Chapter 366

"Then bring him here." Qin Mu was very interested in this person.Although he has fallen from a nobleman to a farmer, he can be discovered by the Zhao royal family as an envoy to contact the Huns.And after coming to the grassland, he was able to be highly valued by Touman Chanyu, which at least shows that Lianyou still has some skills.

Of course, this ability does not necessarily refer to the ability in the art of war, but more the ability to fool people.For example, after being captured, he was able to claim that he was a spy of the Great Qin, and he was indistinguishable all the way until he saw Wang Jian.If such a person was born in the Warring States period, he might be an excellent strategist and lobbyist.

It's a pity that after the Great Unification is realized, there is no room for such characters to live.However, Qin Mu felt that this was a bad thing for Lianyou, but it was actually a great thing for the people of the world.The so-called vertical and horizontal is nothing more than inciting and attacking each other between countries.And once the gunpowder smokes, the people will commit a serious crime.

Of course, these things are a bit too far away, Qin Mu collected his thoughts, and quietly looked at the person lying on the ground in front of him.This is a slender man, dressed in the casual clothes of the Huns nobles, from the appearance alone, he looks a bit tall.However, if you look closely at his palms, you can also see the calluses from previous work.

It can only be said, but from the outside, it is very confusing, but it is not without flaws.However, it is true that he has a bit of skill in being able to maneuver around with this appearance.Even if he is captured by Daqin's army now, he still looks righteous.

Qin Mu gave Wang Jian a wink, Wang Jian understood, sat down on the chair and began to ask questions.This was in the army, and Wang Jian was the general, so he was naturally the highest ranking person in the entire army.If you start to ask questions, of course he will be the core.Otherwise, if people see the general standing, but Qin Mu or Zulong sitting instead, it will inevitably arouse people's speculation.

"Lianyou! You are bound to die for colluding with the remnants of the Six Kingdoms! But since you are a farmer, this so-called loyalty and morality have no lessons for you. So, I will give you a chance to survive! You Are you willing to commit crimes and meritorious deeds in exchange for your life?"

Lianyou quickly raised his head: "I am willing! I am willing! My lord, I have already said that although the remnants of Zhao State sent me here, in fact, I know that I am from Great Qin! Although Qin and Zhao have conflicts, they belong to China. As a person of Huaxia, how can I be bullied by foreigners? So, I have been waiting for the opportunity!"

Wang Jian looked at Qin Mu and Zulong on the other side.This guy can talk!It was also like this before, but I didn't hide that I was sent by the remnants of Zhao Guo, so I probably knew that I couldn't hide it.However, he didn't mention Qin Zhao when he opened his mouth. Instead, he regarded himself as a Chinese and a Qin. Obviously, he wanted to make the Qin soldiers who were also Chinese people spare him.

However, obviously, such a statement does not make sense.Although now when facing foreigners, the word Huaxia has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.But everyone knows that the remnants of the Six Kingdoms today are no longer the same as the nobles of the Six Kingdoms in the past.In the past, the nobles of the six countries were still able to work together in the face of the Huns in the northwest.

Taking the construction of the Great Wall as an example, they were all built to guard against the Huns. Qin, Han, and Yan were all built at the same time.In the face of the invasion of the Huns, they were also able to cooperate with each other without speaking.

But the remnants of the Six Kingdoms now... wish the Huns could come in, so as to create chaos for them and let them take the opportunity to grow stronger.In particular, Zhao Guo's remnants sent him over this time, it must be to lobby Shanyu to invade Daqin.

Qin Mu shook his head slightly, signaling to Wang Jian not to take it too seriously, just ask the question directly.

Wang Jian understood, and said in a deep voice: "Lianyou! The words are simple, but this general depends on your actions! Since you are willing, then I will regard you as a citizen of Daqin for the time being! If you make a contribution to this action, I will let you be completely cleared of your crimes, and let you be a real Daqin person! If you make great achievements, I will truthfully report to His Majesty, the nobles dare not say, at least you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

Lian You instantly became excited.You must know that although he is the descendant of Lian Po, everyone knows that Lian Po has long distanced himself from the nobles of the six countries when he was in his twilight years.Although they feel that Lian Po is old and are unwilling to use it, the effect is the same.Since then, Lian Po has no longer been bound to the Six Kingdoms. Although he has not joined Qin, he is considered neutral.

Therefore, Lian Po's descendants are naturally not considered the goal of Daqin to wipe out the sins of the Six Kingdoms, which is why he was able to work as a farmer in the hometown of Chu.And why did he give up his stable life and get involved with the remnants of the Six Kingdoms?Isn't it just glory and wealth?Although this glory and wealth made him worry all the time that the officers and soldiers of Daqin would come to his door, at least it was realized.

The same is true of the grasslands.Which Chinese person has never heard of the evil name of the Huns?If it weren't for the glory and wealth, who would want to run to this grassland where no bird shit?Of course, when he really came to the grassland, he found that the life in the grassland was not so unbearable.

And now, he was captured by the Qin army, and he had only a few months left to live, and suddenly he got the "official wealth of the Qin Dynasty" guaranteed by Wang Jian himself?
If he really succeeds, at least he can enjoy life in Daqin's territory.You don't have to worry about becoming a wanted criminal, you don't have to worry about the government coming to your door, you don't have to worry about being in danger... In this way, can he not be willing?

"Me! I am willing!" Lianyou was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly: "Well... as long as I can do something, I, Lianyou, am willing to do anything, without hesitation! Whether it is Daoshan or..."

"All right, all right, no need to talk!" Wang Jian waved his hand: "As I said, I don't look at what you say, I just look at what you do! Let me ask you first, about five hundred miles west of this place, there is a Shan, do you know?"

Lianyou nodded: "My lord, although this grassland is flat, there are many low mountains. Five or six hundred miles to the west, there are no less than a dozen peaks. I don't know which one my lord said?"

Seeing Qin Mu nodding his head, Wang Jian said in a deep voice, "It's just a small mountain, not high, and it's on the boundary line between the grassland and the Gobi."

Lianyou shook his head: "My lord, there are no fewer than six or seven such mountains! This Gobi is actually a pebble beach, so there are many mountains around. I don't know. Is there any other information?"

(End of this chapter)

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