Chapter 352 The Wrath of the Wolf God
In Shan Yu's camp, the lights were brightly lit.Distraught, Shan Yu pushed the two women beside him away, grabbed the cloak that was casually left on the bed just now, and draped it over his body.He had already heard the loud noise just now, but based on his intuition trained on the grassland all year round, the noise should have come from the southeast.

Shan Yu intuitively believed that this should be done by the Qin army in the southeast.Daqin people, although their combat effectiveness is not weak, how could they be better than the Huns cavalry, where everyone rides horses?So over the years, even though the two sides have fought a lot, the Huns still win more and lose less.The few times when the Daqin people won, it was because they came up with something that the Huns couldn't understand, which caught them off guard and lost.

The noise today must be because of what the Great Qin army is doing, right?But this movement is really big!Shan Yu lazily sat on his throne. If nothing unexpected happened, after a while, there would be guards on duty outside to report to him what happened.But in the middle of the night, they probably couldn't see anything.

However, Shan Yu waited for a while, but there was something wrong outside.Why are there more and more screams?Could it be that the men under him were raided by Daqin's army?Shan Yuteng stood up suddenly, drew out his long knife, and strode out of the tent.

As soon as he went out, he heard a strong sound of breaking wind. Before Shan Yu had any time to react, he saw a red ball flying past his face and hit the ground heavily!The temperature of the iron ball was extremely high, and when it flew past, Shan Yu seemed to smell the burnt smell in the air!

In the next moment, he only felt a little sticky on his body.He touched it casually, and his hands were covered with a dark red viscous liquid. When he smelled it casually, the battle-tested Shan Yu knew that it was definitely not liquid from any location, but fresh blood from nowhere. !But... Shan Yu immediately discovered the source of the blood.

It was a "person" standing in front of him. At this moment, the upper body of that person had disappeared completely, leaving only the lower body standing straight in place. He waited until Shan Yu's gaze was fixed on him before he finally reacted and fell down. on the ground.And the blood on Shan Yu's body obviously belonged to that "person"!

The iron ball bomb came here, not without any achievements, but directly smashed the guard in front of Shanyu's tent into a pulp!

Seeing the half body of his bodyguard, who was suspected to be his guard, fell down, Shan Yu just frowned, then stepped over and looked around.At this moment, the entire camp of the Huns has turned into a purgatory on earth, howling everywhere!Looking around, there are residual broken arms everywhere, and the eyes will be bloody.

The smashed flesh and blood mixed into the blood, soaking the ground of the entire camp.The cavalrymen who were lucky were brushed by shells and broke their arms and legs. Those who were unlucky were turned into mud.Not only people, but the loss of camps is even more serious.A large number of tents were destroyed by shells, and there are still many people buried under the collapsed tents.

Not far away, Qing Getai and Ulihan, two soldiers on duty at night, trotted towards Shan Yu's position. After seeing Shan Yu outside the camp, they knelt down on their knees!
"Chan Yu, this is the anger of the wolf god! The stars in the sky fell down and fell into our camp! This is a reminder from the heavens, we must have offended the heavens somewhere! Shan Yu, hurry up! Plead guilty to the wolf god, and ask the wolf god to bypass us!" Qingertai and Ulihan shouted loudly.

Shan Yu remained silent.The lower ranks of the Huns didn't know, but she knew that the wolf god was just a totem puppet made up to deceive them!After all, the people at the top know the truth about these things, and the reason why they don't say it is just relying on him to trick the people at the bottom to die!Besides, even if there really was a wolf god, they would definitely not be able to make such a big commotion!
The so-called wolf god is angry, most likely it is a moth made by the Qin army!However, he knew what he said, but he couldn't say that.As Shan Yu, if he didn't believe in the wolf god, even less would those pariahs believe in it!
"Stop talking, notify everyone immediately, take your own long knife, lead your own horse, and move immediately!" Shan Yu shouted hurriedly, and then immediately turned and returned to the camp.He is still only wearing a big cloak now, if he wants to leave, he must not go like this!It's not for the sake of face, but the night on the grassland, maybe it will snow at any time, and there is only one thing that will freeze to death!

And after he entered the camp, he didn't put on the armor for the first time, but came to the bed with a long knife, and killed the women on the bed one by one!The two women who were obviously from the Central Plains lost their lives in a coma before they woke up.After finishing these, Shan Yu threw down his cloak and put on the armor one by one.

Outside the camp, Ulihan and Qingertai looked at each other.Shan Yu was so decisive that he decided to run away?But if they escape now, what about those injured brothers?It’s fine if it’s the dead brothers, the Huns don’t care much about corpses in their culture, but what about the wounded brothers?
Some people were only missing arms and legs, and did not die. Although the injuries were serious, they were still alive after all!That's all, if the situation is critical, it's not impossible to give up.The point is that many people didn't suffer any serious injuries, but were suppressed by the collapsed battalion commander. As long as they were rescued, they would still be soldiers who could fight!

Especially these people who are suppressed by the tent!Although the others looked more tragic and impressive, they were not actually the main factor in the casualties of the Huns.More of them didn't have time to run out of the tent, and then they were suppressed by the collapsed tent of the cannon!

Such a person, do not save?

Qingertai and Ulihan were a little confused.However, Shan Yu's order was not explained to them, no matter how much they had ideas, they could only hold them in their hearts!The order that should be passed on must still be passed on!

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was another loud noise from the southeast direction!This time, Ulihan heard it clearly, he cursed angrily, and ran away!It's not for hiding, you can't hide!

The reason why they ran was to quickly pass on Shan Yu's orders. The sooner they evacuated, the less damage they would suffer!
The anger of the wolf god was vented, and it was almost useless!

(End of this chapter)

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