Chapter 365 Lianyou
"Where is it?" Wang Jian thought for a while, but the scout didn't seem to have said where it was: "According to the scout, it should be on a hill five or six hundred miles to the west, probably on the border between the grassland and the Gobi." ...More, I won’t say anything more. Forgive me, young master, there are no place names on this grassland, so it’s not easy to describe it in such a general way.”

Qin Mu also understood this situation.The so-called place names are actually the names chosen for the purpose of distinguishing them because there are many people going there. Otherwise, everyone will call them "that mountain", how can we communicate with each other?That's why there are Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Taihang, and Wangwu.Of course, such a name is only useful to the people of the Central Plains. When a Hun passed by and was told about Mount Tai, he would probably still be dumbfounded.

The current situation is the same. Such a mountain is probably very important to the Huns, and it is impossible to remain's normal for the soldiers of Daqin not to know each other. It's not easy to be able to describe a general location.Of course, if there is a Hun here, he should be able to know which ear mountain is like this.

"Hmm...Old Wang, Daqin and the Huns have been at war for so many years, isn't there anyone who has come to join us?" Qin Mu turned to Lao Wang and asked, "If there is such a person, why not bring them here, they should know about this place. It’s really not possible, isn’t there any captives? Will no one surrender after beating 10,000+ enemies this time?”

"Eh..." Wang Jian was a little embarrassed: "Young master, there are too many enemies this time, and we have only a few people. If all of us are captured, the threat will be too great after they"

Qin Mu raised his forehead, the generals of the Great Qin were more murderous than each other.Of course, he also agrees with such a treatment, after all, the soldiers of Daqin are more important than the Huns.Since there may be a threat, of course it is best to kill it directly.However, 10,000+ people were killed without a single person left... and it is really...

But immediately, he also understood the key.How to count Daqin's military exploits?That is the number of beheadings!Although there are a lot of 10,000+ people, on average, there is not enough for every soldier who goes out!In this case, what kind of captive do you want to keep... Is it so easy?Your general can give orders, but the subordinates probably need to get military merits first...

"Since this is the case, then there are no border residents who come to surrender? They should be familiar with these things?" Qin Mu asked again: "If they are captives, they may still have some rebellious thoughts and refuse to tell the truth. But if they surrender sincerely Frontier residents, there should be no problem, right?"

Before Wang Jian could speak, Zu Long coughed lightly, and explained: "The people on the frontier surrender, and there is a lot of resistance. If they meet the army, they will probably be beheaded. If they really surrender, stay at the border, the Huns They are often regarded as the primary target. Over time, no one dares to come here. Only some big tribes offended the Shanyu and came to surrender. However, in this case, they have to be arranged farther from the border .”

Qin Mu nodded and understood the key point.In fact, it is not only the case of Daqin, but also the Huns.If it were ordinary people, once they met the opponent's army, they would most likely be regarded as military exploits.Only a powerful tribe or army can go all the way to the depths of the opponent's territory and meet a force that can truly accept their surrender.

For example, here in Huaxia, the people hardly ran in the direction of the Huns, and those who could really surrender to Shanyu were generals and nobles.For example, Han Wangxin of the Great Khan surrendered to Maodun Shanyu after the rebellion failed, and the same was true for Li Ling, the general of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Qin Mu couldn't help but shake his head...Even surrendering to the enemy depends on whether they are from the aristocratic is really a strange phenomenon that can only occur in this era.

That being the case, it is impossible to find such a surrendered person.

Suddenly, Wang Jian's eyes lit up: "Well... maybe there is one person! I said that there were no prisoners, but it was not completely accurate. In fact, we still captured one person... But, he is not a Hun , but from the Central Plains!"

"Central Plains?"

Wang Jian told about Lianyou.In the end, Lian You did not follow Shan Yu to escape, but stayed where he was.When the soldiers started to clean up the battlefield, he yelled in his proficient Chinese language that he was actually a spy lurking in, just to send news to the army so that Shan Yu would be wiped out...

Facts have proved that his yelling these few words has some effect.If he told the truth that he was an envoy sent by the remnants of the Zhao Kingdom, he would have died suddenly on the spot—a Hun is not worth as much as the remnants of the Six Kingdoms.And if he said that he was an ordinary Chinese, he would probably be killed as a defector.

But he was very witty, saying that he was a spy lurking in... and immediately made the soldiers vacillate.If he is killed, this person is likely to be his comrade!The friendship of the robe and Ze has always been the most important relationship of the old Qin people.So, after struggling for a long time, the soldiers tied him up and handed him over to their commander.

In the end, this identity was verified all the way to Wang Jian before he confessed his identity.After figuring out his identity, the Wang family can directly ask for him to be detained.Returning to Xianyang in the future, this should be a breakthrough to break through the remaining evil forces of Zhao State.It was this idea that kept Lianyou alive.

Qin Mu and Zu Long were speechless after listening.The so-called remnants of the Six Kingdoms, neither Qin Mu nor Zulong would take them seriously.The reason why Daqin attacked the remnants of the Six Kingdoms was actually because they were messing around.And Zulong never thought that those trash could overthrow Daqin again.

And Qin Mu knew that although these remnants of the Six Kingdoms were making a lot of trouble now, in fact, except for Xiang Yu and Han Xin, no one could fight.Even if Zulong dies, only a few people will truly take over the world in the end, the others are all cannon fodder!

The reason why they doubt it is entirely because... the so-called Hun military master is just such a half-bottle of water?Although he is a descendant of Lian Po, in the end... he is no different from a farmer?
On the one hand, Qin Mu lamented the desolation of the descendants of Lian Po, on the other hand, he also felt worthless for this famous general of the Warring States Period.If he knew that his most popular descendant would become like this, how would he feel in his heart?
However, it is not bad to have a breakthrough now.

(End of this chapter)

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