Chapter 275
Zhou Yu and Huang Gai analyzed for a while, and finally came to the same conclusion: Cao Ziyou believed in their tricks!

It can only be said that it is indeed Kan Ze, with that eloquent tongue, even if Cao Ziyou is as treacherous as a ghost, he has to drink their footwashing water.

This time, Huang Gai thinks that Kan Ze's contribution can be ranked No.3!

No.1 is the leader, that is, Zhou Yu who is in charge of the military power on his behalf.

No.2 is himself, who was beaten by the military stick abruptly, and used his excellent acting skills to hide Sun Yingli's secret work.

No.3 is Kan Ze, relying on his own intelligence, "playing around" Cao Ziyou.

With the bitter trick, Huang Gai finally saw a glimmer of victory!

Zhou Yu bowed respectfully to Kan Ze.

"If we can defeat Cao Jun, Mr.'s contribution can be ranked first!"

"The general has said it before, Ze is just talking about it, how can his credit be as good as the two of you?"

"Okay, then I won't refuse, I will take the first place, and you, Derun, will be the second!"

Huang Gai:? ? ?
"Ahem, what about me?"

"Your Excellency has been beaten by the military stick. There is no credit for it, but there is hard work. The Lord will never forget you."

Thinking of the step trainer in the camp, Zhou Yu was about to leave when he heard Kan Ze say:

"Before I left, Cao Ziyou told me that Gongfu must inform him before the incident, and Cao Jun will come to meet him."

Huang Gai said excitedly:

"Okay, give me a few days to recover, and let's counterattack Cao Jun!"


Zhou Yu refused.

"Gongfu, Cao Jun is not as simple as you think. One is that our army lacks arrows and other military supplies, and the other is that your troops are too small to affect the overall situation.

If Cao Jun reacts, it is very likely to kill you, so we can't act rashly. "

"How about that?"

Zhou Yu smiled without saying a word.

"Oh, it's a pity, the young advisers in our army can't think of a strategy for a while."

While Huang Gai was still lamenting, Kan Ze had already observed his words, and he was concerned.

He retorted:

"Gong Fu, this statement is wrong. Gong Jin has both civil and military skills, has great talent and general strategy, he can be said to be a hero in the world, and a romantic and beautiful husband from Jiang Zuo. How could he have no plans?"

"What? Gongjin, do you have a plan? You have a plan to say it earlier, why are you pretending to be deep?"

Kan Ze seems to understand why Huang Gai is the protagonist of the bitter trick.

Zhou Yu glared at Huang Gai.

"Don't I take a breather! On the great river, bows and arrows are the first. Although our army lacks arrows, Cao's army will definitely not lack them!

I only know this, such and such, and I can borrow [-] arrows from Cao Jun! "

"Hiss! All right, Gongjin, it's still your boy Yin!"

Zhou Yu:? ? ?
He was too lazy to argue with Huang Gai, he was thinking about Bu Lianshi and planned to go back for a taste of Xiangze.

"If there is nothing else important, then I'll go back and rest first."

"and many more."

Kan Ze called Zhou Yu to stop.

"General, I met a man in Cao Ying. He claimed to have been educated as a classmate of yours when he was young, and he will come to visit you in a few days."

"Oh? Who is he?"

"Jiang Gan, Jiang Ziyi!"

Huang Gai echoed:
"Gongjin, it seems that he came here as Cao Ziyou's lobbyist. Why don't you inform the others, especially Zhang Zhao and the others, and don't show your timidity in front of Jiang Gan!"

"Why don't you go?"

"I can't get up."


Zhou Yu stood up with a flick of his sleeves.

Early the next morning, he returned to the tent with dark circles under his eyes.

This group of veterans were all rebellious and insisted on pestering Zhou Yu to find out.

If it weren't for Sun Ce's face, Zhou Yu wouldn't have the time to explain to them one by one.

No return overnight, the trainer has already left.

