Chapter 344 Plan
Wang Jian's efficiency was very high. Not long after he came to find Qin Mu, the hot air balloon had already taken off.Rising from some corner of the camp, it didn't attract much attention.After the hot air balloon took off, Wang Jian felt much more at ease. He sat in the big tent, staring at the sand table in front of him, guessing where the Huns might be hiding.

Although guessing these things may not be accurate now, the scouts on the hot air balloon will definitely need to give the final news in the end, but you can also guess more now.After all, there are more chances in some places, so it is just possible to make a plan in advance.Otherwise, wait until the scouts confirm their location before making plans, maybe the Huns will react and slip away...

Of course, the bigger possibility is that the scouts are looking for different places and his plans are different. However, they are all on the prairie anyway, and the terrain is pretty much the same, so it is impossible to change much.Big deal, the plan can be used directly after a little rest.Wang Jian stared at the sand table in front of him tightly and did not speak.

On the other side, the other people who were fighting saw that the commander didn't speak, so they didn't dare to move... It's just that half a day passed, and Wang Jian just frowned and didn't say a word... The atmosphere in the big tent gradually faded away. dignified.After arriving in Shangjun, the army stopped.The generals who are qualified to enter the big account naturally know the reason for stopping.

The march of the army could not hide from the eyes of the Huns, those cunning wolf cubs hid immediately after hearing the news.On the vast grassland, the deepest grass at this time can be as deep as a person!Even if they want to track, there is no way they can use it!What's more, the Huns are all cavalry, infantry chasing cavalry?I'm afraid I'm not out of my mind!

But, even a few days ago, Marquis Wu Cheng Wang Jian wasn't so worried?Why did you just go out for a trip, and when you came back, you seemed to find something, with a heavy face?Everyone was silent for acquaintance, and at the same time turned their attention to Wang Jian's son, Wang Ben.No one dared to ask, so you had no choice but to go up. Anyway, that is your father, and he will not do anything to you.

Wang Ben gave a wry smile. Even he didn't know what father was doing out. After coughing lightly, he said in a low voice, "Father, what's the matter with you? Did you find something when you went out? How about all of us Staff and staff together?"

Wang Jian raised his head and glanced at him, staring fiercely: "There are no fathers and sons in the army, call me the commander! You don't have to worry so much, there is nothing wrong! But, let me think again, where might the Huns hide? Let's make preparations in advance, When you find them, take action and beat them directly!"

The generals were a little puzzled after hearing Wang Jian's words.Guess?Can this kind of thing be guessed?Wang Ben looked at them and knew that he was in danger: "Commander, what's the use of guessing here? Why don't we think of a way, how should we send scouts into the grassland? Otherwise, even if we guessed a few locations, if we can't be sure, After all, it is impossible to send troops."

Wang Jian didn't even raise his head, and said directly: "Stop talking so much nonsense, scout, I have already sent out! If there is no accident, within three days, the location of the Huns will be passed back! During this time, we guess Guess where the Huns may be, and make a few plans first! When we get the news, we are still in a hurry, which will delay the opportunity of the war!"

The scouts have already been dispatched?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.The reason why they still don't know what to do is because the scouts still can't be sent out?Even if a few were sent out, the effect was very poor. Once they entered the grassland, they would simply disappear!
They also have a deep understanding of why Meng Tian has 30 troops stationed at the border, but it is only a tie with the Huns!The people present here are all high-ranking and well-known people, and they are all people who have fought tough battles and won a lot of military exploits, otherwise they would not be able to become high-ranking military officers.

The arrogance in their hearts once made them look down on Meng Tian's record. After all, with 30 people in their hands, they couldn't even deal with a single nomadic looter.However, when they really stood on the edge of Shangjun, facing the vast sea of ​​grass, they also felt deeply powerless.

There has been no progress in the past few days, which has contributed to this sense of powerlessness.The biggest problem right now is the scout problem.After discussing for several days, there was no solution, so why did the coach just take it lightly now?
Of course, they would not suspect that Wang Jian was lying.Everyone was guessing, Wang Jian, did he bring some trump card this time?It may be some powerful scouts, otherwise, why is he so confident that he can find the Huns within three days?Sure enough, no one can underestimate the Wang family!Even if Wu Chenghou retreated bravely, the hidden strength is still extremely strong!
Those who are careful are always paying attention to Wang Ben's expression.However, they were surprised to find that Wang Ben was also very surprised by this matter, and seemed to know nothing about it.But...if it is really the power hidden under the water of the Wang family, how could Wang Ben not know about it?
"Don't be dazed! Come over here to see the sand table! If you were the Huns, where would you hide?" Wang Jian became a little impatient when he saw that no one moved.

At this time, the talents in the big tent began to move slowly, and came to the sand table.

A young general pointed to a valley and said: "The terrain here is low, the view is cut off, and there are entrances and exits on both sides, which is very suitable for cavalry to hide."

Wang Jian looked up at him, and laughed: "Gongyang's family? That's right, there is a high probability that the Huns are hiding in this place! Then what should you do if they are hiding here?"

The young general of the Gongyang family was praised by Wang Jian, and his face immediately glowed: "Naturally, two troops were sent to block the entrance and exit of the valley, and encircle and wipe out all the Huns!"

Wang Jian frowned, turned his head and asked, "Wang Ben, tell me."

Wang Ben smiled leisurely, with confidence in his mind: "The Huns are all cavalry, and there are as many as 20 people. If the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, our people will definitely not be able to stop it. Besides, the two sides of the valley are not high. If the speed of encirclement and annihilation is slow , They may run away. So... I choose to use water! There is a river next to that valley, and the river is dug directly to divert water into the valley. Even cavalry cannot escape!"

Wang Jian nodded: "You are right, but you must also pay attention. When digging the river, the Huns must be able to find it! So, first follow the method of the boy of the Gongyang family, surround and not fight! Then dig the river, It’s the perfect solution!”

(End of this chapter)

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