Dajin royal family

Chapter 110 Reappearance of Sacrifice

Chapter 110 Reappearance of Sacrifice
The air in the inner room is relatively stuffy, and the layout inside is simple and unadorned, like an ordinary girl's boudoir.In the shadow of the curtain, one can be seen leaning on the wood, and the elder Sun Qingyi is sitting on the edge of the couch, and is opening the fire altar to add some charcoal to it.

Seeing Jiang Chengxiao approaching, she showed a hint of surprise on her face, and then said with a smile: "My husband heard that the third sister was ill, so I came here specially to have a look."

She has such a delicate mind that she can see her husband's intentions at a glance.


When the bride heard his voice, a look of surprise appeared on her haggard and sickly face, she never thought that this elder brother would come to see her specially.Tiao Niangzi struggled to lift the curtain, and said with an apologetic face: "I hope you will forgive me, my little sister is rude."


The eldest Sun Qingyi filled the charcoal, got up and walked to him, "I'm a little bored, husband, let's talk with the third sister for a while." After finishing speaking, she reminded in a low voice: "Husband, the third sister is a bit cold-tempered. , you have to bear more."

Then, she turned and left.

The inner room was quiet for a while, and the maiden carefully said softly: "It's all my sister's carelessness, I troubled my elder brother to come here to visit. Don't worry, elder brother, my younger sister is fine."

Jiang Chengxiao first went to the window and opened a gap to let the outside air enter the inner room, and at the same time diffuse the stuffiness and the smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the room. "Remember to ventilate the room when you are sick, otherwise it will be stuffy. I know the doctor must tell you to keep warm, but you can't completely isolate yourself. Do you think I'm right?"

His eyes calmly fell on the third sister, waiting for her answer.

"Yes, little sister remembers elder brother's teaching." She replied with a low eyebrow.Although I don't know why this elder brother came to visit her suddenly, I still feel a little moved in my heart.

Jiang Chengxiao continued: "Although the snow outside is quite deep, the surface of the lotus pond is frozen. And there is some distance between the aisle of the palace and the lotus pond, so you didn't accidentally fall into the lotus pond. Do you think, what I said Is it right?"

The frowning lady bit her pale lips, lowered her head, her blue hair fell.

Sure enough, I still can't hide it from others.

"The reason why you did this is because you don't want to marry Cui Zifu." He slowly expressed his guess.


She was silent after hearing this, and couldn't help crying after a while, sobbing softly.

Mo Ran, the third younger sister at this moment is very similar to the self who just came a few months ago, the difference is that his status determines that he will not be so isolated and helpless, while the third younger sister cannot.

Suddenly, she felt a warm and strong palm on her head, followed by a voice: "Let me try it."

There are four departments under the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Ancestral Hall, the Ministry of Food, and the Department of Hosts and Guests.Among them is a Shangshu, two servants, and the chief officials of the fourth department.The name of the chief officer is Zhonglang, and under Zhonglang is the assistant officer.

To put it bluntly, the assistant officer is a small employee, and his official position is at the seventh rank.However, the unique advantage of these assistant officials is that the imperial capital of the imperial city is promoted faster than local officials of the same rank, and their positions are also more important.

Cui Zifu is an assistant official of the Ministry of Rites, Master and Guest Division. As a direct descendant of the Qinghe Cui family, he has always felt that it is an overkill for the court to place him in this position.The host and guest department is just the department that receives foreign small countries. Unless the envoys of the small countries make offerings to the Celestial Dynasty, he has nothing to do at all, and there is no money to be made in it.

If he has nothing to do, how can he get his political achievements, and how can he be promoted.His current achievements are not only not valued by the Qinghe Cui family, but also ridiculed by the children of the same period.

Everyone has self-esteem, let alone someone like Cui Zifu who wants to get ahead.Year after year of wasting, he was disheartened and at the same time he was infected with red sand and stone powder. These two things are elixir and elixir. Every time he sips it, he feels as if he is ecstasy and becomes a Buddha immediately.

This year is even more different, because of mistakes and omissions in the sacrificial oration, the officials of the entire Ministry of Rites are now suspended at home, and his drug use has become even more violent.He ate up the one-month danshashi powder in three days.

