Chapter 341

Qin Mu could also tell that Wang Jian was really feeling a little proud now.As a general, he has not led an army for more than ten years, and now he has the opportunity to return to the army he is most familiar with. That feeling, of course, made Wang Jian feel refreshed.Especially, after more than ten years, I found that the world is still full of legends about me!

Even his incompetent son, although he is now the leading general in the Great Qin Dynasty and can lead the army alone, but when people mention him now, he is still called "Wang Ben, the son of Wu Chenghou Wang Jian", which makes Wang Jian especially proud.After all, Lao Tzu should be better than his son!I have been semi-retired for more than ten years, but I am still better than my son!
Zu Long looked at him, smiled slightly, and teased: "My lord, finally remembered that there are still two people waiting eagerly in the logistics department? I am really worried along the way, have you forgotten us?"

Wang Jian's face twitched, he threw his big sword aside, and rushed up in three steps at a time, howling in a low voice: "Brother Zhao, don't say it, this way, hurry up and hold me back!" Dead! God knows, how much I want to leave those things behind to find you, but... marching on this road, every route has to be watched at all times, and if I accidentally go astray..."

Zu Long held back a sneer and turned his head to the other side.

Wang Jian slowed down and looked at Qin Mu: "Young master, doctor Qin! You don't know how much I miss you! I'm in the big tent in front of me. I don't think about food or sleep. Safe! As soon as I closed my eyes, I remembered that you fought for me to be the chief general. I feel so guilty! But, you let me be the chief general, and I can't let you down, and I can't let this war There is a slight problem..."

Qin Mu also sneered: "Come on... I see, you just became the chief general, and you're addicted to it! Isn't it great to give orders to others and no one dares to disobey you in the big tent?"

"Yes... no!" Wang Jian was about to tell the truth for a moment, but he held back abruptly and said loudly, "Young master, I am really worried about this battle, so talent……"

"Okay, okay!" Qin Mu waved his hands. In fact, he and Zulong also knew that the army had just set off, and no matter whether the start was smooth or not, the chief general had to be on the front line.The reason is simple, this is the critical period for the Lord to sort out his authority!People are lazy. If you don't start well at the beginning, then you want to strengthen management later, it will take ten times more effort!

Therefore, no matter what level a famous player is, when he leads a new team, he will use his greatest strength to set up the rules at the very beginning. The more famous the player is, the more he cares about it.On the contrary, those who are not very familiar with the art of war will secretly save some energy at the beginning stage, and when they really want to go all out in the later stage, it will be too late to say anything.

Wang Jian didn't come to the logistics to look for them in the first place, so it was actually the right choice.This at least shows that Wang Jian knows what to do when leading the team.Moreover, Qin Mu has always been worried, will there be any problems with Lao Wang's qualifications leading a team of more than 20 people?Since Pharaoh has never come, it means that everything is progressing very smoothly for him.

This made Qin Mu's evaluation of Lao Wang even higher.In Qin Mu's opinion, a person who has some strength, but his qualifications can only be regarded as "barely enough", can actually control an army of 20 people in a dozen days. Such ability, really It is very strong.How can I be considered a Bole?
Therefore, he and Zulong were actually joking with Old Wang. He came to them so soon, which showed that the situation was under control.

"Old Wang..." Qin Mu thought for a while, and decided to ask a question. The curiosity in his heart was always dull, and something would happen: "This army of more than 20 people should have many high-ranking generals? How did you do it?" Overwhelm them?"

"How did you convince me?" Old Wang scratched his head, with a puzzled look on his face: "I didn't pressure them much...Anyway, they convinced me as soon as we met..."

Qin Mu almost spit out the tea after taking a sip.This old king, I didn't expect that Versailles' technology is quite high!In an understatement, he actually flattered himself like this: "No... Even if I and they can see that you have a lot of colors in you, it shouldn't be so smooth... Could it be that you were not a commander before, But what kind of senior general?"

"Young master, what are you talking about..." Wang Jian chuckled, "I have never said that I am the commander-in-chief... To be honest, I don't know if these high-ranking generals are as good as me! They met I am convinced, isn't that natural? Besides, I am the commander-in-chief, with a tiger talisman in my hand, who would dare not accept it?"

Qin Mu shook his head, what Old Wang said made it difficult for him to judge.Originally, he expected that even with the tiger talisman bestowed by the first emperor, he would definitely meet some people who were obedient and obedient.After all, in the army, there are the most rebellious generals.They were all killed from the pile of dead people, who can be a coward?

But Lao Wang is so optimistic now, which is somewhat beyond his imagination.If Lao Wang is really a fierce general comparable to Meng Tian and Li Xin, then naturally there is no problem.However, a famous general is not a role in the bad street. If he is a famous general, can he still follow his father's ass every day as a follower?
Or, Lao Wang is actually a member of a big family?That's unlikely, who can become a high-ranking military officer without aristocratic background?Even if the family background is a little poor, it is impossible to be so obedient.Besides, there are not many noble families surnamed Wang in Daqin!
By the way...if Old Wang is from Wang Jian's's also possible!Qin Mu knows that even though the Wang family is keeping a low profile now, their intertwined relationship in the army has not dissipated.If Old Wang is Wang Jian's younger brother... Then everyone will probably look at Wang Jian's face and obey him...

Of course, there is another worst possibility, that is, the people below are not convinced, but Lao Wang deliberately concealed it, reporting good news but not bad news.But the probability of this should be very small, Lao Wang is not that kind of person.

Qin Mu's thoughts changed, and in the end he absolutely didn't care about it.I am also in the army, and I can obviously feel that there is no change here.Now that we have arrived in Shangjun, the war is about to begin, so let's put our minds on the war.As for Lao Wang's identity, we might as well talk about it later. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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