Chapter 354 War
Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Jian knew that this should be a test for the soldiers behind him.The war to unify the six countries was fought extremely fiercely. In the Central Plains area at that time, ten rooms and nine empty spaces were not empty words.

In "Mencius", there was once recorded a story called "A Man of Qi Has One Wife and One Concubine", which said that Qidi married one wife and one concubine alone, and often did not stay at home.And every time after returning home, he brags that he ate meat and drank wine with a rich person.However, after a long time, the wives and concubines also found that something was wrong. How come the friends who eat and drink together every day have never come to the house?
One day, the wife and concubine secretly followed this man while he was not paying attention.It turned out that this guy had gone to other people's graves to steal sacrifices.

Wang Jian is an old man, but he has also heard this story.When he was a child, his father often used this story to educate him.Wang Jian was very strange at the time, a beggar who stole sacrifices and married a wife and a concubine?How can it be?

But when he really joined the army and experienced countless wars, he finally realized that such things are really too common. The Qi people in "Mencius" are not too exaggerated.The most exaggerated one Wang Jian has seen is Zhao Guo after the Battle of Changping.After Bai Qi killed 40 Zhao troops, there were hardly any married men on the streets of Zhao.

Either they are too old, they are 70 or 40 years old, or they are too young, they are only twelve or thirteen years old.However, [-] to [-] men are gone, but the number of women has not decreased!There is no way, in Zhao Guo at that time, even a beggar on the street could have three wives and four concubines!

And those with slightly better conditions, even if they are lame and blind, are also the objects that Zhao women rush to marry.Even Zhao Wang's daughter was helpless in the end and married a lame son of a doctor!

It can be seen that the war at that time was tragic to what extent?Women in a whole country can't find a suitable husband!Compared to that scene, the current Huns camp is nothing more than a child's play.The scene is indeed very visually impactful, but Wang Jian thought that there are 40 dead bones buried underground in Changping, where he once set foot in person!Now, what is it?
He gathered himself together and shouted loudly: "Boys! Broken arms, blood all over the floor, do you see that? Are you uncomfortable? Do you think that such a scene is simply a purgatory on earth?"

"But I want to tell you, don't look at the blood here, but in fact, the number of dead people is less than 40! In the past, as the chief general, there were only [-] casualties in a battle, and I was embarrassed to say it when I came back. I fought a war myself! Have you heard of Changping? There are [-] people buried there! Twenty times that here!"

"Those people, although they didn't shed blood, were buried alive!"

"Listen, this is war! There is no benevolent war at any time! I know that some people have just joined the army and haven't seen blood much yet! But don't forget, you are soldiers of Daqin!"

"If yesterday, it was the Huns who used the cannon, then what is presenting such a scene now is our camp! In the future, it will become our city and our family! Listen, this is war! If you don't If you choose to kill the enemy, you will not kill! So, get used to it quickly! Throw your unrealistic ideas aside as soon as possible, and when you see the Huns, you just kill them!"

Wang Jian didn't know how many people could hear his voice.In fact, tens of thousands of people stand together, the huge scene is unimaginable.Just these people, you can't see the end at a glance.And in it, even if each person only makes a slight sound, when they come together, it will become a loud noise that can shake people's hearts.

As for Wang Jian's voice, no matter how loud it is, it would be good if it could be heard by the people in the first row.But people, he didn't expect everyone to hear it, as long as the people in front kept their minds, the soldiers would naturally regain their composure one by one.And after that, it was time for the old corporal leaders and special leaders in the team to play their role.

Most of them are veterans who have experienced real wars. It is not difficult to accept such a scene.As long as you don't mess yourself up in the first place, you can settle down.

Next, Wang Jian began to have people clean up the battlefield.In fact, there is nothing wrong with cleaning the battlefield, but turn over the corpses on the ground to see if there are any pretending to be dead, and make up for it.Look at the supplies left by the enemy, see if there are any usable ones, put away the useful ones, and throw away the useless ones.

Of course, it's not that simple.For example, it is not so easy to distinguish people who are pretending to be dead.But... the current scene, at a glance, people are half-dead, so it is impossible to pretend... Wang Jian is more concerned about the collapsed tents.Those camps were obviously destroyed by cannons, and it is likely that many Huns who did not have time to escape were crushed below.

After a whole night of pressure, no matter how strong a person is, it is estimated that they have exhausted their energy and energy, and have no ability to make a surprise attack.However, just in case, Wang Jian made a special request that when turning over the tent, if he saw a corpse, he should poke a few holes with a spear from a long distance before approaching to make sure nothing would go wrong.

After everything was explained, the soldiers started to move one by one.Facts have proved that Wang Jian's idea is correct.Although these soldiers showed some unacceptable signs at the first time, but now they are able to endure the discomfort and start cleaning the battlefield.What's more, as time passed, the faces of these soldiers became more and more normal, and afterward, they were no different from their usual training.

The cleaning of the battlefield took a day.At the end of the day, Wang Ben came to find his father and began to report yesterday's victory.

Wang Ben's tone was a little excited: "Father! In the battle yesterday, more than 3 Huns were killed or injured! Among them, more than 2 were killed or injured by cannons, and the remaining [-] were camps that collapsed. Overwhelmed, fell, and was killed by soldiers cleaning the battlefield the next day!"

Wang Jian took a deep breath.Although he thought it was a bit exaggerated when he saw this scene before, he never expected that the loss of the Huns was so great!
You know, yesterday he only fired six rounds in total, and the shells he fired were only 1 rounds!However, 1 shells actually killed 2 enemy troops?Even if [-] of them died from the collapse of the camp, in the final analysis, the collapse of the camp was not also the result of the cannon?
He instantly understood why Qin Mu was still unwilling to let the Royal Workshop produce cannons and gunpowder.Such lethality, once the technology leaks out, the damage to Daqin... unimaginable!
(End of this chapter)

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