Dajin royal family

Chapter 109 Snow Disaster

Chapter 109 Snow Disaster
". There are 23 counties in Shandong, Shanxi, and the Central Plains. The disasters were the most serious. Residential houses collapsed, and tens of millions of livestock died of freezing. The refugees famine is uncertain, and they are wandering around. What's more, they rob the government of food relief. There have been several counties and counties. Riot." Yu Shiji didn't even have time to take a sip of tea, and told Yu Shinan the content of the memorials reported by various places this year for snow disasters.

Yu Shinan pondered for a moment, sighed, and analyzed: "The disaster situation in the Central Plains is that the food in Luokou Cang and Heyang Cang should not be feared. Shandong is really troubled this year. I'm afraid that the people will be uncertain about the disaster situation. The grain in Guangtong Cang can be obtained in Shanxi, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Now there are only two points that need to be paid attention to. One is to preside over the relief as soon as possible, and send officials to the land of Shandong for disaster relief, so as to avoid the refugee riots. The second is to let the household department prepare grain and send it to the victims as soon as possible. Otherwise, the people affected by the disaster this year The 23rd county will inevitably suffer serious damage, and the crops will not be harvested."

Yu Shiji nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Sure enough, my virtuous brother is good at disaster relief, so I can write an imperial decree, which is useless at all."

"Brother, what are you talking about at this time. The household department will take care of the disaster relief, so don't think too much about it." Yu Shinan comforted.

In Hongye's three years, just two days after the Spring Festival, the reports of snow disasters from all over the country came like snowflakes, and they were neatly stacked on the emperor's desk.

Every time the emperor opened a memorial, the numbers inside made him shudder, and it always said that "tens of thousands of people live in no fixed place".What troubled him the most was the land of the Central Plains. Luoyang was located in the hinterland of the Central Plains. The snowstorm was so severe that even the surrounding area of ​​Luoyang would not be immune.

Attendant Jia Nei stepped into the imperial study room, bowed and said back: "Your Majesty, Shang Shu Ling Zhao Wang, Hu Bu Shang Shu Lu Huaishen, left minister Gao Xun, and right minister Yang Taisu ask to see you."


Not long after, the four of them entered the imperial study room, bowed and said in unison: "See Your Majesty, Your Majesty has been around for ten thousand years."

"No." The emperor rubbed the center of his brows, and said with a wry smile: "My dear friends, I'm afraid this year will be difficult."

He sighed, and pointed to the report on the disaster situation on the table, "These are all memorials, please take a look."

The servant distributed the memorial to the four ministers, who read it for a while.

Zhao Wang said: "The most serious disaster should be in the counties and counties of Shandong. There are granaries in Shanxi and the Central Plains for relief, but in Shandong, because of the rebellion of the King of Han, there is not much food in the granary, so it must be provided by the court. "

Gao Xun agreed: "What King Zhao said is true. The people of Shandong have just stabilized, and they must be relieved immediately, otherwise the riots among the refugees will become more and more serious."

Yang Taisu said: "Your Majesty, the road is blocked by heavy snow. If you want to go to the counties in Shandong, you must prepare now, otherwise the disaster will be delayed."

Lu Huaishen cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have summoned all the officials of the household department, integrated the granaries with complete reserves, and drawn up three plans for disaster relief. First, the land of the Central Plains allows local officials to collect food from the Luokou warehouse and the Heyang warehouse. To get grain, Shanxi can get grain from Guangtong warehouse or Liyang warehouse. Counties and counties in Shandong can directly transport grain from Guanzhong for disaster relief."

The emperor nodded, saying that there was no problem with the three proposals. He frowned and said, "The road is blocked by heavy snow, and my loves have a solution."

Yang Taisu said: "Your Majesty can dispatch troops to clear the heavy snow along the way."

"Army?" Gao Xun disagreed and said, "It's time for annual retirement, and the officers and men of the army have not returned to camp. In addition, the army's supplies are also a lot of consumption. Is there something wrong?"

"There are still soldiers left behind in the twelve guards. Let them go. As for the luggage, there is no other way. This is the only way to do it because of the disaster." Yang Taisu said.

