Chapter 376
The third and fourth children almost had sparks in their eyes.Originally, the fourth brother used a blood draw technique to slow down the boss's horse. This was their chance.But who knew, the boss did something even better, and simply shared the energy and blood of the four horses.This time, everyone is the eldest brother, don't laugh at the second brother, let's go hand in hand!Don't miss it, at least, this is also on the same starting line.

On the other side, Wang Jian looked at a few people with something strange in his eyes: "Young master, this situation is not right...their speed suddenly slowed down just now...and looking at their riding formation, it seems that each of them It's all about being on guard..."

"Preparation?" Qin Mu keenly sensed the core of Wang Jian's words.Naturally, he would not doubt Lao Wang's words. Although Lao Wang has no skills, he is still very reliable every time he speaks.And this time as the coach, the level is also there. Can you destroy the 17 Huns army in three days, can you make the weak?

"Could it be that... there is internal strife between them?" Qin Mu lowered his head and thought: "The slowdown should be the result of their internal strife and mutual containment? But why do they have internal strife? The most important thing is, why did they suddenly come forward? rush?"

Qin Mu didn't know the reason, but he intuitively guessed that they...should be targeting him!It seems shameless to say so, but in the final analysis, those four wolf god envoys were happily sucking blood from the rear, why did they want to kill them all of a sudden?And so many people in the middle completely ignore it and go straight ahead?
If there is anything worthy of their attention, it's not that Qin Mu is not modest, but...he's the only one...the most special!However, it could also be Dad.Perhaps, the other party used some method to find out the identity of the father, so they should ignore those soldiers and directly kill a royal family.How exactly... It seems that I can only try it.

"Old Wang! I'm not good at riding, take me with you, let's go north!" Qin Mu thought for a while and said to Old Wang.

Now the direction of the army is from west to east, and it is going to withdraw from the grassland to the east and enter Shangjun.And Qin Mu let Old Wang take him north, he would soon leave the main force, and the direction change was very obvious.If the four envoys of the wolf god were looking for him, then...their directions must change accordingly!And if their direction remains the same, there is a high probability that they are chasing daddy!

Once their goals can be determined, Qin Mu can make his own arrangements!
Old Wang didn't hesitate, and directly pulled Qin Mu over from the horse, and placed it in front of him. With a light tap on the stirrup, he immediately turned around and left the team.As for Qin Mu, he was also emotional, fortunately he had recommended Lao Wang, if Lao Li had been the commander in chief, he might have ignored him just now and rode away directly.

In the army, the chief general is an extremely important role.Under normal circumstances, except for a strong general like Xiang Yu, there is basically no leading general to show his face.At most, that is, to eat and live with ordinary soldiers, to show closeness to the people, to fight and lure the enemy in person?nonexistent!There are even Huo Qubing, ordinary soldiers shivering from the cold, and he cooks in a hot pot in the tent.

And Qin Mu not only asked Lao Wang, the chief general, to show his face in public, but even took him out of the team to seduce and lure the enemy... No one would believe him!No matter how much you trust, it is impossible to do so.Therefore, Lao Wang's willingness to listen to Qin Mu's request is really... heart-to-heart trust...

Fortunately, Qin Mu is also sure.Since the emissary of the wolf god had internal strife, his speed had slowed down a lot, and he wouldn't run too far, it was just to test the opponent's target.Once confirmed, Qin Mu will definitely return to the team immediately, without hesitation at all!
Behind, among the envoys of the wolf god, the boss and the second child frowned frequently.At this distance, their induction has become more clear.The previous feeling was like a fuzzy line that sometimes disappeared.But now, that strip is already very thick in their feelings!And at this moment, they felt that one of the lines was gradually shifting... shifting... until it left the entire team!
The boss looked up and saw that a horse had left the team and ran north.

He snorted coldly: "Second brother, do you feel it? It seems that someone has realized our goal and left the army and ran in another direction!"

The second child nodded solemnly: "I also feel it... Since the other party can realize it, it means that they must also know about special bloodlines. Maybe they have something to do..."

"Follower?" The boss sneered: "It's been a long time since you hunted on the grassland, it seems that you have forgotten some things! If a wild animal thinks that he can eat you, then...he will never run away! Since they run If it's gone... that means they don't have confidence!"

The second child frowned and did not speak.Beasts are indeed like that... But what we are chasing now... are the cunning Daqin people... If you underestimate the cunning Daqin people, you will suffer a lot!

"Boss, one of them ran away, what about the other one?" The fourth child couldn't feel the special blood, so he felt uncomfortable at the moment: "What should we do now?"

The boss closed his eyes and felt for a while, and said: "The other person didn't respond! The one who ran away was closer to us! He didn't feel anything. I think we should catch him first, and don't let him run away. Drop, and then catch the guy who hasn't found it yet!"

"Okay! If this is the case, let's turn around!" The second child grabbed the rein tightly: "In this case, we must follow closely, and don't let him run away!"

While running, Wang Jian held a binoculars and observed the situation behind him.Although the distance between the two sides is only four or five miles, at such a distance, a person is still a small point, and it is impossible to see clearly without a telescope!
"Young master, they turned around! I saw four horses coming towards us at the same time!" Wang Jian yelled as he looked at the picture in the binoculars.

These people could not have come because of him, Wang Jian is not so narcissistic yet!However, a young master is a young master... Even the immortals value him so much!They even wanted to hunt him down...

At this moment, Qin Mu's face has returned to calm.Don't be afraid that the other party has a goal, but be afraid that the other party has no goal!As long as you know the purpose of the other party, then, at least, these people are no longer untargetable!
"Old Wang, call the artillery chief over here..."

(End of this chapter)

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