Chapter 361 Who gets the first credit?

"It's not over?" Wang Jian was stunned: "Young master... it is already a miracle that the 20 Huns can gather together! These 20 people should have gathered all the adult males in their various tribes. .We wiped out 19 of them in the First World War, even if the Huns can survive again and want to become a threat again, it will be ten years later!"

Qin Mu bowed his head and remained silent. Even he couldn't figure out what was wrong now.However, human judgment is likely to go wrong, but system judgment will never go wrong.Even if everyone in the world thinks differently from the system, Qin Mu will firmly stand on the side of the system.

However, what Wang Jian said was too rough, and it was really difficult for Qin Mu to judge which link went wrong, so he had to whisper: "Old Wang, tell me the details of this battle! I don't know why, I always I have an intuition that this matter is not over yet! Tell me carefully, let me see what went wrong!"

"Ah... oh, okay!" Wang Jian was still a little skeptical at first, but Qin Mu's expression was too serious, and he didn't dare to continue to underestimate this matter: "The reason why this battle was so beautiful is that the young master Your credit is far greater than mine..."

"Me?" Qin Mu laughed, "I said, Old Wang, don't look at me unhappy, just give me credit for it... I have been sitting and enjoying my life in this camp, not even a single Hun Killing with my own hands, you said that I took the first credit, how could the soldiers agree? Besides, if a war is won, it is natural that the lord will take the greatest credit..."

"No, no, no!" Old Wang shook his head like a rattle: "Little boy, this is really not me flattering you, you will know after listening to me! At the very beginning, the first person we met The difficulty is that I can’t find the position of the Huns. I’m ashamed to say that I was worried about all the senior generals and delayed for three or four hours, but the positions were all wrong!”

"The location of the Huns was found by the hot air balloon scouts you trained! If we still use the original scouting method, I'm afraid it will take at least half a month to find them on the vast grassland!"

Wang Jian took a rest. After all, he was old, and he had been tossing a lot in the past few days: "We can launch an attack only when there are traces of the enemy! The position of the Huns is 1 kilometers west of our army! I know whether to call them daring or ignorant! Anyway, that night I quietly advanced with the artillery and fired [-] shells!"

Qin Mu heard a pain in the ass... Is this Hun a fool?Although this is the frontier, it is Daqin's home field after all. The 20 troops came, but the location where they hid was only twenty miles away?Of course, Qin Mu thought about it carefully, and it can't be said that it's not good... After all, the effect of darkness under the lamp is still very strong, I'm afraid Wang Jian couldn't have guessed that the Huns were so close...

Therefore, in case there is a flaw in the Daqin army, this is a good opportunity!Moreover, the grass is so deep at this time, it is impossible to be exposed so quickly, even if exposed, their cavalry can run faster than infantry...

However, no one could have imagined that Daqin actually had a hot air balloon... The location where they were hiding was locked after a long time...Of course, even if they found out, it was no big deal, and they ran away if they couldn't hit it...But who knew, Daqin still had a hot air balloon... cannon?Just give them a chance to run, and beat the Huns into a daze after five miles away...

Therefore, I really can’t blame these Huns for this incident, I can only say that they are too unlucky...became the first person to encounter the era of hot weapons...

"The first surprise attack yielded fruitful results! The Huns lost 3 people, and the rest fled in embarrassment under the leadership of Hun Tou Manchanyu!" Wang Jian proudly said, "However, I had expected this. Ambushes have already been deployed on the path! Especially in some places with special terrain!"

"The Huns were emboldened by the cannon long ago, and fled in embarrassment when they saw the pursuers! In a panic, I drove them back to fifty miles away from three hundred miles away! Then, at fifty miles away, I had already Once the cannons are set up, 20 rounds of shells are fired, destroying the world! Annihilating the enemy in one battle!"

"Wait... three hundred miles away?" Qin Mu was a little surprised: "It's only a short day, how come you are three hundred miles away?"

Wang Jian smiled mysteriously: "That's why I said, young master, have you contributed a lot! After I came to ask about the usage of hot air balloons, I have been thinking that I should not just passively wait for your instructions, but should actively discover the usages of your inventions." I found that airships are especially suitable for transporting soldiers, so I sent the airship and took people out to ambush!"

"You see, if there were no hot air balloons, we would never have been able to find the Huns. If there were no cannons, our 20 infantry would not be able to chase the 20 cavalry. If there were no airships, after the first attack, the Huns would run away , our biggest victory is only [-]..."

Wang Jian said a lot in one breath, and sighed: "So, young master, when I say that you are the first, I am really not talking nonsense, but sincerely!"

Qin Mu was speechless.After a long time of trouble, it really is like this!After Wang Jian's description, Qin Mu understood. Without Qin Mu's inventions, even if the 20 Qin army could win in the end, it would not be so easy, and it would be impossible to directly kill so many enemy troops!

Therefore, killing more than [-] enemies at once, I'm afraid it really has to be counted on him.Especially the cannons, Qin Mu could imagine the fear and incomprehensible despair of the Huns when they were bombed by the cannons.

What is this?Why is it not raining, but iron balls?Why are these iron balls flying directly towards my head?

Even if he was not smashed, he would probably be desperate... After all, one second before his eyes was still a person, and the next second there was only a puddle of meat...

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Qin Mu straightened his mind, no matter how miserable the Huns were, it was what they deserved: "Do you think there might be a problem?"

Wang Jian thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Touman Shanyu ran away with 1 people... Although their strength can't make any waves, if there is any hidden danger, he is the only one..."

"Touman Shanyu?" Qin Mu frantically searched for information related to this name in his mind.

correct!This is the father of Maodun Chanyu, Emperor of the Huns!This guy is also a ruthless person!The reign time is not short!
If he really escaped, there is no guarantee that there is something behind him!
(End of this chapter)

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