Chapter 371 Boiling
On the grassland, a picture that no one could imagine appeared.The nearly 20 Daqin army, like ants moving silently, lined up in a long strip and moved forward silently.

And behind them, there are a few black spots that can't be smaller, just like the natural enemies of ants, far away at the end of the team, harvesting a large area of ​​life every once in a while.

Even Touman Chanyu, who was used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling in such a weird scene.He is Shan Yu, so he naturally knows that these so-called immortals slaughter a large number of livestock every year for food and blood... But, those are livestock after all, and watching them harvest and suck the blood of Daqin soldiers one by one, even if he , and some feel cold.

I am afraid that these people can no longer be called human beings by now?At that time, if they go crazy, even if he is Shan Yu, he may not be able to escape such a fate...

Of course, he still knows the importance of the current matter.Even if there is a problem with these immortals, they will continue to let him be Shan Yu for the sake of blood. If these immortals are gone, I am afraid that Daqin will hack him to death on the spot... This is the difference between the two parties... However, after today, he will not be ashamed of him. These immortals will also increase a lot of defense.Even, some methods of restraint will be found behind the scenes.

In the front, Qin Mu's expression was not good.The fighting power of these "immortals" was beyond his imagination.The God of Medicine I met before had strange abilities, but if you cracked its brainwashing, it would be almost powerless... But the "Wolf God Envoys" I met now are indeed different.Not only is it powerful, but it is even harvesting piece by piece!

Originally, I thought that if their combat power was not strong, they could adopt some strategies of abandoning their cars to protect their commanders. Even if some soldiers were sacrificed, as long as they could ensure the escape of the large troops, it would be a blessing in misfortune.But, in the final analysis, these things did not go as he thought!

Most importantly, the killing speed of these people is too fast!Although Qin Mu wasn't there, he and Wang Jian listened to the scout's report the whole time!These people seemed to have some kind of ability to instantly suck up human blood. Although no obvious traumatic wounds were seen on the body of the deceased, they became pale and dry. The scouts tried to cut their skins, but no blood flowed out!
And those people obviously saw the figure of the scout.However, the thousands of people in front of them still attracted their attention, and they didn't even think about attacking the sporadic scouts.

It is worth noting that a scout reported that Touman Chanyu was seen among those few people.

But at this time, Qin Mu no longer cared about the so-called Touman Shanyu.If these envoys of the wolf god die, he will die with him 100%!If Daqin was helpless against these envoys of the wolf god, then even if he tried his best to kill him, it would be nothing more than a matter of rising up to be the next Shanyu!
Qin Mu never forgot that Touman Shanyu's son, Maodun Shanyu, is a thousand times more promising than him!If there were no accidents, Qin Mu would be the one who least wanted Touman Shanyu to die suddenly!At can die after you find your son!
"Continuing like this is not an option!" Qin Mu said in a low voice: "In an instant, a thousand people will die! Under such circumstances, even if we escape back, we will lose more than half of our people! There must be other countermeasures!"

Wang Jian's eyes were also full of anger at this moment, staring at the scene behind, although he was far away, it seemed that the unwillingness and anger of those soldiers before their death all appeared in front of his eyes!
"Little son, what should we do? How about I organize it, find some skilled people, and fight them directly!" Wang Jian said fiercely: "I don't believe it, they are really invincible? If it is true Invincible, why did ghosts not find it before?"

"Don't be impulsive!" Qin Mu quickly calmed down, "I met similar ones in the coal mine before... Although they seem to be much weaker than these guys, they are not invincible! At least, explosives work!"

"Didn't I let the artillerymen take away the gunpowder before? Let me tell you about the making of the explosive package, and you let them hurry up and make a few..." Qin Mu didn't care about hiding his secrets anymore, and directly informed the production of the explosive package Wang Jian: "Let them make those gunpowder into explosive kits, I have an arrangement!"

If it was not a last resort, he would not have revealed the making of the explosive package.

"By the way, there are still a lot of grenades that I gave him for self-defense at my father's place!" Qin Mu's eyes lit up, and he urged Wang Jian: "Hurry up and get someone to ask him for it, take... two... thirty! These, if these things are useless, then we have nothing to do!"

Wang Jian responded, and ordered everything.It didn't take long for both parties to report back and say they were ready.

At this moment, the envoys of the wolf god who were busy devouring the blood all stopped.

"Do you feel that something is wrong?" The skinny man frowned and said, "How come the further I walk, the more I feel... a hot feeling on my body? It seems that the blood is boiling?"

"Brother, do you feel the same way?" Another person also said, "I feel the same way. It seems that it started just now... What's going on? Is there any danger ahead?"

The boss shook his head: "I don't know, the fourth brother knows these things best, why do you think?"

Hearing the words, a triangular eye opened his mouth and said: "My strength is first-line compared to those of my brothers, and I don't feel it yet. But... I think that the front is not necessarily dangerous!"

The triangular eyes glanced around and said, "Brothers, do you still remember what it said when we got the Blood Fragrance Art from the Wolf God?"

"Don't be a fool." The boss said angrily, "Hurry up and tell me what's going on?"

Seeing that the boss was unhappy, the fourth child didn't dare to procrastinate, and said sternly: "He said that when the blood fragrance technique is practiced to a high level, ordinary blood food will be ineffective. And at that time, only those blood with special characteristics Food is only effective...the so-called special blood food is for practitioners of the Blood Fragrance Technique, when they approach it, they will feel their blood boil..."

"So, you mean, there may be a special blood food ahead?" The boss' eyes lit up: "How to judge?"

The fourth child shook his head: "Brother, but you can't tell from the appearance! It's just that within a certain range, the closer the blood boils, the more obvious it will be!"

"In this way, as long as I find the person who makes my blood boil the most, it must be the most special one..."

(End of this chapter)

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