Chapter 356 Maybe I Worry Too Much

Shan Yu's face turned green at that moment.What's the situation, after running out for hundreds of miles in one breath, the horse was almost tired, and finally found a place to rest!Everything was fine at first, not just me and my own? After taking a breath, the cavalry behind them also took a rest for a while, and even Shan Yu could see that some people had already got off their horses and started feeding fodder.

As a result, after Lian You came up and said a few words, Qin Jun appeared on the mountain?If Shanyu didn't know Lianyou's identity, he might really be regarded as a spy sent by the Qin army!However, now is obviously not the time to think about these things.

Shan Yu saw that there was smoke and dust billowing on the mountain, obviously there were a lot of people!In the blink of an eye, a rain of arrows shot over the sky and covered the sky.Shan Yu knew that there were probably not as many people on this mountain as there were on his side. After all, Wang Jian couldn't let the Qin army come out in full force, and he had to keep people to garrison.He became ruthless, or, directly attacked!
Lian You on the side guessed his thoughts, and said in shock: "Shanyu, no! This place is high and dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack! Our soldiers and horses are exhausted, and the cavalry can't use it at all under such terrain. In addition, our army is newly defeated, and the enemy army is waiting for work, this battle... will definitely be defeated!"

Hearing Lian You's words, Shan Yu forcibly suppressed the hostility in his heart, and asked in a low voice: "Then what should be done according to Mr.

Lian You pointed to the direction behind him, and said in a low voice: "For now, we can only continue to escape! We have horses, and they will definitely not be able to catch up! If we can find a place, let's rest for a while, and Shan Yu will regroup his troops. How can Daqin's infantry fight against Shanyu's hundreds of thousands of cavalry? When the time comes, the old man Wang Jian will definitely take the lead!"

Shan Yu nodded heavily, and said loudly: "Brothers, leave here first, rest for a while, we will definitely come back!"

However, the Huns ran away all night, and their morale had already dropped to the extreme.Even if it was Shan Yu's personal shout, it only got a few weak responses.Afterwards, everyone left dozens of unlucky ghosts who were shot, and ran out in silence.

After the Huns left, the talents on the mountain revealed their heads. It turned out that they were the young generals who had been in the camp before and had been assigned [-] soldiers by Wang Jian.He patted his chest and said loudly: "Brothers, the Huns have been scared away! Go, go down and cut off the heads of those unlucky ghosts. This is all our military exploits!"

In fact, this person had already listened to Wang Jian's wishes and lay in ambush here.However, after all, he only brought 5000 people with him. Compared with the huge 10,000+ people of the Huns, it was almost like a small splash meeting the sea.Therefore, he also struggled for a long time, should he fight?If there is a fight, what if the Huns go crazy and want to fight up?
They only have 5000 people, so even if the 10,000+ Huns stand still and let them chop, they will be exhausted to death!If Shan Yu went crazy, let alone, they would just jump off the cliff and kill themselves, maybe it would be better.However, if you don't fight... that is a violation of military orders. Besides, as a soldier of Daqin, if you really don't fight, are you still a soldier?
He hesitated because I was a human being, and I was born afraid of death.But after hesitating, he decisively gave the order to attack.Fortunately, Wang Jian has already guessed the Huns' thinking.Now they were so frightened that they ran away without even noticing the fact that less than 100 people were injured when a round of arrows rained down.

Seeing that his horse was already foaming at the mouth, if he really didn't stop, he might die suddenly, Shan Yu frowned and stopped the horse.

This is a rare lake on the grassland.In the huge lake, it is crystal clear and can be drunk directly.By the lake, there are deep aquatic plants and tall reeds.In the reeds in autumn, the reed stalks have already dried out, and the white velvet at the top will be blown all over the sky immediately at the slightest wind.

"There are no mountains or rocks here, so there must be no one hiding there?" Shan Yu smiled and said to Lian You: "There is water right here, rest for a while and drink the horses!"

After speaking, he got off the horse by himself, led the horse to the lake, took out a small brush from the bundle on the horse's back, and began to drink the horse and brush its nose.During the long-term running of a horse, there will be a lot of water vapor in its breath, and this water vapor will contaminate the dust along the way on the horse's nose.If it is not cleaned in time, it will invade the horse's respiratory tract with breathing and affect the horse's exercise ability.

Therefore, the horse's nose must be washed from time to time, and sometimes it is even more important than feeding.Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to wash once every [-] miles.But before running for almost one or two hundred miles, Shan Yu, who was too busy escaping for his life, didn't care about these things.Now that he finally had time to stop, he didn't even bother to drink his saliva, the first thing he did was to wash his horse.

Although he is a Shan Yu, people on the grassland always regard horses as their brothers. Even if he is Shan Yu, he still has to take care of his own horses.After a long time like this, even on the battlefield, the horse will not abandon its owner because of fright.

Lian You also got off the horse with him, first drank a couple of sips of water, then frowned and looked around: "Not necessarily! Although there is no terrain here, but the reeds are too deep, even if tens of thousands of people are hidden, there will be no problem!"

"Tens of thousands of people? Sir, you think too highly of those Daqin people!" Shan Yu laughed loudly: "Let's not talk about whether they can know that there is such a reed in such a far place, even if they know, but this place is far away from their residence , It’s been more than 200 miles! I don’t believe that they can hide so many people here so quietly!”

"What Shan Yu said is naturally correct." Lian You took a long breath: "Maybe I was worrying too much. Maybe such a big reed doesn't need too many people, they just need to set a fire on the periphery... ..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a crackling sound in the distance.Shan Yu didn't dare to raise his head, but the soldier's voice had already reached his ears: "It's on fire! It's on fire!" Then there was a plopping sound.

Shan Yu raised his head tremblingly, only to see those people who were close to the fire scene had been forced to jump into the lake.

He looked at Lian You bitterly, sighed silently, and then got on his horse: "Get out!"

On the way, he hesitated to speak several times.But this kind of thing is obviously not Lianyou's problem, but the attack method that Daqin's army might have adopted in the first place, which happened to be judged by Lianyou and just happened to be implemented...

You can't kill someone just because of this...

(End of this chapter)

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