Chapter 345 Scout

"Actually, if these Huns had a wider vision, they would not have chosen this valley!" After listening to Wang Ben's comments, another general put forward a different opinion: "Although this valley looks good, it is not suitable for The cavalry is marching, and hiding in is not easy to be found, but in case something happens, there is no hurry to run away!"

As soon as these words came out, the young general of the Gongyang family was a little ashamed, and said coldly: "Why? It doesn't work here, but tell me, where is it better?"

The man smiled slightly, and pointed to a location on the sand table: "Here! This place was originally a river valley, but it seems to have been dry for a long time. This kind of terrain is full of grass, and it is impossible to hide the figure of the cavalry. Problem! The most critical problem is that even if I really find their tracks, they can turn around and run! There is no obstacle at all!"

The young man from the Gongyang family looked at the position pointed by the other party, and was also a little silent.In that place, the terrain was slightly low, and if there were some lush grasses, it would not be difficult to hide the cavalry.And the most important thing is that this place is indeed able to advance, attack, retreat and defend. It is not far from the Daqin garrison in Shangjun, so it is very convenient whether you want to attack or escape.

However, Wang Jian did not express his opinion, but Wang Ben said: "The terrain of this place is not bad. If the infantry hides, it is an excellent place! However, the cavalry is not the best choice! A large number of horses will destroy the local area. It’s impossible to hide in it for a long time! If the Huns didn’t know when we would attack, they probably wouldn’t have chosen this place.”

Wang Ben's speech is equivalent to a final decision, as long as Wang Jian does not refute, it is basically confirmed.With the two people in front of them throwing bricks and attracting jade, the discussion voices in the big tent gradually increased.After a while, Wang Jian looked at the dozens of places marked on the sand table and smiled.After everyone used their brains, they racked their brains and came up with a lot of ideas.

Some of these places are natural hiding places, some are convenient and cavalry rushing places, and some are simply places where most people feel that someone may hide.For these places, Wang Jian also made a lot of plans, and he finally felt more at ease. After the hot air balloon came back, he could hit the Huns hard in one fell swoop!
A moment later, a personal guard entered the tent and informed Wang Jian that the scouts on the hot air balloon had returned.Wang Jian's eyes moved, he was in a good mood, just after finishing all the plans, the scouts returned immediately, isn't this God's will?

"Call in!" Wang Jian waved his hand, and waved at the same time, the discussion in the tent immediately stopped. "Our scouts have already rushed back! Next, if we can find the hiding place of the Huns, then... everyone, get ready to attack!"

All the generals are full of enthusiasm!Daqin people want to pay attention to military industry!The military merit system was once the basic system that helped Great Qin defeat the Six Kingdoms.However, after the world agrees, the chances of obtaining military industry will be greatly reduced!In the original unification war, a large number of soldiers gained military merit and directly became nobles.

However, after the unification of the world, the ways to obtain military merits were greatly reduced, and the phenomenon of father Daliang Zao and son dying for nothing also appeared.Many aristocratic families tried their best to send their children to the border, just to let them at least gain some military merit!
Therefore, the Huns also know that this is the best time for them to gain military merits this time!So, only excited people, no flinching!Even, everyone's emotions were extremely high!
Then, a scout wearing a thick leather jacket strode in.The generals were taken aback when they saw it.Daqin's scouts are considered elite troops, and their weapons and equipment configuration are almost equal to those of some junior officers.Although the production of steel is not much now, a scout should still be equipped.At least, there should be a steel armor, a crossbow, and a fine steel long sword.

In particular, they went out to fight the Huns, and all kinds of weapons and equipment, compared with the garrisons in various places, have risen to another level.No matter how poor this scout is, it's impossible for him to only wear a leather jacket?Moreover, he didn't even have a weapon at hand, so he never thought about what to do if he encountered an enemy army?

If you don't take anything, do you want to kill the enemy if you see it?impossible!If that was the case, how could he come back and report the news?However, no matter how strange everyone was, they didn't ask any questions.Even if they couldn't trust the scout, it was impossible for them not to trust Wang Jian.This is the scout sent by Wang Jian!Could it be that Wang Jian is not as good as them?
In fact, it was also the first time Wang Jian saw this scout.These people were originally his soldiers, but they were lent to Qin Mu to experiment with hot air balloons in the prison garden.Before the expedition, he directly became a scout.They were always in the logistics team with Qin Mu, or Wang Jian went to find Qin Mu before, and these people were sent out.

Even so, the 100 people sent out were also Wang Jian's confidantes, so they must be trustworthy.But... Wang Jian's eyes widened, and he couldn't tell which one it was... because his face was too dark!

After holding back for a long time, Wang Jian finally gave up calling out the scout's name, and asked directly, "Have you found the location yet?"

The scout knelt down on one knee and saluted, and said loudly: "Return to the commander, fortunately, the hiding place of the Huns has been discovered!"

"Okay!" Wang Jian laughed a few times, this speed far exceeded his imagination!He also told the generals present that the location of the Huns could be found within three days, but how long did it take?It was just three hours before they discussed in this big tent!

"You, come closer, mark their positions on the sand table!"

The scout responded without being stage-frightened. After all, he had followed Wang Jian for many years, so it can be said that he was used to big scenes. He just picked up a small red flag on the sand table and stuck it straight in a position.

This sand table has been inserted densely before, and as a result, the position he is inserting now is not any of the places marked by these people before!After the scout planted the flag, he frowned, walked around the sand table, and readjusted the terrain in the entire sand table!
"What are you doing!" Finally someone couldn't help it anymore, the young man from the Gongyang family yelled, "A little scout, how dare you mess around with the sand table in the big tent!"

Someone nodded in agreement, this is a big taboo!
(End of this chapter)

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