Chapter 351
In an instant, the artilleryman behind the two cannons took out a black bamboo tube from his arms almost at the same time, then quickly took off the half of the bamboo tube above the bamboo tube, and blew hard, and red sparks flickered in it instantly.

These are the fire pockets specially equipped by the artillery.The current cannon does not have the firing pin firing device that has been popularized in later generations, but instead leaves a lead wire of gunpowder hidden in the outside of the barrel.When firing a gun, it is necessary to ignite the fuse with fire, and then the gunpowder in the fuse will burn rapidly, and ignite the gunpowder in the barrel, and finally, a large amount of gunpowder will provide sufficient power for the shell.

Of course, there are certain problems with this launch method.For example, once the weather becomes cloudy and rainy, the gunpowder fuse is prone to moisture, and embarrassing things may happen that the fuse cannot be ignited.Or, if you want to ignite the fuse, you must need an open flame. If you attack at night, the open flame may expose your position. Even if all 2000 people want to light a torch, it will take a lot of time. In case of strong wind... maybe It was blown out on the spot, and it couldn't be ignited directly.

However, considering the difficulty of production, Qin Mu still chose the lead wire, which can be mass-produced in this era, instead of the firing pin.Of course, he also made targeted protection against this launch method.At least, all the gunpowder and fuses were wrapped with at least three layers of oilcloth, and a special asbestos water-proof layer was used in the middle, even if they were soaked in water, they could persist for at least half an hour.

For example, for the problem of ignition, a large number of fire folders were specially made. As long as there is enough tinder in the sky before the artillery sets off, some open flames can be quickly produced in the wild.As for the Huozhezi itself, the flame is so small that it cannot be seen at all if it is far away.And it is not easy to extinguish, as long as a person brings two, the application can basically be guaranteed.

At this time, the entire Huns camp was still silent, except for the occasional neighing of horses, there was no sound.Among the Huns, guards were naturally arranged for night watch.

At this time, a guard leaned on the person next to him and said, "Hey, Qingertai, how do I feel that many stars appeared on the grassland just now. It's just southeast of our camp, did you see it?"

Qing Geertai squinted his eyes and glanced at Dong Na. There was nothing dark over there, let alone stars, not even a firefly: "Ulihan, are you dazzled? Everything in the southeast is dark." It looks like the ink of the Central Plains people, what stars are there? Besides, the stars on the grassland are all in the sky, how can there be stars on the ground?"

Ulihan thought for a while, but he didn't refute. After all, the "stars" in that direction just flashed for a moment, and then disappeared immediately. Just looking at the number, there are hundreds or even thousands!Not to mention that it is impossible to have stars on this grassland, even if there are stars, it is impossible to have so many stars!
However, in the next instant, there was a loud noise like thunder from the southeast direction.Ulihan's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and Qingertai also focused on looking towards the southeast.After that, the thunder in the southeast direction didn't stop for a moment. It kept making loud noises, as if countless stars were falling on the earth!
"The stars...seem to have really fallen..." Ulihan's lips trembled, "What I saw just now might be real stars...Qingertai, tell me, is this because the wolf god is furious... ..."

Qing Getai frowned: "Don't talk nonsense! The southeast direction is obviously where the Great Qin army is stationed. Even if the wolf god is furious, his anger is vented on them! In my opinion, this is the wolf god helping us! Yes Now, we need to report this matter to Shan Yu as soon as possible, taking advantage of this opportunity, we might be able to attack them directly..."

Qingertai turned around and was about to go deep into the camp, but he pulled Ulihan, but he didn't: "Ulihan, what's wrong with you? You must report back for such an important matter!"

" don't need to report..." Urihan's face turned blue, his legs trembled, and he raised one hand to point to the sky: "The stars...the stars are coming towards us ..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Didn't the star fall in the southeast direction..." Qing Geertai was a little angry, and then looked up, the whole person was stunned: "Wolf... the anger of the wolf god is venting on us ..."

In the pitch-black sky in between, countless black balls were already flying all over. Due to the speed of those black balls, even the edges were burnt red. In the pitch-black sky, Very conspicuous!Even if Qingertai is blind, he should have seen it by now!The direction of those fireballs is obviously where they are stationed!

Originally, Qing Getai thought that Ulihan had gone crazy, but now in this scene, he suspected that he was already crazy!
However, his sluggishness didn't last too long, because in just a few seconds, the fireballs had already flown above them, and one after another, they fell into their camp!
Almost at the same time, the screams in the camp had already rang out!
The loud noise just now had already alarmed the people in the camp.Nomads on the grasslands, there are no idlers.When sleeping, everyone snored like thunder, but no one really fell asleep.Because... If a person on the grassland falls asleep, the wolf god will take his life away!Especially these cavalry!their horses.It is simply the best ration for wolves!

So, immediately, almost everyone stood up, ready to meet the enemy!However, their efforts are destined to end in tragedy.Cavalrymen with swords can fight men, wolves, and bears, but the stars in the sky, what can they do?
The iron balls fell one after another, and the huge impact brought by the speed was vividly displayed in the Huns' camp.An iron ball fell on the tent, and in just an instant, the tent had already collapsed into a lump of unrecognizable utensils.

And another iron ball fell on a Hun cavalry who had just sent out his camp, smashing his upper body into broken flesh in an instant!And the iron ball continued unabated, and directly smashed to death a cavalryman who had just turned out of the tent behind him!
Looking at the hell-like scene in front of them, Qingertai and Ulihan suddenly felt that this was God's punishment!But what did they do wrong to be punished like this?Because of plundering the Central Plains? . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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