Chapter 372 For and Against

"Special fact, there are different situations." The fourth child licked his lips and said with a smile: "Some people have special bloodlines, and they may be descendants of immortals! Such people, the effect is the best! Others, It may be someone with special luck, who is appointed as a marquis and worships a minister! Such a person may have a backlash after eating hot mouth, but it is indeed the one who has improved the most..."

He looked at the Daqin army in the distance, and said in a low voice: "In addition, there are some people who are born with good talents, but they may still be very weak now! Such people may not be very useful to swallow his blood, but they can improve Follow up! Unfortunately, it is of no use to us! But if we bring it back to the wolf god, our reward will be indispensable!"

The skinny boss' eyes lit up when he heard the words: "In this case, let's leave these little guys alone! Go straight ahead and find that special bloodline first! If it's the first two, then we brothers will share it equally! If it's the latter One kind... directly control it, and hand it over to the wolf god when the time comes! Such a good combat item, the wolf god don't say much...should give us a drop of blood, right?"

A drop of blood!Several other people are extremely hot-eyed.Especially the weakest fourth child, his eyes are shining!They themselves were fed by the wolf god's essence and blood. If they cultivated by themselves, it is estimated that after hundreds of years, they would not be able to achieve their current achievements after being buried!In the past, what they got was just some ordinary blood of the wolf god. If it really got the essence blood...

Then their strength is estimated to be raised two or even three big steps!Of course, if it wasn't for the gifted special bloodline, the rewards might be even greater for them... Because of the appearance of the fourth child, it is almost obvious that the wolf spirit blood is not as good as this special bloodline!

The fourth child looked at the brothers beside him and sneered in his heart!These guys are usually superior to him by relying on their strength, and they often let him thank them for their dirty work!Now that I have a special bloodline, when dividing up the spoils, what I get is probably the least amount!However, he had been prepared for a long time, and when he told the truth about the special bloodline, he still held back!
It's not that simple to absorb special blood!For them, if they can't absorb some of the original power in the special blood, they will definitely explode and die in the end!If he finally finds a special bloodline, it depends on how the other three people allocate it to him.If it's fair, then he won't be stingy with absorbing methods. If the three of them still want to eat more and occupy more, then I'm sorry!

Of course, if it wasn't for the fact that his strength was not so low and he really couldn't sense the so-called special bloodline, he would definitely not even spread the basic news of the special bloodline!Otherwise, they don't know any special bloodline at all, and they quietly feel it and swallow it all by themselves, isn't it delicious?

However, these are all based on the fact that the type of special blood cannot be innate.Otherwise, even if it is found, it cannot be absorbed.In the end, I hand it over to the wolf god, and I can only let these "brothers" decide.

"Brother, let's go ahead and kill! These little guys on the road are of no value at all, and they have no ability! It is impossible to stop us!" The light in the eyes of the fourth brother flickered: "You feel the riot of blood all the time, if the blood If the boiling slows down, it means that the direction is wrong, and we must adjust in time!"

Touman Shanyu on the other side was a little confused when he heard these words.When these people spoke, they did not avoid him at all, as if they were sure that he would not reveal the secret.But why do they think that I won't reveal it?Touman Shanyu thought about it, and suddenly felt a little scared!He really hoped that people like Daqin would die completely, but he didn't hope that he would die!
It's just that now, there is no room for him to turn back.If these people really want to kill him.If he escapes, he will only die faster.However, this kind of thing... probably won't happen, right?After all, the Wolf God still needs to inherit Shan Yu's position by himself, and continue to provide him with blood food!

"Touman, you stay here and don't move, be careful of being killed!" The boss, with dark eyes swept over Toumanchanyu's body, said coldly: "Let's charge forward for a while, you be careful!"

Touman Chanyu cursed secretly in his heart.Before, he called Shan Yu very politely, but now he just calls him by his name!Moreover, when you talk about rushing forward, aren't you just eager to find some special blood?It's just that he only dared to curse a few words in his heart, and he definitely didn't dare to contradict him.

"Respected Messenger of the Wolf God, please do as you please." Touman forced a smile: "Please don't worry about me, your responsibilities are more important than my life."

The boss snorted coldly: "You are very clever! That's enough, you just go farther away, don't let those Daqin people catch up with you! We will look for you later! Don't try to run, I can smell your blood! As long as you are still on the grassland, you cannot escape!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the horse's belly hard with his right foot. The horse was frightened and ran out thinking of the distance in an instant.

At this moment, although he didn't show it on his face, he was already very anxious in his heart, wishing he could find that special bloodline now, and then suck it up in one go!

In the distance, Wang Jian put down the binoculars in his hand, his face was ugly: "Those people... stopped fighting with the soldiers, and rushed towards us!"

Qin Mu thought for a while and asked, "Come straight here? Why? Didn't they have been sucking blood before? I think blood is still very important to them... Why give up so many things that are within reach, first Want to come forward?"

The scouts had been constantly checking the situation in the rear, so Qin Mu knew that they had drained the blood of all the soldiers in the rear, and not a single one was spared.Even, in order to suck blood, they are not willing to talk to those scouts who go far to investigate.

"Forget it, thinking about those things, there is no way there will be any results..." Qin Mu let out a sigh of relief: "They will come, or there is something in front that attracts them...or they simply want to intercept the army directly Come down, don't let go, eat them all..."

Wang Jian was a little surprised: "There are so many people, are they not afraid of being strangled to death?"

"Stay dead? Old Wang, the four of them dare to chase our 20 army! With such confidence, how could they be held to death?" Qin Mu shook his head: "It's just that it doesn't matter what they think. In short, the enemy supports us. If the enemy opposes it, we will firmly oppose it, and if the enemy opposes it, we will firmly support it!"

"They want to go forward, but we won't let them go! Tell the artillery to assemble!"

(End of this chapter)

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