Chapter 369 Escape

In this way, no matter how stupid those high-ranking officers are, they can still guess that there might really be a great person in the logistics army!In the general army marching, how can there be any reason for the main force to be in the rear and the logistics army to go first?Combined with the fact that the main general ran to the logistics army at every turn, it added credibility to their conjecture.

In the end, the almost irresistible enemy attacked, and the general directly dropped the army and went to the logistics army... Isn't this situation obvious enough?The generals looked at each other in blank dismay, who the hell is this?Wu Chenghou must pay so much attention to it... Probably, there is no one else except that one, right?

To be honest, even if the prince died in battle with Wang Jian, nothing would happen to him.And the reason why he cared so much... Good guy!Everyone couldn't help taking a breath!
Gongyangmo looked at Wang Ben and complained: "Mr. Tongwu, you bastard... you are hiding such a big matter from us? Isn't it a little too much? Your royal family's trust goes straight to the sky, and you are afraid of us. Compete with you?"

Wang Ben smiled bitterly: "What are you talking about? If I really knew, I'm afraid I would be more anxious than you! The point is, I really don't know! Besides, my head is still in a daze! That person ...really in the army?"

"Don't be fooled! You should wake up soon!" Another person rode up to catch up and said loudly: "Look at the situation, not only in the army, but also by the immortals supported by the Huns! Be careful, If there is something wrong with that one, let's wait for the whole family to feed the wild dogs!"

As soon as he said this, all the people present were stunned as if they had just woken up from a dream!This is really... a disaster from heaven!Wu Chenghou took the emperor out without telling them. Along the way, he did a great job of keeping secrets!And the final situation is... They are likely to be unlucky?Such a thing must not be allowed to happen!
"Stop talking, what should we do? Go to the logistics army and protect... that one?"

"No! Marquis Wu Cheng has already gone! We don't know, let alone the Huns! If we all go there now, the Huns should be able to figure it out even if they are stupid!"

"Then what are you going to do? I don't want my whole family to be buried with me!"

"Don't talk about it!" Wang Ben snorted: "The main general is not here, the most important thing now is to stabilize the army! Be careful, if the other party really notices that... the 20 people, even if they are exhausted, they can't be killed. Don't let him hurt a single hair of that person!"

His words played the role of a shock field.Wang Jian is not here, it is really only Wang Ben who has such ability.The people present realized instantly that it seemed that the best way was to follow Wang Ben's words.

Immediately, they saw Wang Jian galloping from the logistics army with a child on horseback.Everyone was stunned.

After guessing for a long time, why is it such a child?Who is this child?
As soon as Wang Jian arrived, he immediately signaled everyone to come to him.

I saw that the child was not stage fright at all, and said loudly: "I have seen that they are faster! Even at the current speed, at most half of us can return to the border!"

"Besides, this half of the people can only be troops without any supplies!" Qin Mu looked around, ignoring the doubts in the eyes of these people around him. Anyway, Wang Jian will help him give orders later: "I need you, order For the troops under your command, discard all non-essential equipment other than swords and luggage, and then move forward with all your might!"

Abandon equipment?Abandon baggage?How can this be?If you meet an enemy on the road, what will you use to fight?Moreover, many of these supplies are food and grass!The Huns killed 10,000+ people just to grab this, but now they want them to take the initiative to throw it here?But in this way, wouldn't it be an enemy?
Wang Jian raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly: "Immediately execute! If anyone is obedient and obedient, I will cut off his head and feed it to the dogs!"

Following Wang Jian's order, everyone left hesitantly and went to their respective troops to convey the order.After doing this, the marching speed will be greatly increased, but the combat effectiveness will decrease exponentially!As for whether it is worthwhile to do so, I am afraid that everyone has some ideas in their hearts.

Qin Mu naturally knew that in the hearts of these nobles, equipment was more important than people.But they have already reached this point, and they don't bother to explain the truth that equipment can be rebuilt when it is gone, and everything is gone when people are gone.He just looked at Wang Ben again.

He knew this guy and seemed to have a good relationship with Lao Wang.The artillery unit trained by Lao Wang himself is managed by this person.

"Order all the artillery, discard all cannons and shells, take away all the gunpowder, and then move forward quickly, follow the rear of the logistics army, and march with all your strength! Except for the logistics army, the access authority is the highest! If you encounter obstacles on the way... you can kill! "

This step is to let the artillery who are familiar with the properties of gunpowder carry gunpowder behind the logistics army to protect Zulong.Dad came out on this trip, and unexpectedly met a fairy.Bad luck!
Qin Mu knew that his father's identity was extraordinary.If it is really exposed, it is likely to be targeted by the immortals of the Huns!At that time, these artillerymen with gunpowder in their arms will become Dad's last barrier!
Of course, this is a last resort.As long as there is a chance for things to turn around, Qin Mu will not allow such things to happen.

Wang Ben's eyes became straight when he heard Qin Mu's words.He is very aware of the power of cannons.Just throwing it away like this, wouldn't it be left to the Huns?This time they bombarded the Huns with cannons, and it was a blast!However, if the Huns had cannons, would they bombard them?At that time, they will have no power to fight back!
He himself is the one with the artillery, and he is the one who knows the power of the artillery best!Now let him throw the cannon away, I can't bear it!More importantly, he is even more unwilling to leave it to the Huns!

Wang Jian stared, and almost threw the whip at Wang Ben.Wang Ben was shocked, gritted his teeth and left.

Watching Wang Ben leave, Wang Jian was silent for a while, and then said: "Young master, if this cannon is taken away by the Huns..."

Qin Mu shook his head resolutely: "Don't worry, there is no gunpowder, even if they take it away, they won't use it! Besides, these Huns will destroy them sooner or later! Do you really think that a fairy can stop us? This time, there is no preparation! Sooner or later One day, even the gods will slaughter him!"

Wang Jian was taken aback.Obviously it was my side that was still running away in chaos, but after listening to Qin Mu's words, I suddenly felt another burst of pride rising from my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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