Chapter 157 Meeting Zhang Liao Again
Lu Meng thought for a while, and asked tentatively:
"Can it be considered an official career?"

"Of course. Say something."

Lu Meng said without thinking:
"Lu, double mouth Lu!"

Cao Ziyou stretched out his finger, and started the invincible magic operator mode again.

"Look at the word Lu, with one suffix on the top and one suffix on the bottom, it means that your official career starts in the north and ends in the south."

"Start from the north? But I obviously started from the south? Does Shouchun count as the north?"

"No! You don't think that being a soldier is the beginning of your career?"

Lu Meng shook his head.

"That's it! When you arrive in the north, you will start your official career!"

"Can you be more specific, sir?"

"Lu Zi, look at it this way, this and that, do you understand what I mean? Forget it, you don't understand after talking about it, so I'll tell you the result directly!"

Cao Ziyou suddenly realized that he should meet each other. After thinking for a while, he couldn't figure out the words, so he could only foolishly say:
"According to your words, you should go to Xuzhou! When you arrive in Xuzhou, there is a big opportunity waiting for you!"

"How big is the chance?"

"If you can seize it, you will have the opportunity to be a great minister in the future!"


Lu Meng laughed out loud.

An extremely human minister.

Yuan Shu is not qualified now.

Can I become an extremely human minister?
This Master Mi is bragging, right?

Seeing that Lu Meng didn't believe it, Cao Ziyou continued:

"Do you dare to make a bet with me? Let me ask you, do you know any officials in Xuzhou?"

Lu Meng shook his head.


"Then do you think any officials from Xuzhou will recommend you?"

"I have never been to Xuzhou, how could I be recommended?"

"it is good!"

Cao Ziyou clapped his hands.

"According to my calculations, when you arrive in Xuzhou, officials from Xuzhou will definitely come to win you over. I hope you can stay in Xuzhou. Do you believe it?"

"how is this possible!"

Lu Meng felt that Cao Ziyou was teasing him.

"When you arrive in Xuzhou, you will know."

Deng Dang also came over on horseback.

"Master Mi, why don't you give it to me?"

"You are not sincere, I can't count."

Lu Meng sincerely wanted to tell a fortune teller, while Deng Dang just wanted to find a reason to get close to Cao Ziyou, or even talk about it.

The two are naturally different.

After being rejected, Deng Dang was not angry, as if nothing happened.

There were no bandits on the way, and the team moved fast, and arrived in Xuzhou after a few days.

Deng Dang and others didn't know where the dragon's veins were, they only knew that their mission was to protect Cao Ziyou.

Wherever Cao Ziyou said to go, they followed.

Looking at the territory of Xuzhou.

Deng Dang finally couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and asked:
"Mr. Mi, is Longmai in Xuzhou? What are we looking for for Longmai?"

Cao Ziyou didn't answer, but asked instead:
"General Deng, are you going to betray the big man?"

Deng Dang:? ? ?
"I'm not, I'm not, I'm just following orders!"

"Then do you know what cutting the dragon's veins means to a big man?"

Deng Dang was confused, before he could speak, Cao Ziyou continued:
"General Deng, you will end badly if you continue to follow Yuan Shu! The people's hearts of the big man are still there, if you cut off the dragon veins of the big man, the next step is Yuan Shu's rebellion.

If you continue to stay in Shouchun, you will definitely leave a bad reputation forever!General Deng, remember not to help the evildoers! "

"No, Mr. Mi, didn't you propose to cut the dragon's veins?"

"Yeah, I'm here to rescue you."

"But even if you don't save me, I will follow General Sun Ce. If Yuan Shu rebels, General Sun Ce will definitely not join forces! What's more, I am an ordinary general, why do you want to save me? What value do I deserve? help?"

Cao Ziyou:? ? ?

what's going on?
With such a high IQ, what kind of supporting role are you playing?

"Ahem, General Deng, you don't know something! I counted, and it turns out that you and I are destined!"

"Mr. Mi, please explain in detail. After Mr. Mi finishes speaking, I will take you back to the Sun Mansion and tell General Sun Ce all this! Don't worry, Mr. Mi, I have already known your loyalty to the big man, and you will definitely be in front of General Sun. I explained it for you!"

Cao Ziyou had no choice but to find out that Deng Dang was not getting in.

Just as they were about to use force to take over the team forcefully, an army appeared in the distance.

The leader is Zhang Liao!

Zhang Liao was patrolling the border with his cavalry, counting the time, the state shepherd should be back soon.

Cao Ziyou's team stayed in place, which caught his attention, and he rushed over with the cavalry immediately.

Deng Dang quickly ordered his men to keep calm and not to show their feet.

Once Zhang Liao found out that he was from Shouchun, he would most likely be treated as a spy.

Soon, the brigade of cavalry wrapped up the team layer by layer, and Zhang Liao came to the front with a spear in hand.

When he was about to intimidate, he found Cao Ziyou in the team.

Cao Ziyou winked at him, Zhang Liao understood.

"Who are you? Why stop here?"

Deng Dang handed over the silver and said respectfully:

"We are merchants from Jingzhou. We heard that Xuzhou's water and salt are famous all over the world, so we came to Xuzhou to buy some, and shipped them back to Jingzhou to sell. I also ask the general to show your respect."

In addition to being sold by big families close to Cao Ziyou, such as the Mi family and the Zhen family, many merchants traveled thousands of miles to Xuzhou to purchase and transport them to other prefectures and counties.

The greater the distance, the greater the benefit.

These businessmen came from various states and counties of the Han Dynasty, even including areas that the Mi family and other big families did not touch.

Cao Ziyou wanted them to help promote the popularity of water essence and salt, but he didn't stop him.

This also led to a large number of businessmen coming to Xuzhou and making a lot of contributions to Xuzhou's taxation.

Under normal circumstances, Zhang Liao should let him go after collecting the money and checking that there are no contraband.

But seeing Cao Ziyou blinking at him again, Zhang Liao understood.

This is the state herdsman who doesn't want them to go!

Isn't it just finding fault!

Isn't it bullying businessmen!

easy to do!

"Merchants from Jingzhou? Do you have evidence?"

Deng Dang replied with a flattering smile:
"My lord, it's not easy for us to do business. I hope you will hold your hand high, hold your hand high!"

After saying that, he took out a few ingots of silver from his pocket and handed them to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao weighed the weight and said with a smile:

"No, look at how many brothers we have come here, this little money is really not enough."

Deng Dang smiled wryly.

"My lord, we came from Jingzhou, and the journey was not easy. The money was all collected by us, just to earn the difference in the price of water and salt.

When we make a lot of money, we will definitely give the general a great gift!

This is our first time in Xuzhou, and we haven't figured out some things, so we will have to trouble you, General, in the future! "

Zhang Liao's complexion changed, and he shouted:
"Smart words! It seems that you are not serious people, take them all down for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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