Chapter 340 Came to Shangjun
In fact, there is nothing to say or do in the so-called expedition ceremony.In this era, there are no loudspeakers. If Wang Jian speaks on the stage alone, it will break his throat and the people behind will not be able to hear him.Therefore, the so-called expedition ceremony is actually the senior officer of each army, the witness Wang Jian officially received the tiger talisman from the authorization of the first emperor.

Wang Jian didn't say anything, just the fact that he was able to make a comeback was enough to motivate people.It is no exaggeration to say that Wang Jian, who lived his life as a soldier, had disciples all over the Qin army.More than half of the generals at the expedition ceremony are his old friends.Wang Jian only needs to stand there, and the morale of the army will be gathered in an instant, and there will be no more accidents.

Therefore, in fact, Daqin was not surprised at Wang Jian's rapid retreat.As a general, at this point, the only option left is to retreat bravely.In this era, the world is a family, and it is a country of one person.To put it bluntly, when you can threaten the imperial power, no matter whether you are loyal or traitor, the emperor can only treat you as a traitor.

Therefore, Wang Jian retreated bravely. On the one hand, he knew how to advance and retreat. On the other hand, he had no other path to choose.In front of him, there is another Bai Qi!Bai Qi, in terms of military achievements, he is not inferior to Wang Jian, but... he didn't know how to restrain himself when he was an extremely human minister, so he could only end his life with a long sword.

Therefore, it is really a surprise that Wang Jian can regain military power now.Now he is very satisfied!The generals below, even if they weren't from his faction, thought of the meaning behind Wang Jian's comeback...a chill ran down their spines.Where do you have the courage to make small moves?
Of course, Zulong has seen this clearly for a long time.Therefore, in general expedition ceremonies, the emperor needs to come forward and personally award the tiger talisman, which is equivalent to giving the chief general a platform.But Wang Jian didn't need it at all, so he just saved it.Zu Long changed his appearance a little at this time, so if ordinary people are not very familiar with him, even if they see him, it may be difficult to connect him with the all-powerful First Emperor.

For Qin Mu, such a disguise is basically useless.And with Lao Wang and Lao Li's aggressive attitudes as a foreshadowing, Qin Mu didn't think there was anything wrong with Yi Rong.After waiting for a while, they followed the march of the army and headed northwest.

During the march of the army, it actually had its own set of rules, which were completely different from when they were stationed in the camp.Marching for six hours a day, there are two meals a day, one meal when setting off in the morning, and one meal when camping in the evening.The rest of the time, just keep going, no time to eat.

Since it is a march, it is natural to pursue speed. Even so, the daily march of the army is between sixty and one hundred miles.Just look at this speed, very slow!However, this is a collective march of 20 people, and any small matter will become a trouble if placed in a team of 20 people.

For example, the problem of eating.During the march, the physical exertion is very heavy, why only eat two meals a day?It is because it is too troublesome to make food for 20 people!It may take less than 10 minutes to eat a meal, but once 20 people are involved, an hour may not be enough.

The same goes for the others.The teams are lined up in a long line according to their respective troops.The entire team of 20 people has more than ten miles in length alone!As the main general, Wang Jian must be protected in the team. If there is any order, it will take nearly half an hour to reach the front of the team!This is because he leaned forward specially!

And if he wanted to communicate with Zu Long and Qin Mu in the logistics team, it would be even more troublesome!The logistics team is not a formal army, so the quality of personnel is not that strong!However, the importance is not bad at all, and even surpasses it!Therefore, they are heavily protected, and their speed is slightly slower, but there are people watching them all the time.

In a real fight, it’s nothing to be regarded as an army, it can only be said to be a normal loss in the war, but if the logistics team is killed by someone... let’s not talk about it, just cut off your own head to prevent the enemy from doing it...

Therefore, it is simply impossible for Wang Jian, a general, to run here all the time.It was even more impossible for Qin Mu and the others to get close to the main general.Therefore, during the entire march, Wang Jian seemed to have forgotten them. He waited until the army reached Shangjun and was about to enter the grassland before ordering to change the formation and shift the position of the logistics troops forward.

So... Qin Mu and Zu Long met the dusty Wang Jian after ten days.At this time, Wang Jian had a very different image when he appeared in the prison garden in peacetime. He was wearing a thick blue-gray stainless steel armor with a cold metallic luster. It was replaced by a five-foot-long, tough, broad and heavy sword!

Qin Mu felt that Wang Jian at this time was somewhat similar to those other generals. His whole body finally no longer had the temperament of a bad old man, but his whole body was cold and stern. The general who came out of the crowd!
Qin Mu blinked. Although Dad's friend is definitely not a mortal, Lao Wang's current appearance is somewhat beyond his expectation.He originally thought that Lao Wang's shrunken appearance made him a commander-in-chief, but... this doesn't seem to be the temperament that a commander-in-chief can possess...

Especially, considering that Lao Wang is so old now, and he has not been in the army all the time... If he still has such a temperament, he must be a big man to take it together...

"Find an opportunity to ask the old Wang's full name, maybe he is also a famous general in history..." Qin Mu muttered to himself: "However, there don't seem to be many famous generals surnamed Wang in the Qin Kingdom... Could it be? Or is it from Wang Jian's family?"

On the other side, Wang Jian looked at him and Zu Long, with a smile on his face, and strode forward.Neither Zu Long nor Qin Mu is suitable to appear in the coach's tent.As soon as Zulong appeared, all the generals now only had room to kneel.As for Qin Mu, it was because he was too young to go there.

Therefore, if he wanted to meet them, Wang Jian had to come to the logistics by himself.

Fortunately, logistics is very important, and it is not too abrupt for a general to come to inspect the logistics when he has nothing to do.

(End of this chapter)

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