Chapter 359
The work of cleaning the battlefield continued until the next morning.Even the scheming Wang Jian guessed that his strategy would definitely make the Huns suffer a lot, but he didn't expect that they would collapse so completely.

A total of 20 cavalry, lost about 3 people last night, and another 1 people lost their way or escaped on the way to flee. Even so, when they came here, there were still 16 Huns left !Even though the 16 people were exhausted, Wang Jian was a little surprised that less than 1 escaped in the end.

It is said that the Chinese characters on the grassland are strong-willed, but now it seems that whether it is Shan Yu or ordinary soldiers, the tenacity of will seems to be a problem.Shan Yu, as the king of the Huns, collapsed directly in the end. He didn't know where he lost the kingly temperament he had learned with great difficulty from the Wang people in the Central Plains.Moreover, judging by his appearance when he escaped, it was obvious that he was a little crazy.

The rest of the people are actually not much better.Of the 16 soldiers, only 1 were able to get on their horses in the end, and the others just collapsed in place.Seeing that Daqin's army had already started mowing the grass, they just lay there without moving.Although it is said that after running desperately for a day and a night, people have already reached their limit, but they don't resist when they are dying?

No matter how Wang Jian looked at it, he couldn't understand it.No matter how uncomfortable it is, it's better than losing your life, right?Maybe the body is a little uncomfortable, but if it is him, let alone get on the horse, even if he runs back to Xianyang directly from here, it will not be a problem!However, he ignored that these Huns were just ordinary people.

Maybe being on the grasslands is indeed different from the people in the Central Plains. Sino-Japanese nomadic pastoralism makes them more tolerant of their own situation.However, this kind of endurance has a limit after all.It’s okay to go hungry for a day or two, even two or three days, it’s a common thing when nomadic.

Even a little thirsty, a little tired, and a little cold. In this kind of matter, the Huns are indeed much better than those veteran soldiers from the original six kingdoms of the Central Plains.However, when the real limit was reached, the Huns collapsed even faster.Just like today, many Huns ran desperately for a day and a night, and they were on the verge of collapse.

As a result, after finally resting for a while, Daqin's cannon arrived again.They saw their siblings and comrades smashed into a pulp by the so-called "Wrath of the Wolf God" last night, and their hearts were already terrified to the extreme.

And Shan Yu's decisive escape twice in a row made them have great doubts about this so-called "natural king".The speculation in many people's minds last night was also gradually spreading, that is, "Shanyu invaded the Central Plains and angered the wolf god, so the wolf god smashed down the stars from the sky and wiped out Shanyu's army."

The wolf god is their deep-rooted belief, so once they have such an idea, their bottom line will be defeated in an instant.Since it is Shan Yu's army, there is only one death.Die early and die late, what's the difference?If you die early, you can also avoid the possible hunger and frost in the future.

Therefore, almost all of the 10,000+ people gave up resistance except Shan Yu's diehard loyalists.The original bombardment had already killed and injured more than 7 people, and the rest simply lay on the ground and did not move.

Wang Jian also saw what they were thinking. Fortunately, they brought a lot of people and cleaned up the battlefield as quickly as possible. Even so, it lasted for more than half a day.At the back, the soldiers of Daqin were numb. In their eyes, blood had become the original color of the land.

They just mechanically searched for the dying enemy, found the Huidong weapon that was left blank, killed the person, and then went to the next person.And the Huns, even after they had rested, gave up all resistance.Their father, brother and son may have been killed first, so what's the point of leaving them in this world?
Just give up resisting, and you can still have a partner on the road to Huangquan!Of course, as for whether these things can be understood by the soldiers of Daqin, that may not be possible.The old Qin people lived in Guanzhong for hundreds of years, rejecting the Qiang Rong in the west and looking at the Central Plains in the east. For the Qin people, even if there is only a drop of blood left on the battlefield, it must be shed on the enemy's body!

At the most tragic time, all the families in Daqin left only one eldest son to inherit the bloodline, and everyone else went to the battlefield to fight!Many brothers, uncles, nephews, fathers and sons fought side by side, some died, and all the rest thought about revenge!How could someone just give up because of these?

It can only be said that the cultural difference still confuses Wang Jian.But confusion is confusion, and he will certainly not forget his duty.Come here, it's war!Here comes the murder!As long as the person in front of you is a Hun, there is nothing to hesitate, just draw your sword!Some people also came to Wang Jian, saying that these people had stopped resisting, so they should be regarded as prisoners.

But Wang Jian resolutely refused!Are these people still innocent?They are now lying on the ground, not moving, so they become poor people?But... the people of Daqin who were burned, killed and looted by them, aren't they pitiful?Should they die in vain?

Others said that such a massacre would make the soldiers numb to life, and they were also scolded by Wang Jian!Soldiers, what do you do on the battlefield?Is it to cure diseases and save lives?If you don't want to do this, just quit the army and become a doctor, right?
However, such ideas are still in the minority.These generals of Daqin basically climbed up by relying on their own military achievements.No matter how strong your family background is, at most, your promotion will be smoother, and you don't have to wait too long, but the conditions for promotion are not reduced at all!If you want to be a centurion and say you want to cut off fifty heads, then you must have fifty!If you want to be a commander, you need the military exploits of leading a team. If you want to be a high-ranking general, you have no chance at all if your army has not killed tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, such things are commonplace for them.It was just cleaning the battlefield, they just took a look at it casually, and just ordered a few more words, be careful of these Huns who violently hurt people.

After the completion, Wang Jian led the crowd back to the station in a mighty manner.This battle is the biggest victory of Daqin this year. Even in the previous Southern Expedition to Baiyue, there was never a time when they defeated 10,000+ enemies in one battle!
The only thing that can be compared is probably only Bai Qi's record in the past...

(End of this chapter)

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