin Mu felt that most of the extra things he had prepared would be used.But right now, there's no need to worry. After the unraveling, I will definitely teach my father how to use the entourage.

At this moment, in front of the city gate of Xianyang, a tall earthen platform has been erected.

Standing on the earth platform, Wang Jian was filled with emotion.After the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, he knew that he had made great achievements, so he retreated bravely and handed over all his military power.Sure enough, Zu Long's suspicion of him almost disappeared, and his son Wang Ben had to retain his high position.He almost exchanged his status for the rich family of the Wang family.

At that time, there was no resentment in his heart.After all... Isn't that what emperors have been like since ancient times?Relatively speaking, His Majesty is already considered good to the heroes!Although he retired, at least he still kept the Wang family!If it were another emperor, I'm afraid it would be really difficult for him to keep his family!

Originally, he thought that he would never have anything to do with the army in his life, and that he would never be able to lead the army as before.So he also accepted his fate and became a rich man, talking and going out with His Majesty every day, which is very good!

But... Ever since Qin Mu appeared, he finally saw a glimmer of hope again.This glimmer of hope came from the changes after the First Emperor got to know Qin Mu.

I can't feel anything else, but... After Qin Mu appeared, His Majesty's character seemed to be more and more inclined to take it positively.The former Emperor Shihuang was a little arbitrary, a little suspicious, and even a little too murderous.But as Zulong and Qin Mu get along, these things are slowly fading away.

Even on this day, finally... Zulong, let Wang Jian hold the commanding seal again!

(End of this chapter)

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