Chapter 343 Special Recipes
A moment later, in a certain corner of the logistics camp, a cluster of small flames rose up, the orange-red flames danced, flashing a trace of joy on the faces of Qin Mu and Zu Long.

"Not bad, Mu'er, you seem to be much more proficient at lighting a fire this time than last time." Zu Long hurriedly added some small branches to the newly lit fire, while commenting on Qin Mu's movements: Light it up, it seems that your torch is pretty good!"

Qin Mu rolled his eyes: "Father, are you ashamed to say that? When I started a fire last time, I almost succeeded. Didn't you suddenly sneeze and blow it out for me? Also, I When did you become unskilled? Didn’t I do all the cooking and lighting the fire during this period of time?”

Qin Mu was also really speechless.He has been living with Lifu in the wild since he was a child, and his mere ability to make fire is of course not difficult for him!Not to mention there is a specially made fire book, even if there is nothing, he can find two dry logs to drill wood to make fire!In a place like a military camp, if you want to live, isn't it easy?
However, this father of mine is really not good enough, he is simply a noob in the wilderness!It's fine if you don't know how to make a fire, you're lazy!In order to experience the feeling of surviving in the wilderness, Qin Mu lit a fire by himself and asked his father to collect firewood, but he didn't want to go, and wanted the shadow guard around him to do it for him.

Qin Mu rejected him at that time, and said a lot of earnestly, why he left Xianyang just to experience life, and why he was used to being pampered, so it was good to feel it, and finally persuaded her, but in the end, he didn't know how to pick up firewood. do it!Qin Mu collapsed when he came back carrying a large bundle of wet firewood. After asking, he found out that he hadn't gone out at all, and it was folded on the big tree next to the logistics station!

In desperation, Qin Mu had no choice but to agree to let the shadow guard take over Zulong's work, and Zulong himself sat and watched every day, and ate after watching. He made a good fire.In order to save face for himself, he would often find fault with Qin Mu's work.

While Qin Mu was thinking, he still had to work.Sometimes he thought, if it wasn't for his father, he would probably have to kick him away!But... Thinking about Zulong's inability to make a fire or gather firewood... Qin Mu felt a little sad.Why don't people?Isn't it because the meal comes and the mouth is opened and the clothes are stretched out?
If given a choice, who would go to the wilderness to struggle to survive?That is, there is no lemon at hand, otherwise Qin Mu would have to do both at once!

After the fire was lit, Qin Mu took out an iron pot from the tent behind him, filled it with water halfway, and put it directly on the flames.Next, it is the process of silently waiting for the water to boil.While adding sticks to the fire, Qin Mu prepared the ingredients to be put into the pot later.

It was a square cake. Looking carefully, it was not a simple dough cake, but noodles, which were combed neatly, stretched out in a wave shape, and then stuck together.That... is very similar to the instant noodles of later generations!In fact, this is the food that Qin Mu made after imitating the instant noodles of later generations before he set off on the expedition!

Use wheat flour, add water and oil to knead the dough, then make thin noodles, straighten them according to the length, and arrange them in a square shape. After a little air drying, fry them in an oil pan at low temperature for a few seconds to set the shape, and finally air dry them thoroughly.Of course, when kneading the noodles, you also need to add some eggs and salt. In this way, the noodles have some flavor, even if they are boiled in plain water, they are delicious.

Of course, in order to satisfy his appetite, Qin Mu specially made rice buns with seasonings such as pepper, salt, and Chinese prickly ash, and fried some sauce buns with the sauce that was finally made.The taste is close to the braised beef noodles of later generations.Why do you say close?Because the taste is similar, but not exactly the same.

The braised beef noodles of later generations actually have no beef.As for Qin Mu's braised beef noodles, there are really big pieces of beef...

Even, Qin Mu didn't just prepare instant noodles, he also made many things, such as hot and sour noodles, snail noodles, fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowls and other semi-finished products, Qin Mu prepared a large cart, all of which Half-finished food!Most of them can be eaten with only a little processing!

"It's instant noodles again today?" Zu Long frowned: "Why do I feel like I've been eating instant noodles for the past few days? What about the hot and sour noodles you took last time?"

Qin Mu snorted coldly, looked at Zulong and said, "Are you ashamed to say, if you hadn't cooked three bowls of hot and sour noodles last time, why would we eat instant noodles for so many days? Besides, if you don't want to eat Instant noodles, don’t we have a cook in this team? You can go directly to the cook for dinner!”

When Zu Long remembered the time when he ate hot and sour noodles, he suddenly laughed. He ate up Qin Mu and other people's portions by himself, forcing them to find the logistics team From that day on, Qin Mu cooks instant noodles every time he turns on a small stove.

Is the level of the logistics team's guy... Hehe, anyone who has eaten knows it!In fact, this is already considered good.

In the military system of the Great Qin Dynasty, five people formed an army, and ordinary soldiers had to bury their own pots and make meals for themselves.Whether it is delicious or not, it all depends on your own craftsmanship.However, after all, the ingredients provided are there, and the craftsmanship is better, that is, it is not unpalatable.If the craftsmanship is almost... then it can only be said that people cannot die from starvation.

Due to the particularity of the logistics team, there are specially equipped cooks.Cook, cooking for a long time is definitely better than ordinary soldiers' craftsmanship, but also that sentence, the raw materials are there, and it is not easy to make it not unpalatable.

Moreover, after the departure, the army only cooks two meals a day, one in the morning and one in the evening.That's why Qin Mu and the others would often quietly start small troubles by themselves.Anyway, with so much food, why bother to torture my stomach?

Not long after, the water boiled, below.Qin Mu took out two paper packets from his bag, carefully took out some powder and sauce, and added them to the pot. After a while, the aroma dissipated.

Qin Mu, Zu Long, and Dian Wei were holding three porcelain bowls, eating with great joy.Because the shadow guard wanted to protect the ancestor dragon in the dark, it was inconvenient to show up, so he could only hide in the shadows and swallow his saliva.

"How did you make this thing?" Zu Long asked while eating: "I have eaten a lot of this pasta, but how come I have seen such noodles?"

Qin Mu thought for a while, swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and said, " my special recipe..."

(End of this chapter)

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