Chapter 368 Attack
Of course, being able to defeat does not mean that it can be easily defeated.The task given by the system is either not too difficult, but requires a very suitable opportunity.Or there is no need for any opportunity, but the task is very difficult.In today's situation, the difficulty factor is still higher.The challenge of this task, perhaps the greater factor, lies in the confrontation with the immortal.

However, Qin Mu's understanding of the so-called immortals is really limited.In folklore, of course there is some information about immortals.Walking against the wind is just a pediatrics, and there are not a few people who are shot with a sword.Of course, it may be that he will not meet such a person at this stage, or the legend of the immortal is a bit exaggerated, in short, it is impossible!

Otherwise, Qin Mu would still be thinking about confronting others, just raise his hands in surrender, and just kill him with his neck drawn.

Wang Jian waved his hand to repel Lian You, and looked at Qin Mu with worry in his eyes: "Young master, it seems that these immortals should be the trump cards of the Huns! Although we have 20 people, can we have a mortal body? Can you fight against the immortals? Or... I will follow Lianyou's suggestion and retreat to the territory of Daqin?"

Qin Mu didn't speak, he was still thinking about the strength comparison between the two sides.As for the so-called immortals, his understanding is close to zero, and the only one he has come into contact with is the god of medicine he saw in the coal mine.And that god of medicine, to say he is an immortal, is actually a bit reluctant.Qin Mu felt that the so-called god of medicine should be some kind of creature close to a fairy, or... it should be the larval stage of some kind of fairy?
Of course, it is not appropriate to say that it is a larva.After all, in folklore, immortals are all cultivated by humans.As for the other spirits, they are other species... maybe, maybe some kind of spirits' juveniles?Anyway, it's almost the same, some kind of species beyond human beings... Such a species may be somewhat similar to immortals, but their strength should be far different.

However, it also inspired Qin Mu to a certain extent.At least, he can use this to confirm that the so-called immortals are just more powerful, at least they are still living things... And as long as they are living things... they cannot escape the bombardment of cannons... Of course, this is a conclusion based on the current situation .If there is really a fairy who can ignore the cannon, Qin Mu has nothing to do.

It's just... there is no way, the system tasks have to be completed, so no matter whether the immortal is afraid of cannons or not, Qin Mu has to think so.After all, his biggest means at present is the cannon.If the cannon doesn't work, then Qin Mu will... declare failure in advance.Qin Mu will not give up, but this system task is his.There is no need to let 20 Daqin soldiers follow him to take risks.

"In that case, then retreat to the border one after another!" Qin Mu nodded: "Lianyou knows more than what he Suo said... At least, a person who has only seen it from a distance must not You will know that we only need to retreat to the border to rest easy... So, he still has something to say. But it doesn't matter, let's retreat first!"

Qin Mu can probably guess that it is safe to retreat to the border.According to Lianyou, if Shanyu of the Huns paid a certain price, he could let the immortals take action.Then... why didn't he let the immortal destroy Daqin directly?Obviously there are some restrictions.If it is said that the Great Qin involves something as mysterious as a country's luck, then it is not difficult to destroy Meng Tian's army, right?
So, obviously there are limits, and the key may be... boundaries!The immortals of the Huns can only act on the grasslands or in the territory controlled by the Huns!This kind of thing is obviously top secret.In order to maintain his deterrent power, Shan Yu would definitely not let such news spread freely.But Lianyou knows... Obviously, there is a story in it.

But it's pointless to pursue it now.Immortal methods are difficult to predict, if the delay is too long, it will be a bit embarrassing if the other party comes to kill.As long as they can withdraw to the border, at least they will be invincible.

Wang Jian's efficiency was very high, he turned around and left. Not long after he returned to the commander's tent, the entire camp had already started to retreat.The logistics army mainly packs all kinds of food, grass and supplies, while the other camps carry weapons and armor. Apart from this, all unimportant things are discarded to save time as much as possible.

Soon, the entire army, like ants moving house, began to slowly think about retreating in the territory of Daqin.However, after all, there are more than 20 people, even if the border is only more than 40 miles away from here, it will take at least three hours to go back.

Qin Mu also began to retreat along with the logistics army.Of course, he and Zu Long still had some special treatment, and they rode in a carriage.The logistics army has long been used to these two seemingly detached people, and they don't even have a curious look.In the carriage, Qin Mu drank his tea every sip, thinking silently.

Right now, his only advantage seems to be the cannon.Even if Shan Yu has been bombarded twice, it is certainly impossible to figure out the specific reason so simply.Even if it is described to those immortals, there is a high probability that it will be something like "iron meteors falling from the sky" that fills the mountain with happy air.

Therefore, the immortal didn't know about the cannon, so it was an opportunity for him.But... if it is a stronger one, it is also a matter of whether the speed of the shell can hit it.Calculated in this way, it seems that it is safer to directly use explosives.If the immortal can be introduced into the place where the gunpowder is buried and ignited directly, the effect will be even better.

However, what is the better way?
Qin Mu thought for a long time, but there was no good solution.However, in the sky at this time, there are already some figures on horseback gradually approaching...

The scouts patrolling around had already spotted the horses and reported to Wang Jian immediately.Wang Jian reached out and took out a telescope from his pocket, which was made by Qin Mu to facilitate the aiming of the artillery.

"Touman Chanyu!" Wang Jian put down his binoculars, his face livid.Even if he ordered the retreat immediately, there are still more than 20 miles to reach the border.

And Touman Chanyu behind him, has long since lost the downcast look he had when he was running away, instead he was a little high-spirited... And Wang Jian vaguely saw a gray shadow floating on Touman Chanyu's head...

"Full speed ahead!" Wang Jian yelled loudly, flicked the whip in his hand, and rushed in the direction of the logistics army.When retreating, he specifically ordered that the logistics troops go forward.

Now it seems that the immortal is attacking... Obviously, the first priority is to protect the ancestor dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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