Chapter 378 Corpse
After a while, the four wolf god messengers frowned.They clearly felt that the soldiers of Daqin around them were a little different.Before, although there were some people rushing up to stop them, they were just small groups of troops, at most 1000 people, with no organization.Although brave, it is more or less a bit of a death sentence.

Obviously, those people rushed up with the mentality of dying, and then prepared to buy time for the troops in front to retreat.Therefore, there are few people to organize, and of course the effect is not very good.What's more, a commander leading a team can only have a maximum of 1000 people. What is it to them?
It can even be said that such a refueling tactic is exactly what they hoped for!This team, 20 people!Counting the logistics staff, I am afraid the number will go straight to 40.If they rush forward, then they are really not easy to deal with.After all, even if they have the means to extract the blood essence of others, they still have a speed limit.

If there are too many people, there will be no time to absorb them, and if they slow down, they may be approached by someone... and they themselves know that if they are really approached by someone, it is still very dangerous.Although they are powerful, they are not invincible.Fortunately, Daqin's army, after all, was still trying to escape. If 40 people really rushed forward, why run away?
However, not far in front of them, there seemed to be some vague formations.Of course, it can't be said that there is such an exquisite formation, but the crowd is denser, and they seem to be helping each other directly.Even, they are still tying a bunch of people together with a rope?
"Fourth brother, you usually use your brain best. Look, what are these guys in front of you trying to do?" The boss looked at him coldly, and no matter what the people in front did, he didn't stop his footsteps in the slightest: "These guys are obviously planning to seriously resist. No matter what they do, they can't disrupt our progress!"

The fourth child hummed in his nose, which was a response: "Before they seemed to be wholeheartedly trying to escape, so they just let people stand behind them a little bit, and they didn't have any ideas. However, combined with the escape of the special bloodline before, it seems that they also noticed us. intentions. This must be done to stop us.”

"Since they did this, it proves that your feelings, Boss, are right!" The fourth child was a little excited, and smiled on his horseback: "As long as we rush over, ninety-nine percent of the ones in front are special blood!"

"Isn't what you're talking about nonsense!" The second child shouted loudly, "Boss told you to find a way to rush over! What's the use of talking so much? If we are stopped later, can you squeeze us through with your lips? Say it!"

The fourth child smiled and didn't take it seriously, but the second child, let him be arrogant for a while!Anyway, once the special bloodlines are in hand, as long as they start to absorb them, they will explode and die immediately!

He looked at the second child, and then turned his attention to the boss: "Then I don't know. Boss, although I usually look smart, my brain is far worse than that of my brothers. What's more, this is a military formation. I have never led soldiers, how can I recognize this army formation?"

"Forget it! Don't care about them!" The boss roared, "No matter how many people there are, they are still a group of mortals! It's nothing more than chickens and dogs! I don't believe it, what can they do when they are all dead? With a bunch of dead people, Do you still want to stop us?"

The arrogance and arrogance of the boss at this moment are completely displayed.That's right, he is a high and mighty immortal, if he moves his finger, these mortals will die in pieces!Why do these people dare to stop what he wants?Why can they stop them?Is it just relying on quantity?To be honest, it's a big deal, just kill it!Anyway, that was the original plan.

As for that special bloodline, it can't escape!Big deal, I'll kill you faster and kill all of your dead cannon fodder. Who else can protect you?What's more, they are just ordinary people, how long can they last?Huoxue is still intimidated by the military plane and has to obey orders.However, when seeing his comrades fall in pieces, without them having no power to fight back, can he still be so calm?Can you still rush to die like this?
Just thinking about it, the four envoys of the wolf god have already met the Qin army who formed an formation in front of them!The four people raised their heads at the same time, opened their mouths wide open, and a red mist immediately rose in front of them, drifting towards them in the distance!And the faces of the soldiers in front of them also turned pale in an instant, and red marks appeared one after another on the skin... It seemed that those blood donations were beating, and I was about to leave their bodies!
In just a few breaths, hundreds of people had already tilted their heads and lost consciousness!

The second child laughed wickedly, and roared angrily, "That's the kind of person who wants to stop us? It's just to give us more rations! Come again! Come again to die! Let's see how many of you there are!"

After he shouted, he slammed forward again... In the end, he was stunned!They were like this before, sucking up the blood of the person first, and then moving forward after the opponent fell down.It seems that the steps are troublesome, but to them, it is not just a moment of breathing.In the next moment, the opponent fell down, and the horses under them would naturally lead them forward.

But now... no one fell down!The second child took a closer look, and it turned out that these soldiers were all tied with ropes, connecting everyone together!When someone is about to fall, the rope on the other person will pull his body up.Of course, after all, a group of people are already dead, and they will always fall down.

It's just that when they fall down, the time will be much longer than before!In this way, their speed of advancement will be greatly slowed down!These Daqin soldiers seemed to know that charging with their heads covered would be useless.Therefore, I simply gave up the method of blocking them with attacks, and instead used my own corpse to block their progress!

In other words, these people knew early on that they would die.However, they rushed up without hesitation!
does it worth?The second child looked at the row of crooked corpses in front of him and was extremely angry.It doesn't matter if I die, so I have to stop it?The key, in fact, can't stop it!It's just a little delay!

At this moment, the boss's eyes finally showed fluctuations, looking not far ahead, a man sitting on a horse and covered in armor was looking at them!

That person was so motionless, but the boss actually felt a bit of coolness.

(End of this chapter)

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