Chapter 360

Back at the camp, Wang Jian didn't even bother to judge the merits of the crowd, he just got rid of everyone and went straight to the camp of the logistics troops, leaving behind a group of senior officers who had just been ripped off from the battlefield with a confused look on their faces.They looked at Wang Ben one after another, but Wang Ben waved his hands helplessly. Even he didn't understand his father's mysterious behavior!
Gong Yangmo looked at Wang Jian who was going away mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "Army commander, it is right to care about logistics. However, Wu Chenghou...does he care too much about logistics? I found out, since we came here, Wu Chenghou has to go to the logistics station every now and then, is there anything there?"

"You also found out?" Another person quickly took over the conversation: "Look, we just came back from the battlefield, we didn't say anything about rewards, shouldn't it be time to gather together, and the general will say a few words of celebration? Then, at least, also Should we talk about the battle achievements this time? Wu Chenghou will not be ignorant, but he still chooses to go to the logistics side..."

"Brother Wang, at this time, are you going to stand up and say a few words? Your father, why did you go to the logistics when you disagreed?" The so-called brother Wang naturally refers to Wang Ben, Wang Jian's son: "Father and son are connected, even if you don't know, you should be able to guess something, right? What's the good thing, don't keep hiding it from the brothers?"

Wang Benben smiled wryly: "This... Don't look at me, I don't know! My old man, you know, has always practiced that there are no fathers and sons in the army. I didn't even talk to him alone when I came out this time. On the contrary, some of you, and some of you have been with him for a long time, didn't you find anything?"

Gongyang Mo coughed lightly: "Hey, let me tell you, everyone, we are all officers of Daqin. Even if this art of war is not particularly top-notch, at least it is not bad, right? Could it be that the commander is a little cautious, so we don't know anything about it? I think, how about we deduce it?"

"Deduction? How to deduce?" Someone was very interested.

Gongyang Mo smiled: "In any case, the coach is also a person. As long as he is a human being, he must ask for things! We might as well guess what the coach has that cannot be met here. We can only go to the logistics camp. Achieved. If we brainstorm together, we may not be able to guess his purpose!"

All of a sudden, various whispers rang out in the tent.

In the logistics camp, Wang Jian smelled that strange fragrance again.However, he had just returned from a big victory, and he was still very excited. He didn't pay attention to this strange smell at all, and went straight to Qin Mu's tent!Now, he wants to tell the young master and His Majesty how he wiped out all the 19 Hun cavalry!

"Son, big victory! Big victory!" Wang Jian strode straight to Qin Mu's camp, opened the curtain and walked in: "Son, in this battle, I scattered 20 cavalrymen of the Huns and beheaded 18 cavalry. Wan, disperse [-], only [-], fled in embarrassment! Young master, tell me, how did I win this battle? Should I be rewarded?"

Inside the camp, Qin Mu and Zu Long had strange expressions on their faces, and Wang Jian was slightly taken aback: "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Mu laughed, hid his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay... By the way, this victory is indeed a big victory! How many beheads... Oh, 18? That's great! Don't say any rewards Yes, this war will definitely shine in the annals of history!"

Wang Jian laughed: "Is what the young master said true? Haha, if other people said this to me, I would only take it as a joke, but when the young master said this, I felt that it should be so! "

Zu Long nodded, and was also very satisfied with Wang Jian's record: "Not bad! This is a victory that is second to none since the Great Qin unified the six kingdoms! Old Wang, you have made a great contribution! Let me tell you, this After going back for the first time, you will definitely get a big reward! Maybe, your fief can continue to expand!"

Wang Jian laughed loudly, and the last strange feeling in his heart disappeared!Your Majesty cannot reveal his identity in front of the young master, so he can only use this hint to reward him for his meritorious deeds.At least, His Majesty has stated that in addition to rewards, he is also preparing to give him a new fief!

Before that, Wang Jian was already the well-deserved No.1 of Daqin!All kinds of property rewarded by the first emperor are worth no less than one million gold, ten thousand acres of land, and ten thousand households!It can be said that all of this is already the highest standard of Daqin. If Wang Jian did not retreat bravely, I am afraid that there will be no rewards in the future. Apart from cracking the soil to seal the king, there is no longer any choice!
It is also true that Wang Jian retired immediately after the unification of the six kingdoms.Even when the six countries were finally unified, they only received the title of Wu Chenghou symbolically.Of course, the first emperor did not allow Wang Jian to contribute in vain. Although Wang Jian was not rewarded, Wang Ben was able to receive the title of Marquis of Tongwu.

If it weren't for this, it would be impossible for Daqin to have such a spectacle as a father and son with two masters.However, Wang Ben's Marquis Tongwu actually had a fief.In other words, although Wang Jian did not get any benefits after the unification, in fact, all these things were given to Wang Ben.For this, Wang Jian has always been grateful.

Daqin's title will not be hereditary.In other words, if these credits are still on Wang Jian's head, then Wang Jian must be shining for a while, but when he dies, his descendants will only fall to their original place in an instant.And Zulong gave this title to Wang Ben, which is actually an exception, so that the Wang family at least has a guaranteed inheritance.

This time, Wang Jian was already very satisfied to be able to go out to fight. As for the so-called reward, he had long since ignored it.However, after winning a battle, there must always be a reason, that's why he spoke so excitedly.In fact, it was precisely because he only regarded it as a joke in his heart that he dared to say it so carelessly.Otherwise... it would be a big taboo to ask the emperor for something!

Fortunately, Zu Long didn't take it seriously, and even promised to expand the fiefdom for Wang Jian... If this is really realized, then Wang Jian will be truly unprecedented, and no one will be able to get such an honor like him again!
On the other side, Qin Mu frowned and did not speak.The 20 Huns' army is gone. Isn't this a smooth move?Why hasn't the system notified that the task is complete?The system can't go wrong, that is to say...the escaped Shan Yu is still a threat!

He thought for a while and said, "Don't rush to be happy... This war is not over!"

(End of this chapter)

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