Chapter 156
Facing Yuan Shu's persuasion, Cao Ziyou quickly explained:

"Your Majesty, the temporary separation is for a better reunion in the future! Why does the big man continue until now? It is because the dragon's veins have not been cut, and the energy is not exhausted!

If Your Majesty really wants to succeed, he must cut off all the dragon veins of the great man, concentrate the dragon energy in Shouchun, and rearrange new dragon veins! "

"Then can we meet again?"

"for sure!"

Cao Ziyou thought to himself, after you become emperor, I will take your dog's head to harvest a wave of prestige points, of course we will meet again.

And when that time comes, let you take a good look, how many of my copies are like before!
Yuan Shu also knew that the dragon's veins were of great importance, so he had no choice but to bear his reluctance and ordered people to fetch gold and silver treasures as travel expenses.

At the end of the day, Yuan Shu summoned Ji Ling.

"Baba, this is Ji Ling, a fierce general under my account. He is good at wielding a three-pointed knife and weighs fifty catties! With his guard, Baba can be protected without any worries!"



To Yuan Shu's surprise, Cao Ziyou and Ji Ling refused with one voice.

"My lord, Ji Ling is willing to attack the city for my lord, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds, and I don't want to wander around!"

"Your Majesty, with my ability, I don't need someone to guard me at all!"

Yuan Shu patiently persuaded:

"Ji Ling, doing meritorious service for me is not only a way to go to the battlefield, what Baba does is of great importance, far more important than what is done on the battlefield, understand?
Baba, I know you have great powers, but you can't solve the trouble yourself, right?Ji Ling's martial arts skills are extraordinary, letting him lead an army to escort Ba Ba can solve a lot of troubles! "

Cao Ziyou refused:

"The matter of cutting the dragon's veins should have gone in secret, how can we make a big fanfare? What's more, General Ji Ling's staying here will play a greater role than him following me. How about this, I will choose 20 people and leave with me how?"

Cao Ziyou could see it, Yuan Shu was not at ease if he didn't want anyone to follow him!

Yuan Shu thought for a while, and said in a tangled voice:
"Baba, look at the generals in our army, which one is suitable for you?"

"Small, the layout is small."

Cao Ziyou asked back:

"Could it be that the generals of the Sun family are not His Majesty's people?"

"Well, Baba doesn't know something, after all, there is Sun Ce between me and them."

"Isn't that just right?"

Yuan Shu froze for a moment, then suddenly realized.

Makes sense!

This group of generals only listened to the Sun family, and they were also the Sun family's reliance.

I can definitely second a few people to follow Cao Ziyou to cut the dragon's veins.

First, with the help of the Sun family, they can monitor Cao Ziyou to prevent this tyrant from disappearing as soon as he lets go like Xu Fu.

Secondly, this can be regarded as weakening the power of the Sun family in a disguised form, ensuring that the Sun family will not stab him in the back.

As for whether the Sun family will unite with Cao Ziyou, Yuan Shu is not worried at all.

As long as you tell me about Cao Ziyou using the Nailhead Seven Arrows Curse to kill Sun Jian and rape Sun Quan on the wedding night, no matter how tolerant the Sun family is, they will not cooperate with Cao Ziyou!

After thinking about it, Yuan Shu happily asked:

"Ba Ba, Sun Jian has many powerful generals under his command. Now that Sun Wentai is dead, he has handed over these people to Sun Ce. Tell me a few names, and I'll get them for you!"

"Han Dang, Huang Gai, etc. are all fine. If it doesn't work, Deng Dang is also fine. Alas, I just don't know your Majesty's face, whether it will work in the Sun's residence!"

Yuan Shu immediately patted his chest and assured:
"Don't worry Ba Ba, I'll go to the Sun Mansion myself right now!"

Yuan Shu picked up the guards, took Ji Ling with him, and went to the Sun Mansion confidently.

Cao Ziyou went back to his room to pack his luggage.

Yuan Shu will definitely not be able to bring Han Dang and the others back with him.

After all, this is the core general of the Sun family and the foundation of the Sun family's survival.

Sun Ce was in charge of the Sun family at the beginning, and he was about to use the power of these people. How could he give it to Yuan Shu?

And Yuan Shu is also a face-saving person, if he can't bring back even one person, then he really can't hold his head up in front of Cao Ziyou.

In addition, the Sun family is attached to Yuan Shu at this time, and they don't want to turn against him.

So in the end, there is a high probability that some members of Yuan Shu will be sidelined, and they will do some superficial work to prevaricate.

Yuan Shu didn't know those partial generals, and he didn't know who was good and who was bad.

But Cao Ziyou mentioned Deng Dang to him, so Yuan Shu would ask Sun Ce for this person.

Deng Dang was a general under Sun Ce.

The military achievements in the Sun family are not as good as those veterans of Han.

Sun Ce also didn't want to turn against Yuan Shu for a general who didn't seem to be strong.

So Deng Dang, as the sincerity of the Sun family, will give it to Yuan Shu.

In fact, Cao Ziyou looked down on Deng Dang, and in terms of strength, he was not ranked in Xuzhou.

But he married a good daughter-in-law, and his daughter-in-law has a good brother named Lu Meng.

This Lu Meng will cross the river in white clothes in the future, defeat Guan Yu, and become the governor of Wu.

The current Lu Meng is still very immature and has not displayed his talents.

But it doesn't matter, Cao Ziyou has time to hone him.

After staying with Yuan Zhiwen for a while, Yuan Shu brought Deng Dang back to the mansion slowly.

After seeing Cao Ziyou, he said in embarrassment:

"I remember that Baba asked for Deng Dang by name? This is Deng Dang, I brought it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yuan Shu rushed to Deng Dang again, and said seriously:
"Deng Dang, I order you to lead dozens of people to personally protect Mr. Mi! As long as you can ensure Mr. Mi's smooth return, the salary of a high-ranking official will definitely depend on you! If there is any mistake in the middle, you just wait for everyone to be executed! "

"Deng Dang takes orders!"

After tidying up, Cao Ziyou took Yuan Zhi and bid farewell to Yuan Shu under the protection of Deng Dang and others.

Yuan Shu was indeed righteous, and sent him out of Shouchun City.

That expectant gaze never moved away from Cao Ziyou.

"Ba Ba, this trip is a long way, you must take care! After I become emperor, I will make you a younger brother! This world will be shared by you and me!"

Yuan Zhi, who was sitting in the sedan chair, really wanted to educate her father on the issue of seniority, but because of her father's power, she gave up this idea.

Cao Ziyou was very moved.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, within three years, I will definitely come back!"

"it is good!"

A group of people left Shouchun City and headed straight for Xuzhou.

Cao Ziyou rode on the horse and sang loudly.

"You carry the burden, I lead the horse, welcome the sunrise and send off the sunset ~~"

Among the guards, a young man couldn't hold back, and chuckled.

Deng Dang reprimanded:
"Ziming, shut up!"

After Cao Ziyou finished singing, he called the guard to him.

"why are you laughing?"

"I thought of a happy thing. My lord, I heard that you are good at divination. Can you do the math for me?"

Not only was the young man not afraid, but he asked Cao Ziyou with great interest.

Deng Dang was about to come and scold him again, but Cao Ziyou stopped him.

"General Deng, it's all right. Which aspect do you want to count?"

 It’s numb, the last one was more than 2000 words, after it was released, it became more than 800, and more than 200 words were deleted, crying.jpg
  Originally, there were introductions both inside and outside the house, but all the introductions inside the house were deleted, including the [-] styles, modal particles, etc., even the guns were shot like dragons, which made the brothers feel uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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