Chapter 377 Ram Mo Runs Fast
Old Wang waved his hand towards the rear. The so-called artillery commander was actually his son Wang Ben.

Before the war, the artillery had actually started secret training.In order not to leak the news, Wang Jian naturally chose the direct line troops of their royal family.Therefore, before the start of the war, Wang Ben was already the commander of the artillery, and he was very familiar with this big killer.

In this war, Wang Jian commanded the artillery, shooting wherever he pointed, as if using his arms, which was inseparable from Wang Ben's early training.Therefore, Zu Long's decision to let Wang Jian and Wang Ben's father and son join the battle was not entirely for the purpose of adding support to Wang Jian, but also because Wang Ben was originally the group of people who had to go into battle.Even... If it wasn't for Wang Jian who also played, Wang Ben might be the main general.

Wang Ben was following behind them. Just now, when Qin Mu asked the artillerymen to pack all the gunpowder into explosive bags, he had a vague feeling that the time for them to show their skills was coming soon.In fact, ever since those immortals appeared, he felt angry in his heart!Isn't it a fairy?What's the big deal?As long as you are human, can you not be afraid of the army?
As a result, people are really not afraid of the army!People keep turning around and rushing to kill, but they keep getting into the tiger's mouth.It's as if the Huns encountered a cannon... These guys are their means, making Daqin's army helpless to fight back!

But... There was a fire in his heart all the time. We have cannons, don't we?Why don't you even need cannons?No matter how powerful they are, our cannons are not powerful?Boom them directly!Although they looked very fast, could they really dodge all of the two thousand cannons?

But just before that, he discovered...that he could really escape.Those people's hips, the horses that got off, were too fast!Artillery bought a place to live, I am afraid it will not take long for these people to run out.It takes time to aim again!This made him a little desperate, but also a little indescribably bored.But now, there seems to be a chance...

Wang Ben rode his horse to the front, and cupped his hands at the old man and Qin Mu who were in his arms.In the current situation, it's just a salute, there's no need to waste time with long speeches, it's not very good.Old Wang and Qin Mu didn't care either. On the battlefield, it was the type of person who didn't talk too much and was more likable.

According to the rules on the battlefield, the old king should have given the order to the artillery commander.However, it seems that this is Lao Wang's son, that is, he is completely his own, so Qin Mu doesn't want to be so troublesome.After thinking about it, he still spoke directly.

"This... General Xiao Wang! Gather all the artillery and bury all the explosives on the small road leading into the mountain!" Qin Mu said very simply, without any politeness: "Attention, Don't bury it too deep! Ambush a few soldiers with accurate throws on both sides, and distribute all the grenades brought from the logistics department to them!"

Qin Mu pointed to the mountain in front of him. There was a long and narrow valley on that mountain. If he wanted to enter, there was only one path to choose.Qin Mu prepared, wait a minute, he is going to run in!As long as the four envoys of the wolf god wanted to catch him, they had to enter through that narrow valley!In this way, the explosives buried on the road may blow them up!
However, this is also a bit risky.Will the other party follow Qin Mu?That valley is obviously a deceitful Jedi, will they enter?Qin Mu didn't know either.However, at least they gave up the tens of thousands of people behind and came after him.Does this mean that he himself is still very important?Moreover, he now has the advantage that he is a mortal.Even if those people are on guard, they won't go too far!

The mountain Qin Mu pointed to was still ahead.It is actually a very difficult task to bury and hide the explosives before the envoy of the wolf god behind catches up.Wang Ben didn't care about what to say, and chased after him in an instant.When the artillery unit withdrew, its position was relatively forward, only behind the logistic unit.

This position was specially designated by Qin Mu, in order for the artillery unit carrying gunpowder to protect Zulong when the opportunity arises.However, now is the right time. You only need to rush forward a little, and you can rush to the valley to start the arrangement.

It's just...Qin Mu made a little estimate, and the time is still not enough...Qin Mu looked at Wang Jian, and the old Wang now has a serious face, obviously aware of this.The envoy of the wolf god in the back, the speed of pursuit is really too fast!Even now it seems that the artillery has not been arranged properly, and the opponent may come after him!
And if it is not arranged well, it means that they may not have a chance.Even if the other party is careless, it's just sloppy...not stupid.You piled up so many Momin things in the valley, wouldn't they bypass them?

Wang Jian looked at the soldiers with some unbearable eyes.These soldiers include veterans who are used to life and death, as well as new recruits who have just joined.Not far behind him, a child who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old was holding his spear tightly, and followed the team with confused eyes.No panic, just confusion.What is the enemy behind?Can this kind of existence really be defeated?
Wang Jian closed his eyes and didn't look any further.Pulling the rein in his hand, he turned and returned to the team.Looking at the group of senior generals gathered around, he said in a deep voice, "I need you... to buy time! No matter the casualties, no matter the cost, they cannot be allowed to advance within half an hour!"

Gongyang Mo smiled: "General, I have been waiting for your words for a long time! When did our Great Qin army ever get chased and beaten like this? Not before the unification of the six kingdoms, and even less after the unification of the six kingdoms! Xiongshi, even if you are dead, you can’t hold back! My people happen to be near them, let me go there!”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wang Jian to speak, he patted his horse and ran back.That posture seemed to be afraid that someone would steal the job from him!

The others were also in commotion, but unfortunately, they reacted a little slower, opened their mouths a little slower, and were snatched away by Gong Yangmo!But... they didn't leave Wang Jian's side, because everyone knew that it was almost impossible for Gong Yangmo's men to stop him for half an hour...!

At that time, they still have to let them go and wipe his ass!
"This Gongyang Mo is really good at grabbing jobs! Who doesn't know... Wiping his ass is the most troublesome thing!" A young general who had been bickering with him before chuckled lightly: "This bastard walks faster than me! But... I will catch up with you sooner or later!"

(End of this chapter)

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