The emperor thought about the words of the two prime ministers, and then asked King Zhao what he meant.Zhao Wang thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty can ask the officials to recruit refugees along the way to clear the snow, exempt the affected areas from taxation for a year, and reward them with grain seeds. This may be possible."

The emperor's eyes lit up, this method is very good.Whether it is tax exemption or grain seeds, these must be done after the disaster relief, but this is used to deceive the refugees, and it can also find something for the victims to do to avoid the outbreak of cholera.

"Good, just do as King Zhao said." The emperor said: "The person in charge of the disaster relief this time will have to work hard on King Zhao. You and the two prime ministers draw up a charter and show it to me."


The snowstorm from all over the country soon spread to Chang'an City. Some people were glad that they had escaped in the imperial capital, and some were worried about their relatives and friends who were far away from the disaster. , as if cast a layer of gray.

Regarding the disaster, Jiang Chengxiao naturally got the news very quickly. He expressed his heartache about it, and then there was no more. As the saying goes, it has nothing to do with oneself. .This kind of thing is a headache for the court officials, and it is not his turn to bother.

After visiting Yu Shinan, Jiang Chengxiao returned to Prince Zhao's Mansion.Originally they could go back to Langya County's mansion after New Year's Eve, but Mrs. Zheng couldn't bear it, so they stayed in the mansion for a few more days.

"Where did Madam go?"

Jiang Chengxiao went back to his bedroom and found that the eldest Sun Qingyi was not there, so he asked the maid who was waiting on the side.This little girl is as delicate and charming as a green onion, and she is the girl sent by the princess to take care of him in daily life, and her name is Yu Nu.

Yu Nu saluted and said, "Madam is going to visit the third lady."

Frown sister?
"What's wrong with San Niangzi?" Jiang Chengxiao took off his coat and handed it to her.

Yu Nu said: "Today, when the third lady was walking in the inner courtyard, she accidentally fell into the lotus pond. She was very cold and had a high fever."

Fell into the lotus pond?

His brows frowned, he vaguely felt that this matter was not that simple, although it was freezing outside, but it was not difficult to recognize the location of the lotus pond, the three younger sisters had also stayed in the mansion for more than ten years, It shouldn't be so careless.

"Did A Niang and the others go to visit?" After asking this sentence, I felt that I had asked a nonsense question. The third sister was just a daughter of a concubine, so how could A Niang go to visit.

Yu Nu shook his head, "No, the concubine is drinking tea with Mrs. Lu's family today, and she hasn't returned home yet."

Jiang Chengxiao pondered for a moment, then picked up his coat and put it on, turned and left the bedroom.

The third sister fell ill, but it is not certain whether it was because of accidentally falling into the lotus pond as Yu Nu told him, because he remembered what Elder Sun Qingyi told him on New Year's Eve.

After about half a cup of tea, he arrived at the dormitory where the third younger sister lived. There were only two or three younger sisters chatting in the outer room.

The younger sisters were very surprised to see Jiang Chengxiao, because they never thought that this noble brother would come here.

"I've met you, brother." Several little sisters bowed their knees at the same time and performed the Wanfu salute.

"Well." Jiang Chengxiao nodded slightly, and said, "Get up, how is the third sister?"

An older sister said: "Third sister has taken the medicine and is better. Sister-in-law is talking with third sister inside."

"Okay, I'll go in and have a look." After speaking, he raised his footsteps and entered the inner room.

The little sisters were very surprised, and one of them said: "How can you come here today, brother?"

They looked at each other, neither quite understanding.After all, this elder brother only got close to Princess Leping in the past, and their concubine younger sisters rarely had the chance to get close to him.

In fact, Jiang Chengxiao himself couldn't say why he came here, he just suspected that the third sister didn't "accidentally" fall into the lotus pond.

Perhaps, because of the affection he felt from Zheng Shi, Zhao Wang, Le Ping, and Changsun Qingyi, his heart was touched.It's hard for him to say what the specific reason is, but it may just be that he is simply worried about his sister, who is related by blood.

It is also possible that this third younger sister is very similar to himself a few months ago.

Although they were not familiar with it before.

(End of this chapter)

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