Chapter 276
Zhou Yu changed the direction of the fleet, and the arrow landed on the other side of the straw man.

In the cabin, Zhou Yu and Dong Xi chatted happily over wine.

"Look, general, these Cao soldiers are like idiots, they are still sending us arrows!"

"Hahahaha, Yuan Dynasty, you have to pay attention to your wording. This is not giving arrows, but borrowing arrows. After all, these arrows will be returned to Cao Ziyou in the future! Hahahaha."

Zhou Yu was triumphant, and this trick of borrowing an arrow from a straw boat was real.

With the help of the foggy weather and the geographical advantage of the Yangtze River, in the end there are people who speculate on Cao Ziyou's psychology.

The three conditions were all tightly grasped by Zhou Lang, how could he fail?

Thinking of Xiao Qiao who was snatched by Cao Ziyou, Zhou Yu felt a little bit of contest in his heart.

Just wait, Cao Ziyou.

I will completely defeat you in front of everyone in the world!

Cao Ying.

The sudden arrival of the Jiangdong Army has already awakened the generals from all walks of life.

They gathered on the shore one after another, but it was a pity that the fog was so thick that they couldn't see the battle situation clearly.

"With all the arrows fired, the Jiangdong army should not be able to resist it?"

"Hmph, even on the river, if the Jiangdong army dared to be so arrogant in front of me on land, I would have chopped off Sun Ce's dog's head long ago!"

"That's right, if the labor and capital knew how to use water, they would have fucked it by now!"

Compared with the calmness of Dong Xi and Zhou Yu, many generals of Cao Ying were jumping on the shore.

No way, most of them were born in the Northland.

Follow Cao Ziyou to fight in the north, whether it is infantry or cavalry, he can handle it.

Only the sailor, it's fine if this thing doesn't know how to water, at least it can sit on the boat.

But many generals were still seasick.

Therefore, since the fight with the Jiangdong Army, Gan Ning and Lu Meng have mainly fought.

Being provoked unscrupulously by the Jiangdong Army this time can be said to have blown up the generals.

Inside the tent, Lu Qiling asked curiously:

"Lang Jun, there is a battle outside, why don't you go out and have a look?"

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning, let them be proud for a while."

"But the drums of the Jiangdong Army have never stopped. Our shooters don't seem to have the upper hand!"

Cao Ziyou hugged him tightly.

"It's okay, there's a war going on outside, and there must be gunfire in the camp. Come, Qi Ling, let me let you witness if my riding skills have improved?"

"Lang Jun! Is that all you have in your daily life?"

"That's right, my daily life is not always!"

This night, many people did not sleep.

It's just that some people stayed up all night on the boat, and some fought all night on the rouge horse.

When the sun rose, Cao Ziyou finished dressing and walked out of the tent with a loose yawn.

When they came to the shore, they found that Lu Bu and others were there.

"Hey, I wanted to find you guys, why did you come here first?"

"Father, the child can't get angry!"

"Yes, my lord, the brothers are holding their breath in their hearts!"

"My lord, after the fog dissipates, let the brothers charge once!"

Cao Ziyou said with a smile:
"Why bother, what can be solved with bows and arrows, why go to the number of people?"

"But the fog is so thick that it's hard for the archers to see the target. It's been all night, and there are still drums on the river!"

"Hiss! In Jiangdong Army, there are quite a few people who have practiced unicorn arms. Alright, let's call it a day. Where's my father-in-law?"

Lu Bu took the lead and stood up.

"What did the righteous father command?"

"For Qi Ling's sake, let me give you a credit."

The rest of the generals showed envy.

If it wasn't for a good daughter, would the servants of the three surnames still be able to stand with them?
No, not three surnames.

Lu, Ding, Dong, Cao, Yuan.

Five surnames and seven looks belong to yes.


They also want to have a beautiful daughter!
Lu Bu didn't feel ashamed at all because his daughter earned all the credit for a night of hard work.

Instead, he raised his chest and raised his head to meet everyone's envious and jealous eyes.

"Father-in-law, your shooting skills are amazing, when the fog dissipates, you will light the first fire!"

"Xingba, Ziming, you two go to rectify the water army and get ready to fight back."

At sunrise, the fog gradually dissipated.

Zhou Yu and Dong Xi looked proudly at the arrows on the straw man's body, and stretched their waists.

"Let's go, Yuan Dai, let's go out and thank Cao Ziyou, and then we should go back to camp."

"Hahaha, please, General."

After the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army got the order, they all stood on the boat and shouted.

"Thank you Cao Sikong for borrowing the arrow!"

"Thank you Cao Sikong for borrowing the arrow!"

"Thank you Cao Sikong for borrowing the arrow!"

The faces of the people on the shore changed drastically, only then did they realize that they had been tricked.

Cao Ziyou calmed down and ordered Lu Bu:

A ignited arrow was accurately shot at the straw man.

The straw man was already flammable, and the previous arrows were all smeared with kerosene.

After being hit by a rocket, a raging fire ignited instantly.

The other Xuzhou troops who had already prepared also shot ignited arrows one after another.

"Thank you, Cao Si... Fuck you, Rocket!"

The soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were in chaos, and many of them were unlucky and were directly hit by arrows.

Zhou Yu's usually calm face finally showed panic.

No, the script is wrong!

According to calculations, it is impossible for Cao Jun to react so quickly!

Because there was fog protection before, no one could see the straw man on the boat through the fog.

Only when the fog dissipated, Cao Jun would discover the truth.

But at that time, the Jiangdong Army had already retreated unharmed.

However, the facts have slapped the face.

When the fog dissipated and Jiangdong Army was about to withdraw, Cao Jun was already ready!
It was as if they had seen clearly their reality early in the morning.

Impossible, this is impossible!

Unless Cao Jun can put aside reality!

No matter how hard Zhou Yu can't figure it out, the facts cannot be changed.

All the boats that came to borrow arrows turned into fire boats. Dong Xi hurriedly removed Zhou Yu's armor and pushed him into the water.

Other Jiangdong troops followed suit, trying to swim back to the camp.

But, will Gan Ning and Lu Meng give them a chance?
Jiangdong water village.

Zhou Yu and Dong Xi did not return all night, and everyone who received the news was already waiting on the shore.

Huang Gai, who knew the inside story, wanted to drag his injured body to the shore to show off Zhou Yu's straw boat borrowing arrows.

However, in order to confirm his identity as a traitor and prevent Cao Jun's secret operations in the camp from discovering any mistakes, he could only hide in his own camp to heal his injuries.

Cheng Pu, Han Dang and others on the bank whispered, and after waiting for a while, they finally couldn't hold back.

Pick up the navy and go to Cao Ziyou's camp.

In any case, they need to know what happened there.

After the Jiangdong Army fell into the water, they lost their will to resist.

Either die at the hands of the Xuzhou Navy, or obediently raise your hands and surrender.

Under Dong Xi's desperate cover, Zhou Yu left the encirclement and successfully reunited with his fleet.

However, Dong Xi was caught by the Xuzhou Navy and made a prisoner.

After the Jiangdong army rescued Zhou Yu, they didn't dare to stay, they hurriedly turned the bow and ran back to the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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