On this day, Cui Zifu came to Xianchun Tea House in old clothes.

"Boss, do you have the stock?" Cui Zifu looked haggard, but the skin of a man in his 20s was like a dead tree branch, and his eyes were deeply sunken.Her voice was hoarse and her face was sickly.

The owner of Xianchun Tea House is a man in his 40s, full of wealth and dignity, and the guests call him Fatty Lin.

Fatty Lin took a look at Cui Zifu, and he seemed like a bright mirror in his heart in this situation, and then he had a professional smile on his face, "There are goods, this time they are all good things, Brother Cui came at the right time."

Only then did Cui Zifu realize that there was something wrong with the voice. He raised his head to look at Fatty Lin, and said strangely, "Aren't you a servant? How did you become the owner? Where is your former owner Zhao?"

Fatty Lin laughed, "Brother Cui doesn't know something. Dong Zhao's family went back to Bashu, and heard that Master Qi Tianshi has refined another elixir. Dong Zhao's family is going to buy it."

"Hmph, your Dong Zhao family is blessed." Cui Zifu took out a few coins from the purse and put them on the table, "Take two Buyuan Pills and try it first."

"Come on, you go ahead and wait in the room, you'll be here right away."

Cui Zifu walked into the guest room with ease, the room was quite simple.Cui Zifu walked onto the bed, kicked off his boots, leaned against the wall, and pulled up the quilt to cover his feet.

I have eaten up the money today, and I am afraid that I will have to go back to the mansion this month to see if I can get some more money from my mother, or sell some of the concubines at home.Well, this is also a way.Cui Zifu thought to himself, then remembered that his mother had told him not long ago that she was going to renew his marriage. The other party was the concubine's daughter of Zhao Wangfu. Although her status was lower, she might get a lot of dowry.

Zhao Wang is now the minister of the book, and he may be promoted.Thinking of this, Cui Zifu felt more and more comfortable, and wished he could take two Buyuan Pills right away to have a good time.

Not long after, Fatty Lin walked into the guest room with a copper plate in his hand.There were two red pills the size of a mouse's eye on the copper plate. When he saw the pills, Cui Zifu couldn't wait to swallow them.

It took only half a cup of tea, the pill took effect, Cui Zifu's whole body seemed to be placed in the furnace, and he felt as light as a swallow, his eyes were blurred, and he shook his head frantically in the room, twisting his body around.

Fatty Lin sneered, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly found a corner of a letter exposed from Cui Zifu's undressed clothes.He watched Cui Zifu swaying as if he had entered the land of no one, squatted down and curiously took out the white paper, opened it, and found that it was actually a sacrificial oration, and the opening sentence was: Qi Wanghang dare to declare
At the end, Fatty Lin had a trace of cold sweat running down his forehead.This is actually a sacrificial oration written by the king of Qi, and the seal of the jade seal is stamped at the end.Although he has never seen Yuxi, he still knows the eight words "Ordered by heaven, long life and eternal prosperity".

Cui Zifu was still swaying, while Fatty Lin stuffed the sacrificial text back into his clothes, turned and left the room.After going out, he walked like flying, went up to the attic, reached the innermost room on the west side, reached out and knocked on the door, "Master Si, it's me, Fatty Lin."

"Come in." A gentle voice came from inside.

Fatty Lin pushed the door and entered, and then covered the door.In the room stood a tall man standing in front of the window with his hands behind his back, leaving Fatty Lin a back view.

"How, did he eat?"

Fatty Lin said: "Eat it, Lord Si, don't worry, he will definitely not let him die here."

"Well, well done, Xianchun Tea House will be handed over to you in the future, don't let someone down."

Fatty Lin said respectfully: "Master Si, don't worry, the villain must be better than Zhao Dong's family." After a pause, he said: "Master Si, the villain is in Cui Zifu's clothes."

"What?!" Master Si turned around, staring at Fatty Lin, "What you said is true!"

"The villain dare not lie to Master Si, but the villain has never seen Yuxi, so he can't judge whether it is true."

Si Ye's face changed for a while, and then he ordered: "Remember, as long as he wants goods these two days, you will give them to him, but he can't die now, wait for my order."

"The little man understands."

(End of this chapter)

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