Chapter 358 Lactic Acid
Before Lian You finished speaking, the roar of the cannon had already started!Shan Yu's face darkened, no need to think, he must have been discovered!Moreover, after the sound, within a few breaths at most, iron balls would descend from the sky, smashing most of them into fine pieces of meat!
Lian You's lips were trembling at this moment, he wished he could slap his own face several times!Obviously, I have paid great attention to that sentence. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally got bored with that sentence and didn't say it out. As a result, the next one got carried away and came out bald!
Seeing that Shan Yu wanted to kill someone, Lian You unconsciously took a step back.Shan Yu watched him for a long time, but still suppressed the impulse in his heart.He knew that he was probably going to be over this time.In the first round of shelling last night, the casualties were not heavy. On the one hand, in the middle of the night, it was not easy to aim, and many shells were shot crookedly.

On the other hand, and more importantly, the Huns were well rested before, so they reacted quickly.After the shelling started, most of the people had already escaped from the tents immediately. Even if 2 people were still suppressed, the loss was actually acceptable.Later, when Shan Yu decisively decided to run away, most of the people reacted quickly, got on their horses immediately, and ran after him.

If the Shan Yu at that time hadn't really ordered the retreat, I'm afraid that after a few rounds of shelling, half of the people would die!
But now, the situation is completely different from last night.At this time, the Xiongnu cavalry had already fled like their lives for a day and a night, especially when they wanted to stop and rest a few times in the middle, they found traces of chasing soldiers just after they stopped. crushed.

After that, they were finally able to rest quietly and reluctantly for half an hour!It was this half hour of rest that put them in a desperate situation!Many people have had a similar experience. After excessive exercise, if they can persist, they can actually continue walking, even running and jumping.

But if you really sit on the ground to rest, even if you just sit for 5 minutes, if you want to stand up again, you will feel your legs are sore and you can't stand up at all!This is also because excessive exercise will cause the body to produce lactic acid. During exercise, lactic acid will accumulate in large quantities. It is okay if you keep walking. If you stop, lactic acid will accumulate in the muscles, making the muscles extremely sore.

In this case, no matter how determined a person is, it is impossible to violate the objective laws of the body!In this case, the only thing to do is wait for the lactic acid in the muscles to slowly decompose.Of course, moderate massage can speed up the process of lactic acid decomposition, but... In this situation, where is the time?
The Huns ran for a day and a night, and the lactic acid content in their bodies had already exploded!The previous Great Qin ambush never gave them a chance to rest, so let them persevere until now.In the end, these large amounts of lactic acid still entered the muscles, so even though they heard the huge gunshots, many people struggled to get up, but they still hadn't stood up yet, even if they were on the ground!
The next moment, many people had no chance to get up again.Cannonballs roared and flew from a distance, hitting the crowd one by one.With sufficient light during the day to support Daqin's vision, the accuracy of the shells is terrifying.

Shan Yu saw with his own eyes that a shell fell, first smashing a person's head, then piercing another person's chest, then crushing another person's stomach, and smashing the last person's lower body in two, before finally falling on the ground. Turi.More scenes, not so terrifying, but often one shell takes away at least two people!Some people were afraid and hid behind their horses, but it didn't work!

And his cavalry, all of them were like a puddle of mud, unable to move at all!Even if he barely got up, he was crushed by the iron ball before he got up!
Seeing these cavalrymen being smashed to pieces one by one by the shells, Shan Yu's eyes were already full of despair!Is this still a human method?In other words, with this kind of immortal method, the people from Daqin must have cheated!

He looked in the direction of the sound from a distance, but there was nothing at all.Indeed, the cannons were already five miles away, and a cannon, only two or three meters long, he must have seen nothing!As a result, the light of hope suddenly flashed in Shan Yu's eyes again!
"You cheated! You cheated!" He looked crazy and repeated in a low voice: "I want to find them, I want to find them, Daqin cheated, Daqin cheated! They must help me! They must help me!"

Lian You looked at Shan Yu whose face was getting ferocious, felt a little scared, and quietly stepped back a few steps.All he saw was that Shan Yu, who was on the ground like mud, suddenly climbed onto the horse's back, whipped, and moved the whip in his hand!
Lian You looked at this scene in shock, what kind of power is this, so that Shan Yu, who could only lie on the ground waiting to die, finally has the strength to even mount a horse?He looked around, and with Shan Yu's example just now, many cavalrymen seemed to have been encouraged, struggling desperately to get up from the ground, mounted their horses, and ran in the direction of Shan Yu.

Lian You also wanted to stand up, but after all, he was not a grassland man who grew up eating beef and mutton. At this moment, his body was as soft as noodles, so there was nothing he could do.After thinking about it for a long time, he saw a deep hole next to which the shells had come out of, so he just turned over and rolled into it, holding his head in his hands and not moving.

The sound of the guns this time was completely different in the middle of the night.At that time, in order to pour the most shells at the fastest speed, Wang Jian directly let two thousand cannons fire in salvo. The result was that after each shot, there was a reloading gap.Many Hun cavalry actually escaped during this gap.

But now it is pursuing the greatest suppression. Every 1 guns are fired in salvo, and the result is that they can be fired almost once a minute. The sound of the guns has never stopped from the beginning to the present.

After firing for a long time, Wang Jian waved his hand and stopped.This time, he almost emptied half of the ammunition he carried this time.He's also been watching through binoculars, though.This time, the Huns escaped at most 1 people!

And the rest, dead or not, stayed where they were.This is why Wang Jian designed to let the Huns correct here for half an hour.

They were sore and unable to run away, so they could only lie on the spot and be bombed.And if some were lucky enough to survive, they would not have any ability to fight against Daqin's army.

"Scout, follow up! Infantry, clean up the battlefield!"

(End of this chapter)

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