Chapter 370 Helpless
Arrogance is useless, because in this world, after all, strength speaks for itself.Before Touman Shanyu led the cavalry to set off, he also swears in front of everyone, thinking of the wolf god, that one day he will lead them to sweep away all obstacles on the grassland.The final result was nothing more than fleeing in embarrassment after being bombarded by Daqin's cannons.

After all, the most important task right now is to escape.As long as he can escape back to the territory of Daqin, everything will be fine.In the current situation, even if all the supplies are abandoned, this task is very difficult.Maybe, in the end, it's just a matter of luck.Whoever is unlucky will be killed by the Huns.And the lucky one survived.

On the battlefield, this kind of luck is not uncommon.In many cases, before the armies of the two sides actually encountered each other, they would shoot bows and arrows at each other several times.This kind of shooting, no one will aim, they all shoot directly at the opponent's crowd.It's similar to those battles in Europe that were lined up to be shot in later generations, it just depends on who is persuaded first.Under normal circumstances, the unlucky ones die first.

It's just that the immortals of the Huns are obviously not going to give Daqin any more chances.The scouts could see with the naked eye that the speed of the Huns on the horizon was getting faster and faster. They were originally separated by forty or fifty miles, but in the blink of an eye, there were only thirty miles left!

The horses under the Huns looked like they were going crazy. Regardless of the fact that they were foaming at the mouth, they swung their hooves rapidly and chased in the direction of the Daqin army.In the end, it was even difficult to see the swing of the hooves clearly, only a phantom-like thing could be seen flashing under the horse's belly, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer little by little.

The scouts looked at it, even feeling desperate.Daqin's army was already running forward desperately, but it was useless.Those people have already arrived more than ten miles behind them!At such a distance, even without binoculars, the pursuers could be seen clearly.

"Keep an eye on the situation at all times!" The squad leader of the scouts shouted in a low voice: "If the enemy catches up, even if they die, they must be stopped! Er Ni, report to the commander!"

The second turned around and galloped on horseback.None of the others spoke, but their hands reached their waists, holding the handle of the knife.They all knew that looking at the speed of those people, they might catch up in a short time.At that time, even if the person in front of him is really a fairy, he still has to use his sword!Daqin's scouts, only those who were killed, did not surrender!
And before the death battle, it is also the tradition of the scout team to let the youngest one go back to report the news!The captain looked into the distance, as if he saw the former captain smiling at him.At that time, he was still the youngest one. During a battle, he went back to report the news, and all the others died for the country!After he came back, he was the only one left, and he became the captain with justifiable name.Now, it's his turn!

Only in the next moment, those enemies who were still more than ten miles away suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Sword!" The team leader yelled, drew the knife from his waist, and rode his horse to kill the enemy!However, the next moment, his hand hangs down feebly, and even his hips get off the horse, becoming extremely pale, as if his blood has been sucked dry!
Among the Huns on the opposite side, a skinny man with deep-set brows pursed his lower lip, showing a hint of aftertaste: "The blood of the people of the Great Qin is better than that of the grassland people..." After speaking, he raised his hand and squeezed it , the captain and his crotch, the horse fell to the ground.

At this time, the rest of the scouting team seemed to have encountered the same situation and fell to the ground one after another.Several people around the skinny man took off their hoods one after another, with cruel smiles on their faces.

"Brother, Touman really didn't lie to us! Here, there are so many blood food, you can eat as you like!"

The skinny man called the elder brother frowned and said, "You can't believe everything Touman said! Whether Daqin violated the rules or not is uncertain! When we come out this time, we must not leak the news! Otherwise, those killing stars in the Central Plains If you come over..."

After finishing speaking, the few of them actually fought a cold war at the same time!The rest of the people nodded quickly.

However, although he restrained himself somewhat, he was still a little excited in the face of the huge number of people in front of him.

On the other side, Touman Shanyu saw this, and quickly advised: "Dear Immortal, please don't think I'm noisy. Those cunning Daqin people can summon fire meteors from the sky! It's very lethal! If you accidentally touch someone , you will be smashed into a puddle of flesh immediately! Although you are already a fairy, the fireball may not hurt you, but please be careful!"

The skinny man turned his head and glanced at Touman Chanyu, and said contemptuously: "Touman, you lied to please us. However, we don't care! Now that you have come out to help you, don't lie anymore! Think To summon fire meteors like you said, at least you have to be at the level of a fairy! Don't mention you, even if we are facing such a fairy, we will only have a dead end!"

Touman Shanyu hesitated, and said helplessly: "What I said is true! Alas... I also took you to see the scene before. There are potholes there, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can do..."

"I know! There must be abnormalities in the Daqin army!" The skinny man nodded: "But it's definitely not a fireball! You don't need to say any more, when we see that the 20 blood food is devoured... at that time, the strength can continue It has been improved... Your benefits are indispensable! But, don't lie anymore!"

Touman Shanyu was extremely helpless, he clearly told the truth, but why no one believed him?
In the next moment, several people had arrived not far behind the Daqin army!

A commander ordered his subordinates to stop escaping, and charged forward after drawing out their weapons, trying to buy time for the troops ahead to escape! 1000 people charged at the same time, the scene was spectacular, but it didn't last long... They were all drained of blood and fell to the ground dead!However, even if the teammates around him fell down one after another, none of them turned around and ran away!

Soon after, another commander gave his order.They knew that after they left, they probably couldn't escape the same fate as the 1000 people just now.However, even if it can be delayed for 1 minute... it is good!Even if they didn't die in vain!
Not long after, nearly [-] Qin troops died under such a charge!
They didn't make any extra moves, or even any extra slogans. They just turned around silently, charged, and fell to the ground, in exchange for a few minutes.

Those high-ranking officers were still distressed before, but they were numb afterward!His face was all ashen!
They know that these sacrifices are helpless!

(End of this chapter)

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