The Three Kingdoms: The filial son of the Cao family, please ask the father to ascend the throne

Chapter 155 Inside the door, outside the door, wedding night in the bridal chamber

Chapter 155 Inside the door, outside the door, wedding night in the bridal chamber

Hearing Cao Ziyou's order, the maid was frightened.

You tied the Sun Mansion's favorite jewel, and put it on the Sun Mansion's second son and daughter-in-law, and you still want to call the second son?
Who is this person?

Sun Jian didn't even dare to do this!

So the maid didn't move, but stood where she was, looking at Yuan Zhi at a loss.

Sun Shangxiang struggled for a while, and when she confirmed that she could not break free from the rope, she said angrily:

"Although my second brother's martial arts is not as strong as the elder brother's, he is not something you can handle! If he finds out that you did this to his bride, he will definitely kill you!"

Cao Ziyou asked suspiciously:

"I was the one who was killed, why did you sound the reminder? Could it be that you don't want me to be killed?"

"No, I don't want to see you guys do this kind of thing! Blindfold me if you have the ability!"

"Then why don't you just close your eyes?"

Sun Shangxiang was stunned.


Why didn't I think of it?
Seeing that the maid did not move, Cao Ziyou ordered again:

"Don't worry, after reporting the letter, you can leave the Sun's residence. The subsequent bloodbath has nothing to do with you, so go!"

The maid then went out hesitantly.

Looking at the cheek that was close at hand, Yuan Zhi said shyly:
"Why did you call Sun Quan?"

"Little idiot, on the wedding night, no one should listen to the corner?"

"But he is the groom's officer."

"This is more exciting!"

Sun Quan was still drinking when the maid found him.

"Second Young Master, that, that..."

Suddenly, the maid got stuck, and she didn't know what to say to Sun Quan.

Looking at the silent maid, Sun Quan was very unhappy.

"What's going on? The quality of these maids is not good! Someone told me that there was a maid who was lazy and didn't work, and then came a dumb one? Steward, kick her out of my grandson's house!"

The butler hurried over and dragged the maid away.

Before leaving, the maid shouted loudly:

"Someone told you to go back to your room!"

The sitting guests couldn't help laughing.

Let the groom go back to the room, because the bride can't wait!

Several people joked:
"All right, all right, Zhong Mou has already drank a lot, if Zhong Mou continues to drink, the bride will not be happy!"

"That's right, today's highlight is the wedding night in the bridal chamber, we old men, don't meddle in it!"

"Hey, that's wrong, Zhongmou, drink one last glass of wine before we let you go!"

Sun Quan picked up the wine glass, drank it in one gulp, and slipped away to the room happily after confessing his guilt.

Huang Gai and the others squeezed their eyes and quietly followed.

On the wedding night, you have to listen to the corner no matter what!
He staggered to the door, and before he opened it, he heard a conversation coming from inside.

"Hiss! You are not allowed to act recklessly! That girl is looking at this."

"I understand, I understand, take it slowly, there is a lot to do! Hahaha!"


The male voice was very familiar, and if he listened carefully, it was his master.

Just as Sun Quan was about to rush in, he suddenly remembered what his master had said to him.

"Zhongmou, how is your Junlin Tiantian boxing practice?"

"Zhongmou, as a teacher, I have a plan, which can let you get started quickly!"

"Have you heard that when people are extremely angry, they will explode with unparalleled strength?"

"People's physiques cannot be generalized. If you can't practice King's Landing Boxing under such circumstances, it means you don't have the talent."

"Then you are willing to give it a try!"

Sun Quan's eyes brightened.

Could it be, is this the way Master said?
Thinking of my father's death.

Thinking of my brother falling down.

Think of his wife happy.

Sun Quan put his posture in place, and with the help of his hard-earned feeling, he punched outside the door.

"Hey! Ha!"

"The black tiger digs out his heart! Look back and dig out! The crow flies on the plane!"

Outside the door, Sun Zhongmou's boxing skills are exquisite!

Huang Gai and others looked at Sun Quan's appearance and were puzzled.

what's the situation?
Do young people play so many tricks now?
I think when they got married, they would go in directly.

Why do you have to warm up outside now?


Huang Gai and others were not gone, nor were they close.

It stands to reason that if Sun Quan didn't know about it, they would have rushed to catch the couple inside.

But looking at it like this, Sun Quan obviously knew it.

So what do they do?
It seems that there is only one person who can make Sun Quan so aggrieved in such a big Sun Mansion!
Han Dang said in disbelief:
"I didn't expect the eldest son to be such a person! Pooh!"

"Oh, once the lord dies, the Sun family will fall!"

That's right, in the eyes of everyone, Sun Ce is the only one who can make Sun Quan like this.

Thinking of Sun Ce being humiliated by Yuan Shu's emissary, he also humiliated Yuan Shu's daughter tonight.

All of this is right on!

Several people shook their heads and left.

The world is getting worse, people are not ancient!

After finishing a set of punches, Sun Quan immediately felt much better.

Just about to open the door and enter to report to the master, but found that the battle inside is not over yet.

No way, he had to do it again.

Hitting and hitting, he bent over and fled.

Early the next morning, Cao Ziyou took Yuan Zhi and left the Sun Mansion.

After searching by the maids of the Sun House, everyone found the missing Sun Shangxiang.

Seeing that Sun Shangxiang was not harmed, Mrs. Wu was relieved.

"I made you suffer, Xiangxiang."

"It's okay, I just listened to Journey to the West all night!"

Sun Quan's expression on the side was as usual, but in fact, he was longing to find Cao Ziyou quickly.

After the test last night, Sun Quan felt that his body had changed slightly.

He was eager to find Cao Ziyou to verify it.

On the other side, Cao Ziyou is ready to leave for Xuzhou after fulfilling his mind.

Before leaving, there was only one last thing left.

Huyou Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor.

Looking at the radiant Cao Ziyou in front of him, Yuan Shu asked with a smile:
"Baba, how was last night?"

"Ahem, bully, what should we do next?"

"It's very simple, divided into three steps. I will cut off the dragon veins of the great man. My lord seizes the time to capture Jingzhou and Yizhou, and secretly dispatches envoys to search for talents.

Three-pronged approach, why not worry about the great cause? "

"But I can't bear Baba! Without Baba, I don't know what to do! How about Baba staying with me?"

Yuan Shu's eyes were full of reluctance.

Cao Ziyou's goosebumps rose instantly.

Fuck, this old thief is greedy for me!
 I beg the reviewer to be merciful, and let the author of the street have a way out!

  Driving is not easy, but watch and cherish it!

(End of this chapter)

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