Chapter 154 Returning to the Bridal Chamber
At this time, Cao Ziyou is a god of war in the eyes of the maids!
After beating Sun Shangxiang, Cao Ziyouti sneaked up on her.

"Come on, smile for me again."


Cao Ziyou nodded in satisfaction.

This is the laughter it should have!
She is obviously a cute little lolita, but she has to "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie", just like a big villain!
"Okay, take me to Sun Quan's room."

Upon hearing this, the maids reacted.

"My lord, Madam has an order that she is not allowed to go out!"

"My lord, today is the second son's wedding night, the bride is in his room, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

"grown ups………"

Several maids chattered aside, which made Cao Ziyou very upset.

"Go and pull off the clothes of them, press them to the ground and spank them!"

Sun Shangxiang's eyes lit up.

As a young lady of the Sun family, she was ashamed and angry when she was spanked in front of the maid.

Now that you have the opportunity, how can you not let others be like yourself?

Ignoring the maids' request, Sun Shangxiang forcibly took off the maids' clothes, swung his arms and patted them.

After all, she was young and lacked strength, so she stopped panting after beating for a while.

Cao Ziyou laughed and picked her up, and the two left the attic, leaving only a bunch of maids lying on the ground.

Walking on the road, Sun Shangxiang asked curiously:
"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you? How did you break into our Sun's house?"

Cao Ziyou patted her butt lightly.

"Where are there so many problems? You are a big kid! By the way, today is a big day for the Sun family, why don't you go to the banquet?"

Mentioning this, Sun Shangxiang gritted her teeth and complained.

"My name is Sun Shangxiang, and Sun Quan is my second brother. The second brother insists on marrying Yuan Shu's daughter. I originally wanted to tear up that foxy girl, but as soon as I finished speaking, my mother ordered me to ground him!"
Let me tell you, a demon came to Shouchun City recently, that person has three heads, six eyes, ten arms and twenty legs!

And that monster likes to eat children!Especially a cute girl like me!By the way, I think you are quite young, and you are also on Yaodao's recipe! "

Cao Ziyou put Sun Shangxiang on the ground.

He married Mi and Gan's in front of his feet, and he beat Sun Shangxiang again on his back. Cao Ziyou suspected that he was born with Uncle Liu.

Why do you keep robbing the emperor's uncle's woman?
I feel sorry for this.

孽 孽!
But Sun Shangxiang said it so bewitchingly, it shouldn't be her, right?
"What's the name of the demon dao you mentioned? I was also in Shouchun during this time, why haven't I heard of it?"

Sun Shangxiang glanced at Cao Ziyou proudly.

"What are you? You still want to compare intelligence with me, I..."

Cao Ziyou silently raised his hand.

Sun Shangxiang immediately changed his words:

"What am I? I can't compare with you. The demon is called Mi Tianba, and the Taoist name is Baba. In fact, there is another demon, but he is on an envoy to Xuzhou. By the way, my lord, your respect Your last name? In the future, I will let my two elder brothers take revenge, ah no, I will repay you."

Seeing Sun Shangxiang rubbing his little hands, trying to look cute with big eyes, Cao Ziyou grinned and said:
"My name is Mi Tianba, and my Dao name is Baba!"

"Ah? Man-eating ghost! Help!"

Sun Shangxiang let go of her legs and ran, and as she ran, she found herself flying.

"Huh? What's going on? Am I immortal?"

"No, because I'm the one holding you."

Cao Ziyou's voice sounded.

Sun Shangxiang looked back, it turned out that Cao Ziyou grabbed her belt and lifted herself into the air.

"Wooooow, don't eat me, don't eat me!"

"Don't worry, you are still young, when you get married, please notify me in advance, I will eat you again, hahahaha!"

Yuan Zhi (can't find the name, made it up by herself) is panicking now.

Wearing maid's clothes, she walked around the banquet outside several times, but she never found Cao Ziyou.

Cao Ziyou could not be found, Yuan Zhi was alone, and did not dare to escape from Shouchun.

Just when she was at a loss, the housekeeper of the Sun Mansion discovered her abnormality.

The other maids or servants are all busy serving food, tea and wine.

Why is there still a maid slacking openly and aboveboard?
"Hey, who are you? Why don't you go to work?"

Seeing the butler walking towards her, Yuan Zhi quickly lowered her head and left quickly.

In order to avoid the housekeeper, Yuan Zhidong hid here and there, and as he walked, he realized that he was also lost.

Just when she didn't know where to go next, she suddenly heard the voices of a man and a woman.

The female voice was extremely immature, as if calling for help.

Following the sound, Yuan Zhi couldn't help blurting out under the moonlight.



Cao Ziyou responded casually, turned around and saw Yuan Zhi.

"Hey, isn't this Yuan Wei? Why did you come here?"

Yuan Zhi corrected:
"Baba, I'm Yuan Zhi, isn't Yuan Wei the name you gave to my unborn younger sister?"

"That's right, Yuan Zhi and Yuan Wei, how easy it is to say. You didn't stay in the new house, what did you come out for?"

Yuan Zhi slapped her forehead.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! Let's run while Sun Quan is still drinking!"

"Run? Why are you running?"

Cao Ziyou found out that since he came to Shouchun, why did all the young people he met have some problems?

Before Sun Baoluo finished correcting, Yuan Paopao came again.

"Baba, have you forgotten what your father told you?"

"I haven't forgotten. It's not like I was going to find your bridal chamber just now, but you ran out first."

"Baba! This is in the Sun's residence! Think about it, if the two of us have a bridal chamber, how can the Sun's family spare us?"

Yuan Zhi stared at Cao Ziyou.

A guy who looks pretty handsome, why does he have a problem with IQ?

Cao Ziyou said as a matter of course:
"If I'm not in the Sun's residence, what am I doing with your bridal chamber?"

Yuan Zhi:? ? ?
Sun Shangxiang blinked her eyes, as if maybe she understood.

"Hey, are you the woman my second brother married today?"

Only then did Yuan Zhi see Sun Shangxiang's appearance clearly.

"Hiss! Isn't this the little devil king of the Sun family!"

Cao Zi leisurely, did not expect Sun Shangxiang also has this title.

I think back then, I was also the little devil in Cao's mansion, but now I have evolved into a big devil in marriage.

"Okay, take me back to the bridal chamber, be good, and I will take you out of here in the future."

Sun Shangxiang spat.

"Scumbag, do you have to do it in the future?"

"Hey, the butt doesn't hurt anymore? Okay, today I will let your second brother listen to the corner outside the door, and you will listen to me!"

Cao Ziyou picked up Sun Shangxiang and kept urging Yuan Zhi to take them back to the new house.

Seeing Yuan Zhi come back, the maid hurriedly stood up.


"Okay, hurry up and change back to your clothes, it's no fun not wearing a wedding dress!"

After changing his clothes, Cao Ziyou tied Sun Shangxiang to a chair beside him, and then said to the maid:

"Go, let Sun Quan come over."

(End of this chapter)

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