Chapter 349
Wang Jian was taken aback... Qin Mu's astonished words made him a little confused, but then he came to his senses.That's right, there are hot air balloons flying in the sky, how can those Huns' troubles be hidden from the Qin army?
Even after the war, what if they escaped?Even if the cavalry is fast, the Daqin army just has to chase for a few more days.Moreover, they cannot escape indefinitely.They ran away, what about the tribe of the Huns?What about their wives and children?And don't forget, what the Huns were going to do when they came to the border!

They came here to plunder food!No matter how big the damage is, as long as they don't collapse, they must look for opportunities on the border.Otherwise, when Shanyu returned empty-handed with his cavalry, the social collapse of the Huns would begin.The so-called Shan Yu was originally a strong man elected by the tribe, and let you lead everyone to have a full meal.

If one day, Shan Yu makes everyone hungry, then the leaders of each tribe should consider whether to change to Shan Yu!

Therefore, Wang Jian just fired with confidence and boldly, taking advantage of the fact that the Huns were unprepared, and directly caused the greatest damage!In the process of their subsequent escape, they directly sent hot air balloons to follow the cavalry of the Huns. Wherever they ran, the hot air balloons chased them.In this way, they can't fight and fight, and they can't run and run away, so they can only die obediently!

"Old Wang, are you stupid?" Seeing that Wang Jian had been silent, Qin Mu waved his hand in front of Wang Jian: "I'm back to myself! Looking at you, I don't know how you became the chief general? Those who came from aristocratic families Generals, don’t they have any complaints about you? Didn’t they run on you with words? Didn’t they treat you in a wrong way?”

Qin Mu still hasn't forgotten his original idea!An old king wants to be the chief general, why?If you want family background, you don't have family background, if you want qualifications, you don't have qualifications, if you want ability, you don't have ability.Of course, it seems that Lao Wang is probably related to Wang Jian.But... What's the use of this kind of kinship?The Lord will lead everyone to fight!
As the saying goes, one raging soldier, one raging general.If the general is a good-for-nothing, then the entire army will be wiped out easily!Therefore, Qin Mu had already written Lao Wang's script for him.That is, after joining the army, the subordinates refused to accept it, so they could only ask Qin Mu for help.And Qin Mu took the opportunity to use his subtle means to subdue all the generals secretly, so that Lao Wang admired him and obeyed him.

As a result, the script of the inherently righteous protagonist was not staged, and none of Qin Mu's prepared strategies of convincing others with virtue, respecting corporals, righteousness, and taking the lead by example were of no use!

So, until now he is still a little bit upset, this old Wang, why is he doing this?
In fact, Wang Jian had already guessed that he had such thoughts, otherwise, why did Qin Mu deny all the famous generals before, and chose to recommend an old king who was not ostentatious?It's just that in his opinion, Pharaoh can't do it!
However, Wang Jian didn't show it. He also laughed at Qin Mu's question and changed the subject: "Young master, what do you use here? Why does it have a different fragrance?"

However, as soon as Wang Jian's question was uttered, Qin Mu and Zu Long's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and they said in unison: "You heard it wrong!"

Wang Jian asked suspiciously: "Smell it wrong? Impossible! The smell is still there! Can't you smell it?"

Zu Long and Qin Mu shook their heads at the same time.Dian Wei beside Lianqinmu also smiled honestly, shaking his head like a rattle.Wang Jian turned his head to look, and even the nearby shadows shook for a while, obviously denying something.

Wang Jian scratched his head in doubt: "Could it be that I was too nervous? So there was an illusion? This... shouldn't be, I am also nervous about this! Forget it, it's just a taste, it doesn't matter if it's there or not. Thank you The young master pointed out the maze, and Lao Wang left first! During this time, I have to make good arrangements!"

Although the combination of cannons and hot air balloons is already invincible, but if the arrangement is better, at least it can save some effort.No matter how confident Wang Jian and Qin Mu were, they never thought that these two thousand cannons could kill all the Huns at once.In the following time, hunting will definitely be the theme on the grassland.

However, if it can be arranged in advance, it will definitely shorten the time for hunting down.The best effect is to arrange a few troops on the escape route of the Huns, attack when the Huns are still in shock, and then directly wait for work and reap the results of the battle!

It's not like this has never happened in history.During the Three Kingdoms period, Prime Minister Cao's famous laughing allusion was produced when he was constantly ambushed on the way to escape?With Wang Jian's arrangement now, let alone the size of the results, at least it is enough to make the Huns exhausted.At that time, after they have reached the limit even with their horses and men, they will inevitably make mistakes.

But on the battlefield, if you make a mistake, you will die!

After Qin Mu sent Wang Jian away, he didn't return to the camp immediately, but stood there quietly waiting for something.Zulong didn't move either, he just stood there and fought silently with him.

Dian Wei was different, watching Wang Jian disappear, he let out a long breath, turned around and was about to go back to the tent, his expression seemed to be very anxious.

Qin Mu quickly stopped him: "Dian Wei, stand still!"

Dian Wei didn't understand, so he looked at Qin Mu, but he didn't dare not listen to what he had just said, so he just stood there in a daze, not moving.Dian Wei is good at this. After all, the system produces it. Whether he understands it or not, he will never violate Qin Mu's request.If it was Zhuqian, even if he was obedient and did not move, he would still have to say something.

A moment later, there was a head deep in the entrance of the convoy. It was Wang Jian who had just left.

Seeing Zulong and Qin Mu who were still standing still, Wang Jian smiled awkwardly: "That...don't rest yet?"

Zulong expressionless: "No, it's watching the moon."

Wang Jian was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the sky: "Er... the moon is behind you..."

"Understood." Qin Mu turned around, leaving Wang Jian with the back of his head.

"That...Brother Zhao...Little Master, rest early..." Wang Jian finally disappeared after finishing speaking.

On the way back, he scratched his head: "Could it be that I was overthinking and they didn't bring any delicious food? smells delicious...Forget it, it should be a nervous breakdown. But this The young master and His Majesty are really in a leisurely mood, the battle is about to start, and they are still watching the moon..."

(End of this chapter)

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