Zhou Yu can only lament that he missed today, and will go to find a step trainer tomorrow.

No, I want to borrow arrows tomorrow, but the step trainer can only postpone it until the day after tomorrow.

Zhou Yu dragged his exhausted body by force, and ordered his men to prepare 30 boats, each of which required [-] soldiers. The boats were all covered with green cloth, with more than a thousand bundles of grass on each boat, distributed on both sides.

He also ordered Cheng Pu and others to strengthen their vigilance to prevent Cao Jun from making a surprise attack, and fell asleep on the bed.

The Jiangdong army was busy tying grassmen, and the Xuzhou army was not idle.

The generals were assigned by Cao Ziyou to collect fire oil for Jiangdong Runyirun.

At four o'clock, Zhou Yu stood on the shore.

The sky is full of fog, and in the Yangtze River, the fog is even worse, and we don't see each other from the opposite side.

He ordered [-] boats to connect them with long cables, and headed towards the north bank.

Zhou Yu wanted to go there in person, but was stopped by the general on duty, Dong Xi.

"General, now that you have an overview of the whole situation, how can you take risks yourself? A gentleman can't stand under a dangerous wall, why not leave it to me."

Zhou Yu laughed and said:

"Don't worry, Yuan Dynasty, there will be no danger this time."

"Then please take me with you, and let me protect the general's safety."

At Dong Xi's insistence, Zhou Yu had no choice but to take him with him.

The two pushed the boat forward, and it really was a thick fog!
On the surface of the Haohao River, the fog was rising and it was pitch black.

The predecessors wrote "Ode to the River in the Great Fog" which said: "The Yangtze River is great! It connects Min and E in the west, controls Sanwu in the south, and brings Jiuhe to the north. It gathers hundreds of rivers and enters the sea, and it will rise waves through the ages.... The color of the sky is astonishing. , suddenly surrounded by heavy fog. Although public opinion is invisible, only the golden drum can be heard. At the beginning, if it is dark, then the leopard in the southern mountain will be hidden; gradually it will be full, and you will be fascinated by the kun in the northern sea. Thick land; vast, boundless. Whale salamander leaps out of the water and rises, and dragon dives into the abyss and exhales. It is also like the plum forest harvesting, the spring yin brews cold; the dark is deserted, vast and vast."

At five o'clock that night, the boat was approaching Cao Ziyou's water village.

Zhou Yu's priests spread the bow of the boat to the west and the tail to the east, and crossed it in front of Cao Jun's stronghold.

He also ordered the soldiers to beat drums and shout on the boat, deliberately creating a momentum of beating drums and marching soldiers.

Dong Xi asked in surprise:
"What should we do if Cao's army rushes out together? There are many straw people on the boat, and they are not soldiers who can kill the enemy!"

Zhou Yu laughed and said:

"I predict that Cao Ziyou will never dare to fight resolutely in this dense fog and low night. You and I can safely drink for fun, and we will return when the fog clears."

But in the village of Cao, Gan Ning and Lu Meng rushed to report to Cao Ziyou when they heard drums beating and shouting.

Upon hearing Jiangdong's army calling for battle outside, Gan Ning said worriedly:
"The river is covered in thick fog, Jiangdong Army suddenly came, there must be an ambush, the Lord must not move lightly.

It's better to call out the bowmen of the water army and shoot them with random arrows! "

"It doesn't matter, I have a script. Xingba and Ziming prepared a lot of kerosene during the day, and smeared them on the arrows. First, shoot a few waves of Jiangdong Army!"

Ten thousand crossbowmen, led by Gan Ning and Lu Meng, shot randomly into the river.

All of a sudden, arrows were like locusts, shooting at the handles and curtains of the Jiangxin boat.

Looking at the arrows outside, Dong Xi bowed down.

"As expected of Miao Zhoulang, such resourcefulness is far behind!"

"Hahaha, it's just a small plan, come here, move the fleet from head to tail, and beat the drums harder!"

(End of this chapter)

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