Chapter 357
Along the way, Shanyu looked at Lianyou several times, but finally said nothing.This person cannot be a spy of Daqin.

Lian You is a descendant of Lian Po, the general of Zhao State.Although Lian Po's late life was bleak, after the allusion of "Lian Po is old and can still eat", he has not been appointed by King Zhao, and was even forced to leave his hometown by the local dignitaries of Zhao State, emigrate to Wei State, and finally died in Chu State .But now his descendants are quite valued by the survivors of the Zhao royal family.

Just like Lian You, who was already lost to everyone in Chu, although he had some knowledge of the art of war handed down from his family, it was only half a bottle of water.Even so, it was excavated by the Zhao royal family and used as an important bargaining chip for the alliance, which was sent to Touman Shanyu as the representative and envoy of the alliance between the two sides.

It was precisely because of his half-bottle water art of war that he made the decision to station twenty miles away from the Qin army's garrison by mistake, which surprised Wang Jian and the others.Wang Jian also thought that there was a military master on the opposite side who came up with such an unexpected and reasonable method, but the result was only because Lianyou's level was not good enough.

Of course, for the Huns who only know how to kill, Lianyou is already considered a great resourceman, and he is the object of courtesy for them.What's more, Lianyou represents the royal family of Zhao, who has always been served with good wine and good meat.Lian You, who was a farmer in Chu, was extremely satisfied with the life on the grassland, and gradually became loyal to Shan Yu.

It is precisely because of this that after thinking about it all the way, Shan Yu still feels that it is impossible for Lian You to betray him, there must be something wrong in some link.He thought hard, and finally remembered that the two times Lianyou spoke, it seemed that he said "I should be worrying too much"!It must be the reason for this sentence!

Shan Yu, who finally found a resting place, left Lian You immediately to prevent the other party from making another attack.But what he didn't expect was that he didn't look for Lianyou, but Lianyou came to him again...

"Dear Shan Yu, maybe I'm worrying too much..." Lian You frowned, looking at the shadowy grass all around, he was about to say something.

Shan Yu hurriedly shouted: "Stop talking! Sir, please don't talk! You didn't worry too much, you didn't worry too much!"

However, the lingering sound of his shouting has not disappeared, and a huge shout of killing has already sounded in the distance!This time, the number of people didn't sound like much, probably only ten thousand people!But... Shanyu looked at the cavalry behind him, whether it was horses or people, they had all stretched to the limit.After a long-distance rout, they finally found a place, and as soon as they relaxed their minds, there were pursuers.

After coming so many times, no one can bear it!Not to mention those soldiers and their horses, even Shan Yu's precious steed was already showing faint signs of falling down!Therefore, if you want to confront Qin Jun head-on now, it is basically the same as sending him to death!Shan Yu growled angrily, and shouted, "Withdraw!"

After half a day, Shan Yu, who finally got rid of the pursuers, stopped again.At this moment, he no longer cared about any pursuit, terrain or ambush. He only knew that if he didn't stop, his horse would definitely die!Even if he doesn't stop, those weaker cavalry will be exhausted!

The Huns' riding and shooting are not weak, but there are limits to that.The Huns of this era have a fatal flaw, they don't have saddles and stirrups!Stirrups, saddles, and horseshoes, the three-piece set that the cavalry of later generations must have, has not yet appeared in this era!Of course, Qin Mu had already made a batch before and gave them to the cavalry who marched south to Baiyue.

Shan Yu had heard it, although he was greedy, but there was nothing he could do, the Huns had no iron mines and no blacksmiths!After finally getting some iron, it is not enough to make a sword. Where are there any extra resources to make a three-piece cavalry suit?

Therefore, during their escape, these Huns persisted by holding the horse's belly between their legs.One, night plus one day, everyone's legs have already been worn out!Many people's horses were on their backs, and I could see the blood dripping first.Even for Shan Yu himself, the armor made of precious sheepskin has been worn through.

Therefore, Shan Yu knew that if another Daqin army came over, no matter how tired and poor his own people were, he would have to fight his way out.Running down, without the people of Daqin doing anything, they would exhaust themselves to death!If you really want to die from exhaustion, then you might as well fight with the people of Daqin, and at least you can take away a few people who were buried with you!
Of course, he also learned to be smart. The first time he stopped, he looked at Lian You behind him: "Sir, stop talking!"

Lian You smiled wryly and shook his head.In fact, he just uttered what he thought, but unexpectedly it came true every time.Thinking of this, he touched his mouth in surprise. Could it be that his mouth has awakened the talent of poisonous milk?

He knew his level of military art over there, and it was okay to fool Shan Yu on the grassland, but if he really had to compare with those masters of military art in the Central Plains, he was a scumbag!Needless to say Wang Jian, any commander in the Great Qin army might be stronger than him on the battlefield!He is just like Zhao Kuo, he is talking on paper, the difference is that Zhao Kuo is really a genius, but he was thrown into the big scene because of lack of training, and he is really just a waste of talking on paper.

So those Qin soldiers must not have been deduced by him based on the art of war. The only explanation is that it really came out of his poisonous milk!Therefore, he was very sensible, and just shut up and didn't speak.

Sure enough, he didn't speak, and the whole team began to rest on the spot, and they didn't encounter any problems again.Everyone fed the horses first, and after washing the horses' noses, they sat on the ground and began to eat the dry food they brought.The original food and grass were all thrown in the original resident, and it would be nice to have some food now.

At this time, Lian You found Shan Yu again: "Dear Shan Yu, we must now think about how to deal with Da Qin's mysterious weapon! After a loud noise, thousands of iron balls fell from the sky. It is too powerful! If they take this opportunity to give us a few more times..."

"Sir! Don't talk!" Shan Yu turned pale with fright, fearing that Lian You's tainted milk skills would show up again, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement, and Shan Yu was finally relieved.

Lian You smiled and said, "Don't worry, I didn't say 'it seems I'm worrying too much' on purpose this time, it shouldn't be..."


(End of this chapter)

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