Chapter 348 Can They Run?

For a while, there were different opinions in the big tent.It never occurred to them that this group of Huns were so bold that they really didn't hide. Instead, they just kept a little distance away.In such a position, it is not difficult for Daqin's scouts to find them.However, it was precisely because of this that everyone fell into a headache.

Infantry chasing cavalry is naturally at a disadvantage.That's why everyone has assumed what terrain the Huns are hiding in, what strategy Daqin should adopt, how to use the terrain to besiege the Huns, and finally get rid of most of the Huns.As long as it can cause a large number of casualties to the Huns cavalry, then it will be nothing more than a matter of slowly advancing the infantry and controlling all the Huns tribes.

But the Huns took the risk and did not hide, but stayed on the plain.In this kind of place, there is no terrain to rely on, and the sky is big and the earth is big, which is the world of cavalry.After the pawns really match up, it is already very difficult to remain undefeated. If you want to do something against the cavalry, then your heart is too big and your brain is too small.

However, since the coach has spoken, he cannot just remain silent.A young man tentatively said: "Since the opponent is cavalry, we will definitely not be able to catch up, so... we should choose a method to lure those Huns here... Or, we can use a trick to surrender?"

"Surrender?" Gongyang Mo, a young man from the Gongyang family, sneered, "If you don't use your brains, you can donate them! There are still many people in this world who need brains? Our army of more than 20 people just arrived in Shangjun. Didn't fight, just surrendered? Do you think you are stupid, or the Shanyu of the Huns?"

"If you want me to say, we should set up defense lines on the border and deliberately leave gaps on the edges of certain cities!" Another person stepped forward and said with a smile on his face: "In this way, the Huns found the gaps in our defense lines, I must think about breaking through from here, when the time comes, we will set up traps behind the defense line and wait for them to throw themselves into the trap!"

As soon as the words came out, other people nodded one after another. Even Wang Ben looked at his father with satisfaction. This method sounds really feasible!
However, Wang Jian shook his head without hesitation: "At this time, let's go to the defense, let alone the issue of the dispersion of troops. Doing so is actually equivalent to giving up the initiative to the Huns! When will they come to fight, what will we do?" It's time to fight, it's not right! With so many of us coming to the border, how could it be possible to stand still and wait for the enemy to come?"

In the camp, everyone looked at each other.Isn't Wang Jian old and confused?I am an infantryman, facing other cavalry, still want to take the initiative to charge forward?Where does this confidence come from?These people knew very well that the soldiers they brought were certainly not weak!After all, Daqin has no underdogs, but it would be a bit exaggerated to say that it can defeat the Huns cavalry.

However, after a while, someone still said tentatively: "Since this is the case, we will adopt the strategy of attacking the west? Pretend not to find their traces, send people to search the grassland, and actually send a large number of troops to directly outflank the Huns' garrison! Then, After you surround them, kill them all!"

This idea is actually very good and highly executable.This is the advantage on the grassland, cavalry can be hidden, and infantry is naturally no problem.As long as you pay more attention when marching, it is not difficult to hide on the grassland.After all, how tall must grass be to hide a horse?There is no pressure at all inside!

Wang Jian nodded: "It's feasible! It's just... If you want to encircle the cavalry on the grassland, it's not easy! According to the art of war, ten will encircle them! But the number of us and the Huns is only comparable! If Seeing that the situation is not going well, the Huns forcibly broke through, what should we do?"

Everyone was silent. If you want to besiege the Huns like this, how can it be so simple?If it wasn't for Wang Jian's strong request, in their opinion, the best choice would be a defensive battle!The Huns are cavalry, and they are invincible in the open space, but if they want to attack the city, they are not as good as infantry!They insist on fighting out, this is to use their own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths!

Naturally, Wang Jian was not in a daze. The reason why he insisted on shooting out was actually because he wanted to use the power of the cannon.However, the power of the cannon is good for killing the enemy. If you want to prevent the enemy from escaping, you can only find a way to limit them.That is to say, the 20 of them don't have to worry about killing the enemy, but they have to worry about the enemy escaping.

So, after asking for so long, he was actually trying to find a strategy to prevent the Huns from escaping, but unfortunately... those Huns seemed to have maximized their cavalry advantages, and if they didn't hide, they were absolutely dead. Limit their thoughts by terrain.

Watching the atmosphere in the camp gradually fall into silence, Wang Jian smiled and said loudly: "Okay! Today, we have just arrived in Shangjun, and we have already scared the Huns back for twenty miles. Don't run away? Let's do this today, take a break, and think about how to prevent the Huns from escaping!"

Saying that, he dismissed the crowd.On the battlefield, morale is particularly strong.Wang Jian knew that this time there was no result from the discussion, so enough should be enough.Otherwise, if we continue talking, it will only make everyone feel that they are helpless against the Huns, which will affect the morale of the future.

And he, dressed lightly, walked towards the logistics army.He did this, of course, to see Qin Mu!The core combat power of this army, the flying scouts and cannons, were created by Qin Mu. There should be no one in this world who is more familiar with the usage of these combat powers than him!
Wang Jian went with peace of mind, without the slightest sense of shame that he was helpless as the chief general Qu E.The reason is very simple, what excuse did Qin Mu use to keep up?Isn't it just to guide the war?Now that the opportunity has come, who can I use without him?
And when Wang Jian arrived at Qin Mu's camp, he instinctively felt something was wrong.In the army, there are rough guys everywhere. They have been walking for more than ten days before, and they are already smelly.Even though Qin Mu has always paid attention to hygiene, at best it doesn't stink.Why is there a faintly different fragrance?

However, he didn't get entangled in these things, but found Qin Mu, told him about the problems he encountered, and wanted to get some solutions from Qin Mu.

Qin Mu stared at him with wide eyes: "You mean, you are worried about the Huns escaping? Old Wang...there are hot air balloons here, can they escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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