Chapter 347
Wang Jian looked at the bewildered people in the big tent, and seemed to have just remembered that he should explain to everyone.He himself knew that Qin Mu had made a hot air balloon, and he also knew that a hot air balloon could fly into the sky, but he had never been in one after all, so he still didn't understand what the ground looked like after going up to the sky.

He once thought that it should be like watching the mountain from the top of the mountain?However, looking at Wang Tong's reaction, it seems that there are still some differences.But no matter what, he already knew that the reason why Wang Tong knew this was because of the hot air balloon... In fact, it was also because of Qin Mu.Since it was related to Qin Mu, no matter how counterintuitive it was, Wang Jian still chose to believe it.

"Cough cough... I know about Wang Tong Feitian..." Wang Jian coughed twice: "That... everyone knows, Your Majesty knows someone high-spirited, right?"

"I know! The legend of that expert has been circulating in Xianyang for a long time! It is said that the imperial examination system proposed by His Majesty was the idea of ​​this expert! And in order to promote the imperial examination, he also invented papermaking and printing! Sigh, why does such a talent have to hold the imperial examination? I heard that he moved the interests of many people and was assassinated several times!"

"I also know. I heard that when I was online in Yangcheng, I was assassinated by dozens of assassins at least twice! However, the guard of the expert is really strong. I heard that one person protected the expert! There are people who participated that day. The assassin who has been sieged said that his guard can directly turn into a juggernaut, and with a light slap, he can slap a person into a pulp!"

"Are you exaggerating? Is that still human? I heard that the guards under the expert are very strong, and they cooperate with each other tacitly! Hundreds of people went to battle, just like one person! Those assassins were frightened, and they thought they were one People! But... Some people say that there must not be hundreds of people, but they have seen at least three guards of the expert..."

"Are you still talking about it? Let me tell you, I was there when the expert beheaded Zhao Gao in the street! That day, I had nothing to do to relax in Xianyang, but I heard a noisy place. I went to have a look. Good guy, the expert took a knife and chopped off Zhao Gao's head in one fell swoop!"

"Have you seen it? Then tell me, what does an expert look like?"

"Huh, let me tell you, the tall man is eight feet tall, with a three-foot long beard fluttering under his chin. He is tall and strong, with a face like a jujube, eyebrows like lying silkworms, and red phoenix in his eyes. He is mighty and majestic. He is not a mortal ! When I saw it at the time, I almost bowed my head..."

Before the man could finish speaking, there was already a burst of ridicule in the tent.

"Still bragging! You kid, you have been stationed outside Xianyang, the news is too late! You are eight feet taller... Fool, taller, that is a six-year-old child, and the height of eight feet is still ridiculous ?”

"What?! Children? Uh...children can't be eight feet tall? Tall people can't be like those ordinary people!"

There was laughter inside and outside the big tent, filling the air with joy.

"Don't laugh, to be honest, I used to be in the Forbidden Army. Everyone knows that an expert once broke into the Forbidden Army's camp with three riders, right? At that time, I was still the commander of the Forbidden Army. That day, he led The guard rushed in directly! I still remember that his guard, with a light swing of the axe, knocked down all the soldiers of the imperial army, and there is no match for him!"

The person who spoke was a former general of the imperial army, but he had actually seen Qin Mu charge in with his own eyes.Those present also knew that this person was not bragging, besides, everyone had heard this story.Immediately, I also began to imagine that three people could rush into the Forbidden Army camp and directly kill a centurion. How fierce is this?

Seeing that the topic went off track, Wang Jian hurriedly brought them back: "Actually, this hot air balloon is made by some expert. It can carry people up into the sky. When it reaches the sky, it is beyond the range of bows and arrows. It is safe. Very! And, from top to bottom, it is indeed different!"

I don't know why, when they heard that Wang Tong had gone to the sky, everyone didn't believe it, but when Wang Jian said that it was an accusation, no one questioned it instantly, and even showed a dazed expression.

"But... Wang Tong, what's the matter with your face? Is there something in the sky?"

With a dark face, Wang Tong replied, "The hot air balloon is burning coal! In the sky, the coal powder is will naturally turn black!"

He seemed to know that everyone still had a lot of curiosity, so he said it all at once: "I don't wear armor because the armor is too heavy, and the hot air balloon is beyond the range of the bow and arrow, so it's safe! Besides, if something goes wrong with the hot air balloon , Falling from such a high place, there is absolutely no way of surviving, so there is basically no need for protection!"

"Wearing a sheepskin jacket is because it is very cold in the sky, and the wind in the sky is much stronger than that on the ground, so you must wear thicker clothes to keep out the cold! Of course, sometimes, if you have to go too high, there will be some accidents. Of course, this It doesn't matter, the important thing is that this hot air balloon is the perfect scout vehicle!"

Everyone nodded, and even the young man from the Gongyang family came up to touch his sheepskin jacket and said, "That's right, I will only believe it if someone is taller than this! If it's someone else, I won't believe it at all. Such a thing!"

"That's right, in Daqin, only an expert can make people trust unconditionally! With an expert, Daqin can rest easy in the future!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Wang Jian cleared his throat again, and the people in the camp turned their attention to Wang Jian again.

"Okay, now that these things have been clarified, Wang Tong's information is naturally accurate. Next, we should discuss how to deal with the Huns!"

The location of the Huns pointed out by Wang Tong is very different from what they imagined... Originally they thought that the Huns should be hiding, so either there is some shelter in the location, or the terrain is low-lying, which is easy to hide.

As a result, in fact, the Huns were stationed carelessly a dozen miles away from them.In fact, this result was unexpected and reasonable.The Huns were cavalry, and the Great Qin was infantry.Cavalry is far superior to all infantry in mobility and impact.

Therefore, the Huns were not worried about Daqin's surprise attack at all.Even if Daqin really launched a surprise attack, they only need to get on their horses... The infantry rely on their two legs, and they will never catch up!
Even, if Da Qin was determined to chase them, the Huns would still hang them like this, and finally wait for an infantry to run out of energy, and turn around and charge directly!

(End of this chapter)

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