Chapter 355 Rest
In the first battle, the number of enemies wiped out reached [-], while Daqin's damage was zero!If someone had said this to Wang Jian before the war started, Wang Jian would probably feel that a lunatic from somewhere was talking nonsense here.Opposite the Huns, cavalry!Great Qin, infantry!Every battle should be extremely difficult.

But when we got here, when the cannon was fired, the two sides didn't even meet each other, and the Huns' 20 army lost more than 3 people!This can almost be regarded as a great victory!The reason why I say almost is because Wang Jian feels that the next few battles still have a great chance to surpass the current results!Maybe, after this battle is over, he can be called the god of war!

Wang Jian is fascinated by these things, leaving his name in history, who would not want it?Therefore, he just watched the cleaning of the battlefield for a while, then ordered Wang Ben to watch the scene, and turned back to the camp by himself.

Now the Huns were suddenly attacked by cannons and fled in a hurry. It was a time when people's hearts were unstable.Wang Jian must keep abreast of their situation, so that he can better grasp the opportunity, and at the right time, give the Huns a ruthless blow!After so many years, it was the first time when he was fighting the Huns, he felt his blood was boiling!

Deep in the grassland, in front of a certain low hill.

Shan Yu, who was galloping wildly, finally stopped.Although he was extremely calm in the camp, only he knew that that appearance was just to prevent the cavalry from breaking down. The fear in his heart was almost beyond words!After all, he watched a big iron ball fall from the sky with his own eyes, smashing his bodyguard from a 1.9-meter-tall man into a meat paste less than an inch thick!

The reason why he didn't die was pure luck. If he went out so quickly, the iron ball would have hit him!You know, it doesn't matter whether you are Shan Yu or not, as long as the iron ball is on its flight path, there is only one end!
Of course, Iron Ball doesn't know that he is Shan Yu, which seems to be a good thing.Because if they really knew, they might just drop the others and chase him all the way!

In the camp, the more he looked, the deeper Shan Yu's fear became.That's why, without the slightest hesitation, he asked Ulihan and Qingertai to directly call people to escape.He naturally knew that doing so would greatly damage the morale of the army.After all, from beginning to end, they didn't even put up any real resistance, and even directly abandoned many brothers who shouldn't have been abandoned!
Moreover, the Huns generally believed in the so-called wolf god.Almost all of yesterday's shelling was interpreted by them as the anger of the wolf god.And why is the wolf god angry?Shan Yu didn't even need to think about it, he knew that this group of people would definitely come down to him!If this kind of thinking spreads, it may even threaten his rule!

Although these untouchables don't understand anything and have no skills, if they really get angry, even Shan Yu can only avoid their edge!
But Shan Yu didn't have any regrets in his heart until now.That kind of terrifying iron ball can fall from the sky, if he is not careful, he will die!In that case, there is only one choice, which is to save your life first!He is Shan Yu if he is alive, if he is dead, the wolves on the prairie will not recognize his corpse!
Therefore, he rode on the horse and ran all the way. In order to prevent Qin Jun from following him, he didn't even dare to light the torch.Along the way, many cavalry even lost their way and fell behind.On the grassland, there are many deadly traps!There are endless deserts and swamps that look like ordinary grasslands.Once you sink in, you will definitely die!

After rushing to the side of the mountain, he finally grabbed his hips, dismounted from the horse, and took a short breath.Looking back, the people behind him are still like a sea, but he has been leading troops for a long time, and at a glance, he knows that these people are only about 6 or 20!You know, just one night ago, he still had [-] warriors capable of fighting!

About 3 people were killed by the Qin army, and the other 1 people lost their way or simply ran away during their escape last night.After one battle, the loss reached almost one-fifth!

Shan Yu gritted his teeth tightly, this account, he naturally recorded it on Wang Jian's body!He had known for a long time that the one who led the troops this time was Wang Jian, a famous general of the Qin Dynasty who had retired for a long time.However, Wang Jian did not show his face after all, and even an old enemy like Shan Yu had almost forgotten what Wang Jian's methods were!Sure enough, it was only the first battle, and Wang Jian reminded Shan Yu of his past memories.

"Daqin, when did you have such a method... If I remember correctly, they shouldn't have such ability..." Shanyu gritted his teeth and looked back at his previous camp. At this time, the people of Daqin probably I have already gone to the camp to start cleaning the battlefield... This is really a shameful defeat that has been rare in recent years!

However, in any case, the number of times this method can be used must be limited!If he remembered correctly, when he was escaping before, the loud noise in the southeast direction exploded six times, and it never came again.Thinking about it, Daqin's methods should have been exhausted.

Therefore, the next battle will be when his cavalry flex their muscles!At that time, he will definitely return the fear of last night to Wang Jian a hundredfold!

Shan Yu gritted his teeth fiercely, and suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a middle-aged man with thin skin and tender flesh, obviously not in the style of a prairie man, riding a horse and catching up.

The man bowed his hands and said, "Why did Shan Yu stop?"

Shan Yu forced a smile, patted his crotch, dismounted the steed, and said, "My beloved horse is already very tired after running all night! Its nostrils have already started to foam. According to the wolf god According to the rules left by him, we must let him rest for a period of time, feed him grass, and wash his nose, otherwise, the horse will be in danger of death."

"So that's the case!" The man nodded and said in a low voice, "If that's the case, then rest here!"

"Mr. Lianyou, you usually don't ask about these things." Shan Yu asked curiously, "Is there something wrong with asking you to ask this time?"

The middle-aged man Lianyou shook his head: "It's nothing, this mountain is simply an excellent place to ambush. If I were Wang Jian, I would definitely ambush a team here and attack when we are exhausted."

He looked at the mountain: "There is no movement yet, maybe I am worrying too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was already a shout of killing from the mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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