Chapter 350 Putting

"Gongyang Mo, you lead your 5000 soldiers to guard the gap between these two mountains! If the Huns pass by from here, ambush them from both sides! Yang Sheng, you lead [-] men to guard the gap between the two mountains! Cliff! When you have nothing to do, move more rocks up the mountain! If any Huns pass by here, just smash them to death!"

In the big tent, orders came from Wang Jian's mouth one after another, and the next actions were arranged in an orderly manner.He stayed up all night last night and carefully studied the various paths of the sand table. After Wang Tong's correction, the accuracy of this sand table is already quite high, and the terrain details that can be reflected are also clearer.

What Wang Jian had to do was to speculate in what direction the Huns' cavalry would retreat after being defeated based on the terrain.Among the Huns this time, there are obviously masters in the art of war, otherwise they would never have thought of the trick of wandering twenty miles away from the Qin army, which made the Qin army hate it, but there was no way to do it.

Going the other way like this can indeed have a good effect, but this kind of strategy can only be thought of when there is a well-founded advance or retreat.If it weren't for the scene where people could talk and laugh happily, such an adventurous behavior would not only be unexpected, but also impossible to implement.This is exactly their flaw.

Now that you understand the art of war, it means that... once the situation is critical enough, the decision-maker's instinctive reaction will definitely follow the principles of the art of war.In this way, their train of thought has traces to follow.Of course, for ordinary generals, such traces are still as unpredictable as the weather.

After all, in this world, there are thousands of art of war and thousands of hearts, who can imagine what other people think?However, this obviously does not include Wang Jian, the leader of contemporary military strategists.As the leader of a military strategist, Wang Jian is almost familiar with the exhaustive changes in the art of war.It is indeed difficult for him to guess what choice the opponent's master will make within the limited scope of military tactics, but he can at least do it, exhaust all options, and then ambush the corresponding troops in every possible position.

In this way, no matter whether the opponent's choice is fund or conservative, brave or wretched, as long as the Hun general's thinking is still within the scope of the art of war, it is impossible to escape Wang Jian's prediction!The next thing is actually very simple, find a way to fire, find a way to find the Huns, and find a way to fire again.

With [-] cannons, Wang Jian was going to take advantage of the unsuspecting Huns and pour out nearly half of the ammunition at one time. Fighting for one can severely damage the Huns cavalry!

All the orders are laid out.The [-] artillerymen began routine pre-war inspections, proofreading, and preparation of ammunition.Then, under the cover of night, they went straight to the hideout of the Huns twenty miles away, trying to get within three or four miles of each other, and then began to shoot out all the pills!

The other 13 people were sent to various possible locations by Wang Jian. If the Huns fled after being defeated, or if they passed through their garrison area, they would be responsible for harassing them.Wang Jian made it clear that it doesn't really matter what the outcome of the battle is. The key point is that it must be done in such a big way that the Huns feel that 6 or [-] people are following them!
The function of these human organs is actually to make the spirit of the Huns tense all the time, so that they cannot get a good rest.After a long time, under the shadow of a cup bow and a snake, even an iron man can't hold it.In order to achieve this effect, Wang Jian even gave up some terrain that was especially suitable for ambushes, and directly dispersed everyone.

The effect he wanted to achieve was that after the Huns threw it for a long distance, they felt that they could finally rest for a while, and then the Qin army descended from the sky, forcing them to continue running!Repeating this kind of plot two or three times will make them start to doubt, and if they do it a few more times, they can't help but collapse!
Of course, such an effect still depends on whether Wang Jian's prediction is correct!If the opponent's general doesn't know the art of war, and the current garrison is random, then Wang Jian's prediction based on the art of war may become invalid.But in that case, it is actually a better result.Because a group of wolves who can only charge and kill are completely different from a group of wolves under the leadership of the wise wolf king!
The mobilization of 20 people is not easy.Wang Jian assigned tasks early on, and it was late at night before the various ministries sent scouts to report back, saying that they had already taken their positions.

The slowest is the artillery unit. Ten of them are in charge of a cannon. They have to push the heavy cannon and carry a lot of supplies such as gunpowder and shells.In order to make it easier for the artillery to march, Qin Mu also deliberately found a few pieces of glass and ground two binoculars to help the head of the artillery unit determine the location of the landing and make adjustments.

However, despite having all kinds of equipment, the artillery unit is still quieter than other units.These people were originally elite soldiers.This is the manpower Zulong personally selected from the forbidden army, and specially trained them as artillerymen. At the current position, calculation of the landing point, adjustment, loading, firing, basic shell identification, gunpowder loading, etc. are necessary for artillery. Knowledge, they know it very well.

But now, even with a heavy house, their steps are still firm and their equipment is complete.Although artillery is a long-range unit, under normal circumstances it will not engage in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, so some armor, long swords and other equipment are actually unnecessary to use.However, this is the first artillery battle of this era after all, and no one knows what the situation will turn out to be.

Coupled with the need for secrecy, this group of people also carried out relevant support according to the armed level of other teams.Even, their package is more comprehensive!On them, there are all kinds of items such as flints and fire pockets that ordinary soldiers will not be equipped with, and there are even earplugs specially made of cotton!

At a glance, a group of people in steel were silent, pushing the huge steel round pipe, moving forward in the night in silence.

Wang Jian suddenly became extremely at ease.

After Qin Mu built the cannon, he once said: "The truth is within the range of the cannon." Wang Jian wanted to change it, "Victory can only be found in the roar of the artillery."

At Xu time, news finally came from the front that the artillery unit was already in place, and the muzzle of the cannon had been aimed at the sleeping Xiongnu camp.The Huns were still asleep at this time, and did not realize that death had come.

With a cold face, Wang Jian ordered: "Let go!"

(End of this chapter)

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